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Everything posted by helpmerhonda

  1. Those opening credits creeped me the eff out.
  2. I actually did pretty well today. I got maple, Daytona 500, Richard Petty, Outlander, passive-aggressive, ICU, and Gertrude Stein. FJ was an instaget. I just read that damn book during quarantine - all 1,153 pages of it.
  3. Golly. I don't think I've ever won anything before.
  4. 4/5 because golf is stupid. (I might add it's only stupid because I don't know anything about it.)
  5. It hurts my soul that my alma mater was a TS.
  6. This is the notebook that I am recording my scores in. Accurate.
  7. I'm in, and I will likely be as aggressively average as I have been in years past.
  8. Just when I started to like Bayleigh a little bit...
  9. I've only been called to jury duty once. Them: Do you think you can tell when someone is lying? My response: Well, I'm a high school teacher. People are lying to me all day long. Them: Thank you number 24; you're dismissed. And then they kept a lady who was friends with the judge. Okay. ETA: My father (older white male) gets called ALL. THE. TIME. He once had to report for a grand jury once a week (maybe every other week?) for a year.
  10. They said he had interviewed them on GMA, I think.
  11. Think my answer of "The one that helped the Titanic...it starts with a C..." would have been accepted?
  12. I know! It became one of those things that, even though I knew exactly how it was going to turn out, I kept watching and thinking the outcome might change. LOL 😃
  13. I was hoping for a better performance from my fellow Auburn Tiger. Alas.
  14. A local animal shelter cleverly names their kittens that are up for adoption. I'm not a cat person, or I'd adopt John Pawlover in a minute.
  15. Am I the only one who finds it icky when Anthony makes boob jokes about his mother?
  16. I feel like the judges are even more irritating this year since they ask every single act that comes through the door, "Aren't you surprised to see US? Aren't you so nervous now that you know that WE are here?" or some shit.
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