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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. The ads I remember most are the local ads, just because on TLC they seem to run a lot of local ads and our local ads are kind of low budget and cheesy. If you wrte to a local advertiser , they have almost all responded personally and will not continue support. Honestly I don't think our local sporting goods store or bank had any idea they were advertising on 19 kids. they just bought some ads. I would think the Hulu ads were viewed the most.
  2. I believe it was posted he paid off the taxes a few weeks ago? I'm not sure if it was all or just part of them. No Jim Bob would make Josh, Ben's toilet cleaning supervisor. Josh is not allowed to work underneath anyone!
  3. I think he might get back an easier life. I think Josh loved the dream of DC but found out how tiring and hectic life was and was torn between his dream of life in politics and the slower pace life of Arkansas. Remember how Josh used to barley be able to get to the car lot at 10am? and he could go out for long lunches and have Anna stop by whenever he wanted. He said in dishing with the Duggar's that he kind of missed the small house and simple times of Arkansas. Now he will have a debt free home. Yes it needs some work but it is livable. Anna doesn't seem like she needs granite and all the upgrades. His dad will find him some sort of work behind the scenes to pay the bills, maybe real estate, storage units, or some sort of buying and selling for profit. Will Josh make 6 figures, no. He will have a 5 bedroom debt free home on 2 acres and enough money to pay the bills and have a decent life. I think Josh might have wanted to travel with all the politicians in 2016 but in reality the actual work was more then he wanted. I bet he will enjoy his life in Arkansas.
  4. No, Kate Gosselin had security in her contract for a few months after filming ended. Mama June was assigned security for a month after the show was cancelled. Whatever you think of June, her house was right on a main street and the paps were yelling at her and her kids so TLC promised her security for her family's safety. I can see TLC making sure pregnant Anna had a safe move. Steve the bodyguard lives in Maryland so it was easy to send him over. Most TLC reality stars do not want full time security. I believe Kate Gosselin had demands of near full time security in her contract while filming. Other like the little couple have had security on their overseas trips. Steve can be seen in the background when they adopted Will.
  5. TLC has snuck in a couple of honey boo boo reruns in the middle of the night. It was at 1:30-2:30 am a 10 or so days ago. Honey boo boo is on my DVR for June 22nd 9pm-midnight and June 23rd from 12am-2:30am. Can anyone else check to see if Honey boo boo is listed for June 22-23, the time might be slightly different because I live in the MST with a PST feed of TLC. Either TLC wants to see if viewers complain or have forgotten about June & Mark? or maybe a deal with June?
  6. They would not gain a sponsor right now (unless a business or product asked to be included within an episode). If TLC put the show back on the air, blocks of advertising for the Duggar's demographic would be added back into the blocks cable networks sell. Most new advertisers might not even be aware until a backlash that they were advertising on 19 kids(or spin off). An advertiser will buy a block of 200, 300 500 ads reaching a certain demographic (lets say women 18-49) and then their ads are run on shows that have higher ratings in the demographic. Cable TV has channel blocks with the demographics, I remember there was a sports blocks with all the ESPN type channels, and TLC was with HGTV, Discovery, Lifetime, in a bundle of 10-12 channels. I was forced due to a move to work in the advertising department of my company for about 6 months. I was surprised that business rarely questioned what shows they were advertising on and were just focused on cost and results. At that time the TLC block was much cheaper to buy into then the ESPN block, so you could get double or triple the ads on TLC block for the same price. Many of the businesses I worked with men were deciding the ad placement and even though they wanted ESPN, they saw they value in getting 2-3 times the ads on TLC(discovery, lifetime block) and went with TLC without even knowing the shows. It was all about numbers.
  7. I wonder what In Touch or Radar could come out with and is it something more then what most of us on these boards already knows. I think the biggest bombshell would be because of Jim Bob's words. Jim Bob might have had a coach or a PR team but they didn't do a great job especially concerning the robo-call. Since Michelle couldn't answer her robo-call question herself, Jim Bob had to interject with his description of offenders. Jim Bob said Josh was 15 so he was a child preying on a child and a pedophile is someone 16 or older. Can you imagine if someone comes forward as another victim or proof that something happen when Josh was 16 or older. That is the bombshell I think the media is looking for right now.
  8. I don't know if I want the letter released, I sure don't want to see the victim identified. I would like the letter writer to give an interview about what it was like years ago in the Duggar's home church. I think most people believe Josh made his bad choices and don't want to see him on TV. Now is the time most of the public is learning about the crazy Gothard rules, the role of the Duggar women and are starting to see the truth behind the façade of a show. I would love to hear a first hand account of how the Duggar's home church was structured, who had the power, and confessing sins and these punishments and camps.
  9. The Duggar's are aware of the other shows. They choose not to do crossover shows with anything controversial and they seem to be photo shopped into the big TLC family pictures of all the shows. I wonder if they really would have gone to that TLC block party last week and if they did I bet they would have been kept separate. I think the Duggar's see themselves as the wholesome ministry show next to the shows of sin on TLC. TLC has provided the Duggar's with a PR team. Recently Jen and Bill of the little couple were in NYC and the media was all over them asking them about the Duggar's. TLC had a bodyguard with them and they said no comment. I;m sure TLC has talked to all the TLC stars about how to handle the Duggar's. I also think they talk to Jim Bob and Michelle about the other programs to give them a heads up in case they are out in public and someone says, Michelle what do you think of Cougar grandmother lovers or that guy that went to the ER with a XYZ on his privates.
  10. I have not been able to get why Jim Bob said he had to take a witness to the police station out of my mind. The police officer said Jim Bob only had Josh confess it happened one time. What if Jim Bob took the witness to prove to the 5th victim's parents that Josh had confessed to the police? Maybe the 5th victim's parents were going to go to the police so Jim Bob said he wanted Josh to turn himself in and he would have the witness (maybe a church elder) prove Josh confessed. The police officer might have just given Josh a stern lecture because Josh confessed to touching a babysitter once on a couch and a babysitter would not have been a small child, probably closer to Josh's age so it wouldn't be as big a deal as incest. If the babysitter didn't file a complaint and Jim Bob said Josh got counseling to the officer maybe the officer (even though he had his own issues) thought a one time incident between non-related people of similar age and the victim isn't filing was worth a full CPS investigation.
  11. Horrible show name, reminds me of Brady Brides but if you think about it TLC would not want the Duggar name in the title. TLC also isn't very creative with show names. The Gosselin's had an episode where they took the twins to the American Girl doll store so there was advertising in exchange for free products. While there are way more product placements then we ever realize, I don't think American girls was one of them on 19 kids. Someone was talking about dolls and Josie? said American girl dolls and it seemed like it wasn't suppose to come out. I could be wrong and it was a sly product placement. If there is any proof it was a product placement American girl is one sponsor I would write to.
  12. Jim Bob still thinks he is frugal because he buys the kids used shoes and clothes and buys used beds. He isn't seeing that as the girls drive to the goodwill 30 minutes away to buy a $5 used shirt and they are buying a $5 starbucks and using $20 shampoo in an newer SUV that gets 14mpg. They also are eating out and buying more easy to prepare foods, in fact during 17 kids he said the food budget was $1500 a month and in 19 kids , well it was 18 because Josh was married, the food budget was $5k a month. Don't tell me losing Josh and gaining Josie and Jordyn costs $3500 a month in food! I really hope Jim Bob put aside lets say at least 40k (one episode) per kid. In Arkansas 40k could get a small starter house or fixer upper or a big chunk of a down payment. Since they homeschool and own businesses unlike most of us they don't need to look in the best school district or be close to work. I think Jim Bob will find quiet businesses to run like his storage units. How many people know who owns their storage unit? The 4 kids that will have the hardest time if the money dries up are the 4 youngest girls. The older kids remember the lean years and I don't think it will ever be as lean as the 1990's when they lived in the trailer. The middle boys seem to get the shaft with the used clothes, beds and poor schooling. The youngest girls having been getting the new clothes and toys. Recently Josie. Mac and Jodryn all in new Gymboree were playing with a bunch of American girl dolls. This is just 1000% different then the four oldest girls who at that age were living in a 2 bedroom trailer with 1-2 used toys each, a blanket and 5 shared outfits. These interviews have gone badly. The general public I don't think wants to see them on TV but they still have a following. They will still have some income from speaking and confernces if the show and media money goes away. I think Jim Bob will be most upset that his profit margin goes down for his speaking fees. Right now TLC pays for the gas in the bus and lodging for many of the speaking tours and we see an episode of the Duggars doing something nearby. I'm sure Jim Bob will cringe paying $500 every time he fills up the bus for the tours.
  13. I was tired and typed in 2 brides and 2 grooms and it sure would not be a Duggar approved page. It was a page with gay wedding photography. It does make me wonder how much Jill & Jessa search facebook. I don't use facebook personally but I do peek at family & friends pages. It is so easy to go from one person to the next person and end up looking at a strangers page across the country with some crazy pictures or stories. I just can't imagine Jessa or Jill hasn't look around the internet more then the recipes and Bible stuff they admit to if they have official facebook pages. When I found the 2 brides and their grooms page, I thought it was most likely a fan page. It does show that these Duggar fan pages get lots of likes fast. I'm sick of Fox rerunning this interview. Fox is in between the 2 channels I watch the most and as I flip by our family jokes about what catch phrase we will hear, over the clothes, bad choices, his heart, paid for his own therapy and if I turn the volume off the body language is just as bad. Jill and Jessa seemed cold and distant with each other as they were pouring their hearts out and ugh watching Michelle starring at Jim Bob is sick. I tried starring at my husband tonight and after about 30 seconds I couldn't do it without laughing.
  14. What was worse was Jill said she planned to use the same safeguards in her home! As for Josh paying for is counseling, several ideas: Jim Bob said he had insurance then so maybe Josh just made a co-pay? Lets say the insurance did not cover mental health or had a high deductible , I can't imagine there wasn't a sliding scale facility so how much would they make a family of 16 pay for therapy pre-TLC money? Not much or the therapy was at the Church of Gothard and the payment wasn't money. Plus how much could a 15 year old young teen boy have when he made .03 a chore or did he get therapy once he was a 16 year old adult with his own business?
  15. Jill and Jessa and saying Josh was a normal curious boy in puberty. I would like Jill a married mother of a son to tell us what she is going to do different raising her child? Will she use the same "safeguards"? Will she have Derick give their son some actual sex education?
  16. I never watch The Talk, didn't even know who the panelists were these days. Today Piers Morgan was talking about the interview tonight. The audience booed every time he said the word Duggar or Josh. At the end he asked the audience if even if they were fans before would anyone watch the show again and it was a big NO. Then Julie Chen looked into the camera and said Jim Bob and Michelle you failed as parents and they cut the segment. I hope TLC sees the public does not want the Duggars and isn't buying the "act".
  17. Josh won't be on tv because TLC doesn't want Josh anymore. Josh is done with 19 kids. Jim Bob and Michelle have admitted they are trying to save the show. Jill & Jessa are appearing to test the waters for a spin off. No need to have Jinger on, she isn't courting or pregnant. TLC and Jim Bob knows the money is coming in from Jill and Jessa. How can anyone say anything rude about them if they are victims and have forgiven Josh.
  18. I just saw the clip. Megyn calls Josh a young boy. I was thinking I consider a young boy 6-10ish, but I realize different people have different definitions of young vs mature vs older. Then remember the Duggar's kids get driving permits at age 14. They Duggar's boys have gotten their own gun at age 14 or younger. The Duggar's "graduate from Homeschool" at 16. So do they let their young son Josh drive and own a gun? and he graduated from homeschool 1 year after this happened. Most people would consider a male that drives, owns a gun and is about to finish their education a young adult not a young boy. I would love the question, so the mistake happened when Josh was 15 when he was a young boy and then he went to a 3 month hard labor camp, got adequate counseling and managed to graduate from homeschool and start a political media firm all within 1 year of the mistake? Editted because I just remembered wasn't young boy Josh courting at 14?
  19. I live on the edge of the MST/PST time zone and get 2 feeds. You are correct my MST fox says 7pm and my PST says 6pm. I won't be able to watch live because I fear my blood pressure would get too high. Set my non cable box DVR (not giving them ratings) and will see reactions before I carefully watch what I predict to be several segments of their back story(debt free, early marriage) and then lots of turning the "crime" into the obtaining of the report and not of the abuse.
  20. If I remember correctly Josh's big break came when he had to step in for Santorum a few times on the campaign trial giving speeches. This was when Santorum's youngest was ill. Josh was called the face of the young conservative family. Tony Perkins talked about it on one of Josh's first radio shows. FRC clearly had a plan for Josh. He was to get his feet wet and then during this election season he was going to be living in the FRC RV/Bus traveling to country on a grass roots mission to get the young conservatives rallied up. I feel Josh was a good fit for the job (not counting his past). If the FRC bus came to my city with Josh, I'll admit I would have gone to see it for a few minutes out of curiosity. If the FRC bus came without Josh, no way would I have considered going anywhere near it. When Josh first got his job I was pretty mad at his fast track. I also had a good friend who was brilliant, went to the best schools, and started in the mail room for peanuts and was abused by everyone above them. I remember thinking this is the one of the smartest people I know, why would they turn down Goldman Sachs and other incredible international offers to work in a mail room for a politician and live in one room eating ramen. My friend lasted 2 years and then took a job overseas and then settled in the San Fran area. I went to his wedding and the connections he made in those 2 years in D.C. were incredible. He also had the best stories to tell about who he worked for. He says that hard work taught him what he wanted and was better experience for real life then his 3 ivy league degrees. I hope that Josh has learned something from his D.C. job. Maybe it will just be he appreciates Arkansas more. I can only hope it has humbled him. I don't want to see him on my tv on a regular show again. If he does give one interview I would hope we could see the real Josh Duggar once. Even if he won't talk directly about his mistake. Is he that arrogant boy we saw in 17 kids as the narrator or the episodes and know it all? Would he ever admit to the stress of being a first born with a limited knowledge of the world? Did he want a career in politics or was it his dad's dream he was living? I really wonder does he even understand why the majority of the public is mad? Maybe he was so sheltered he told over and over again he was forgiven and healed, he believed nothing would come of this. I guess if we ever got the truth out of Josh about how sheltered he was raised and what his faith taught and his lack of schooling the Duggar's last 1% would implode.
  21. You would be surprised at how many people spend years getting an education and go and work for political or religious organizations many times for low wages. Living in Utah it doesn't even shock me anymore. I know many employees of the LDS church that think it is an honor to work for their church but get paid far under their value(jobs like LCSW's, certified teachers, & CPA's ) and must remain a temple recommend holder to keep their job(so the church gets back 10% of the low salary as well). The latest People magazine article made me a bit ill. The Cross church pastor (the article says he is the Duggar pastor but I think he is Jill's pastor? unless the church of Jim Bob has been dis-banned) of course preaches forgiveness for Josh but somehow adds in Bruce Jenner is the sinner. I'm hoping somehow he was misquoted because a sermon on forgiving Josh and sins should not include Bruce Jenner being needing forgiveness for changing his gender? I'm no Kardashian fan but I have watched the last 3 specials with Bruce and his family talking about his transition and I felt it was from the heart and honest, two things I can't say about the Duggars right now.
  22. The FRC salaries were posted and the lowest paid executive was over 125k (a female) and the salaries went over 200k. Of course I believe that almost everyone else had at least a college degree if not graduate work. I would find it hard to believe Josh would be paid less. His expenses had to be very high, on top of rent instead of free Grandma Duggar's house, he had 8 vehicles with him. He could no longer grab a dealer plate like he did at the car lot. I can't imagine Maryland having dirt cheap car insurance? Josh was there because of his last name. He flew around the country and met various supporters and had some photo ops (now I'm sure many people would love to forget they posed with him). He also did some radio shows for FRC. Not to defend his high salary but how many people had heard about FRC or followed what they were doing before Josh? I had heard about the shooting before Josh was employed there but that was it. Josh's 18 months at FRC got more people talking about it then all the other 150k executives with degrees and that is exactly why he was hired. If this scandal didn't happen, Josh & Anna and there 4 kids including a newborn would have been traveling this fall to kick off the 2016 campaigns in the FRC RV pro life tour bus. Josh was to be the face of the young conservative large family. I always thought that it was sure a high pressure job in a way that kind of part of your employment requirements is to keep having kids and traveling with your young kids. I love my kids but I only traveled with a newborn and 1 toddler on a plane 3 times, all out of necessity (funerals & wedding) and I would not want to do it as a living every election season.
  23. His rental in Maryland was in Oxon Hills. I'm not familiar with this area but Ihave heard people who are saying the rent might be more reasonable because it is a less desired school area? Obviously Anna was homeschooling so space was more important then schools. I thought the rent was around $3k after seeing a link a year ago on Zillow when people were questioning if Josh was going to stay or buy a new home. Yesterday there was an article comparing Josh rental home (saying it was $3500 a month) and his new "used" foreclosure in Arkansas which cost 55k (a steal if you ask me for a mini TTH on a big piece of land, all it needs is some new flooring and paint, nothing major). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3102594/Goodbye-Washington-D-C-hello-Siloam-Springs-Disgraced-Josh-Duggar-s-secret-plan-escape-50k-Arkansas-house-child-abuse-scandal-ruins-propects-political-career.html Remember Josh made somewhere between 140-175k plus perks & benefits for his hate job with FRC.
  24. There are questions Megyn could ask without even talking about Josh or the victims. If this interview is about the parents and on a news channel that cover politics, I say she needs to ask Jim Bob about his statements he made while running for office. There is no reason she could not ask him about incest being a capital offense. She could also ask him what his definition of incest was? rape? touching? While this might not be the questioning most of us want to hear about, the questions we want won't get asked. If she got Jim Bob to admit more about his political views and statements on incest , it might put more heat Jim Bob to get out of the spotlight or at least get out of the spotlight for a longer time. Another non controversial question I hope is asked , is what is Josh planning on doing now to support his son to be family of 6. I can see Jim Bob says Josh just bought a foreclosure and he will be fixing it up for awhile and focusing in on his family. How many 27 year old father of 4 small kids with a GED who just lost a job could afford to buy a home and not work. Then the Duggars will need to admit how much the show and selling stories and interviews pays the bills these days. Jim Bob can claim he was debt free before the show (and living bare bones poor) but Josh is just starting out. 18 months working in DC with $3500 a month rent and 3+ kids does not mean he could have saved enough to buy a house for cash and live without working. My wish is that the interview would have been live. I would rather have Tony perkins or Bill Gothard or Mike Huckabee interview the Duggars if it was live. I have a feeling Jim Bob would make a few mistakes and deviate from his "perfect scripted words" if the interview was live.
  25. Thanks for pointing that out. I have seen her agree with Tony Perkins of the FRC almost weekly on her show so I doubt she is going in with the hard questions. I bet the interview is much like the parody video on funnyordie a few day ago.
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