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Posts posted by preeya

  1. 2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

    Yeah....I wasn't feeling the new character very much.  I think maybe that's why, she had such bad dialogue.  Plus....a person really can't get to that stage in life with those woo-woo beliefs--especially through the police academy--and realize they are not mainstream, and that police work is allllll about mainstream.  Maybe if they spent a little bit more time on her history, on how the psychic helped her family, and then she found that psychics sometimes work with police, that would provide an explanation why she suddenly felt it was OK to let her freak flag fly. 

    I'm willing to bet her "psychic prowess" will be instrumental in bringing down Rosalind.

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  2. 20 hours ago, nittany cougar said:

     I don't know if it's the writing or the direction, but the scene lacked any emotional punch.  

    Yes, three episodes into this season and there is definitely something off.

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  3. A validictorian with NO criminal record and a his girl friend (high school student) acting like hardend criminals. A little OTT for me.

    Two runners tonight. They will never learn how to pursue perps.

    Scola playing an over the top love interest, not a good fit.

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  4. On another note regarding Alex. Last season before he got injured he was quite the athelete (baseball, if I recall), so what happened to that. He seems rehabilitated and should have resumed his baseball dream, or it should have been mentioned as to why not.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Gregg247 said:

    I was talking this show up to some friends last week and I described it as a "dramedy" since they have such a light-hearted team.  Then this episode happened.  :(  Tonight's episode focused on the 2 things "The Rookie" does poorly - undercover stories and serial killers.

    Every time they have someone go undercover, the cop(s) act tough in the same way as all the other cops going undercover do on the show, and the bad guys (who are always inter-changable with all the other generic bad guys on this show) go through the usual cocky-dangerous-threatening act that all the bad guys on this show do.  I can always tell how dangerous these bad guys actually are by looking at the clock and seeing how long it'll take to wrap the case up and get back to the station for a bit of comedy at the end.

    Serial killers are nasty.  I had my fill of them from watching "The Mentalist" for all 7 seasons and I don't relish going through "Red John lite" on this show (Officer Bradford would know all about THAT.) **  

    Maybe I'm an old fogey, but I like when the cast are in their patrol cars, solving cases and investigating crimes while chatting in between calls and doing rookie training.

    ** - The actor who plays Tim was an FBI agent on "The Mentalist" who was secretly a disciple of Red John.  He even got engaged to Grace simply so he could keep an eye on the team for RJ.  Good to see him on the good guys' side now.

    I was a fan of The Mentalist. I never made the connection to Bradford. Thanks for the info, and great writeup.

    And I'm all for ending Rosalind, ASAP.

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Msample said:

    The endless spamming of commercials for the insufferable “FEDS” spin off along with the reference to the “ROOKIE UNIVERSE” leave me with the queasy feeling we’re going to be subjected to more crossovers. Ugh. 


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  7. 6 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

    Is it at all realistic that Ian is now clear of his pancreatic cancer? Isn’t it the case that it usually goes undetected until it’s late in the game? Especially given how he was in denial about the pain he was experiencing. 

    The miracle of TV scriptwriting ↑

  8. 3 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    That's not the term I would use, because OA explicitly made sure to not further endanger anyone but himself.
    But if I was OA's mom, I'd be yelling at him, using the word "Stupid" repeatedly. 
    I'd also tell him I appreciated his heroic selflessness (which I'm guessing was what the writers were going for), but then I'd go back to yelling Blah! Blah! Blah! Stupid! Blah! Stupid! etc.

    However, OA was only not being an asshole if he was 100% sure there was no one who could be blown up where he drove the bomb to. 

    The point I was trying to make is a comparison between Scola's actions and OA's actions.

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  9. If I recall, and his may not be 100% correct, wasn't there a situation last season(?) where Scola did something "heroic" with a bomb situation and got totally chastized for it. So why this season, is OA being made a HERO without any reservations, even though he disobeyed TWO direct orders from his supervisor to stand down and evacuate the scene. IMHO, he acted like a total asshole. 

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  10. 31 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

    Hasn't this show already done the addict surgeon, or am I mixing it up with every other medical show ever?

    You can't mix it up, as its on every medical show. That said it was Dr. Bell that was popping pills before he became a good guy.

    Wondering what became of Billie's son???

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  11. 1 hour ago, anna0852 said:

    I was actually thinking the opposite. That it makes total sense for May to be a fish out of water socially. She's spent the last two years working an intense, stressful job that carries heavy responsibilities. She's used to interacting with older adults and being treated as their peer. She was maintaining her own home, from her own paycheck. And her job has made her very aware of the world and its issues. She's grown a LOT in the last two years.

    May is in a completely different place mentally and emotionally. She'll probably do very well academically but will struggle socially. Especially with dorm life. She's going from living on her own, on her own terms to communal living with rules about visitors/quiet hours/alcohol etc. That has the potential to be a rough transition. 

    I'll be willing to wager that at some point there will be a crisis situation at her college and her 9-1-1 skills will kick in, where she'll become a badass heroine.

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  12. 12 hours ago, paigow said:

    Motel manager going to make the mistake of blackmailing Thony.

    As soon as I saw the actor (Mac Brandt) playing the motel manager I knew there would be repucussions to the "accident."  He always plays a sleazy character.


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