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Everything posted by SmpIsimon

  1. I get the impression that all Black girls look the same to TPTB.
  2. Oh yes, she’s told other girls on the team that she had to decide between being a DCC or working as a professional dancer in NY or LA. She’s been told for years that she’s amazing, and she actually believes it.
  3. You mean, who is the only one with any sense?
  4. I think her parents are ruining her chances with all the stuff they've done on social media.
  5. You'll notice that you don't see a lot of DCC commenting on VK's "dance" videos. Btw, those videos are quite the source of amusement among several of the girls (privately of course). And before you say that's wrong of them -- I think it's only fair they find some way to blow off steam regarding VK. After all, they have to kiss her butt up one side and down the other at practice so as to not get on her and TK's bad side, which leads to bad things (e.g., Jalyn).
  6. Her technique is terrible, and the fact she doesn't realize how badly these videos demonstrate that is just sad.
  7. Yes, but he damage and the publicity from the lawsuit alone would be devastating even if the Cowboys had a defense that could get it dismissed. Plus, the fact that they made them sign waivers in the first place would look even worse as it shows the powers that be were aware of the risk when they designed this version of training camp.
  8. CMT will be sequestered with the training camp candidates for the first week. The vets will come the next week. They will not be able to leave for the two weeks. I think that only works though if you have a private elevator and keep people from leaving. What could go wrong?
  9. So do I understand correctly that Kelli is having the girls go to a business for a procedure that carries with it some risk and then post about it DURING A PANDEMIC simply to try and promote that business? If so, wow, she truly doesn't care about these girls, and they're just puppets to her. I've never been so disgusted at how the DCC is being "managed" (and that's saying something). Edited to Add: If this is true, it is not only unconscionable, but legally it's stupid as hell. If one of them gets sick they could sue the hell out of the organization, and the publicity alone would likely destroy the whole brand.
  10. Wow. Sounds like Kelli has either lost control or just doesn't care.
  11. Great points. The one thing I feel confident about is that Kelli puts this stupid reality show (that, let's be honest, relatively few people watch) over all other considerations. Even if it's enjoyable on some level, it has greatly undermined the brand and now it is going to put the girls' health at risk. Truly appalling.
  12. I don’t think the girls are supposed to be taking any risks leading up to the “bubble.”
  13. Well, they’re sharing photos of themselves doing these risky things. I edited to clarify.
  14. What is so bad is that these girls aren’t just taking these risks, THEY ARE BROADCASTING IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Kelli must be beside herself at this irresponsible behavior.
  15. For this to work at all, the girls need to be responsible in the days leading up to TC and yet: 1) Lisa taught a dance class last night. If you go to her Instagram story, you can see that nobody had masks on; 2) Kristin was at dinner with friends last night, and nobody was wearing masks; and 3) Marissa had her eyebrows done yesterday -- what a stupid risk to take this close to TC. In short, these girls aren't responsible enough for this to be done safely.
  16. Agreed. It seems insane to me.
  17. Yes, and I was told certain folks expressed "concern" about working with Jinelle due to her sexuality. Sigh.
  18. Agreed. Her head looks humongous, her left eye looks wonky, and she appears to have no waist.
  19. There was and is a lot of homophobia too. Yes, but Judy never lobbied for Cassie like TK, who is constantly demanding that VK get more and goodies.
  20. It was confirmed by multiple folks that neither VK or TK attended. Other girls who had been cut did attend.
  21. Sorry, it's a good question, but I didn't get any specifics -- just that she didn't feel accepted because of that relationship.
  22. May be, or it could be she just perceived those negative reactions -- I'm just reporting what I have heard (from a few different sources).
  23. I hope this year's rookies (assuming we have rookies this year) get more support than last year's group. For instance Taylor P. chose to retire because she has a boyfriend who is black and she got some heat as a result. It's shameful how these girls are pressured to conform to some ridiculous standard. Hopefully they'll learn from this and treat Alanna better (she also has a Black boyfriend).
  24. That AND, during her first training camp, she lied about having a medical condition, lied about going to the doctor about that medical condition, and then when caught threw Jinelle under the bus. I hope it was worth it to Kelli to sacrifice all her credibility just to put a friend's underserving spawn on the team.
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