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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Thank you for this. Some of the comments here make me so sad - it shows that there is still a stigma to people with mental health issues. I get that these participants didn't choose their partners and so had no say in whether they want to deal with someone (like the diabetes with Katie last season) with health issues, but this is something that can be controlled. And I would rather be with a nice guy that is dealing with depression than a total asshole such as a Matt, Luke or Zach. Now there is something that has no treatment........
  2. You are forgetting a fourth option - someone from production put her up to it to spur on the drama they so clearly mapped out as the story line for Brett and Olivia........so far, they haven't been cooperating as he's been pretty pleasant up until now and she likes him......
  3. Oh one more thing - the dreaded 7 rating - clearly Olivia didn't watch the Dallas season. Never a 7!!!! Brett should call Amber to commiserate.........
  4. Ok, lots of things in this episode stuck out to me, so here goes..... Ok Olivia, take it down a notch. I think she worked herself into that tizzy for nothing, aided by the shitty promptings of her "friend" ChristinA. Her interactions with Brett reminded me of the movie When Harry Met Sally when he's describing her: "There are two kinds of women: high maintenance and low maintenance." Sally: "Which one am I?" Harry: "The worst one. You're high maintenance, but you think you're low maintenance." I think this pretty much sums up Olivia. Miss 70 and Sunny has a lot of rules and expectations. She thinks she's easy to get along with but in reality she is uptight and demanding. Bummer. My husband and I laughed at Brett's comeback at ChristinA when she said she didn't like that he refused to answer the rating question. I can't remember exactly, but something like "How terrible for you." or some such. Girl, shut up and mind your own business. She deserved that. Henry actually showed some personality. Him paddle boarding was hilarious for some reason. He was good at it! I have wanted to try that for so long - it's on my bucket list for Hawaii. We go almost every summer (sadly, not this year) and every year I say I'm going to do it, and every year we get busy and it never happens! Karen bugged so much this episode! She is gorgeous, but her outfit on Unfiltered was too much. Is she leaving the couch and going straight to a pageant??? What was up with the evening gown???? I loved her hair though. On to the episode.....I cannot fathom what she means when she calls Miles "emotional" and insinuates that he is not "masculine" because he is open, honest and shares his feelings. Those things are not mutually exclusive! I assume she means he's weak? Wow. She needs to re-evaluate her priorities because the "masculine" guy she was dating before cheated and had a kid with someone else. Sweetie, your picker is broken. The experts did you a solid matching you with Miles and you are going to screw it up. I freaking loved Amelia's song! Maybe the show should hire her to do the music - the stuff they use now is so terrible! When they made the fort though I had Katy Perry's Teenage Dream in my head...... Amani and Woody FTW. I really hope they make it. I will be so sad if they don't! Yes, I realize how I sound saying that.....I have no life.......... They are now my favorite MAFS couple of all time. Love them. And her dress on Unfiltered was awesome.......
  5. I think it was an almost immediate "no" from her too - from the TH at the end of the wedding night where she couldn't even remember his name, to "his friends are nice" in response to something she likes about him, to "he's a lot different than guys I usually date", to "I'm trying to figure out why the experts paired us together". Stick a fork in this one, it's done.
  6. 100% accurate! Horrible for both of them - For Keith to be put in that damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, and for Iris to be matched with a man that has a value pack sized box of condoms in his drawer........
  7. Hello @TheMediumBopper! This is the show that made me finally turn from lurker to poster too! 😜 I have to disagree re: the dullness. I site his statement that the trampoline was the craziest thing he's ever done. What!?! I do not think all introverts are boring, but he really seems to be. And even if it's just the cameras and process that has made him crawl into his shell, that means he was never a good candidate for this show.
  8. Hmmm, that's debatable. Kristin is conventionally pretty to me, but her bitchy drunk self is less so. Cristina is more exotic looking but the double chin is tragic! Also on the down side, her statuesque height is definitely a negative for Henry..........
  9. Fixed it for you. And agreed, he is painful to watch.
  10. I completely agree, but I still find him odd and unfortunately for both, incompatible with his wife. The producers and/or the experts are assholes for putting them together.
  11. I agree that it’s not her job to “get him out of his comfort zone, but my God, he is one boring person. They are completely mismatched. I do think they edit for maximum effect of whatever storyline they are pushing, but the facts are that this is a guy who has reached the age of 35 and has not traveled, nor learned how to swim, has trouble maintaining eye contact when speaking and thinks jumping on a trampoline smaller than what can be found at the local Chuck E Cheese is “the craziest thing (I’ve) done in my life!” I feel sorry for both of them because both will end up miserable. The problem for me is that with someone else, she could have been successful here. I cannot fathom who they could have paired Henry with successfully. He is too introverted for this show. Cristina wondered correctly why they were matched. I do too - I mean, there isn’t even a love of mutual cats to fall back on. Only reason had to be the drama....
  12. I agree with so much of what you said. I do disagree that it’s the first time there is no villain. Trey and Vanessa, Dave and Amber (although some disagree re:Dave, but I liked him), Will and Jasmine, and Iris and Keith. I don’t think these are horrible people, just horribly mismatched.
  13. I don't think she was that upset; hence the permission slip jab back at him. Just imagine how Dallas Amber would have reacted! I think she recognizes he is a good guy even with his "10 monogamous relationships". If anything, her backstory is more eyebrow raising than his. I would have asked over what time frame did these relationships occur? How many in the last 3 years? Because if he's counting all the way back to high school, who cares??? In any case, she obviously likes him - she climbed into the hammock with him at the end, didn't she? 😜
  14. This. I thought she for sure was going to be the problem here, but no, it's him. I give her credit for trying, but it was really unfair of "the experts" to turn her into a de facto life coach. It's okay to match people who are different but compliment each other (like Ashley & Anthony), but expecting one partner to "help so and so to do blah blah blah", just no. That's just code for "you need to fix this glaring personality flaw in your partner." Not fair at all, especially since this person thought they were getting a partner, not a project. And Henry is definitely a project.
  15. Another of my favorite Amani moments: her expression in the TH when trying to describe Henry and Cristina. It's probably too much to ask from this show, but it would be so refreshing if when they do the "Do you want to continue?" episode halfway through, if she just said, "No, I do not". We are not a good match. This is going nowhere." But still, I would like to reiterate what a better season this is compared to last season. By now, we had the Meka and Michael liar storyline going and Brandon passive aggressively ignoring Taylor all day. So far, the only drama here is that Henry is a dud......
  16. Yes, it was. I admit I got a little teary myself. I wasn't a small child, but my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time when I was 15. She was sick on and off until she passed when I was 34. It brought back sad memories of my own dealing with a sick parent. I am glad that his mom seems ok now, albeit kind of wacky.
  17. Well then, call me a liar - I have never done it! It honestly never even occurred to me that people do that until well past marriage when talking to my husband one time. I might put shoes in my suitcase on top of my clothes and sit on my bed fully clothed, but apparently I have found the limit on what grosses me out! 😛 I freaking love Woody and Amani. They might be my favorite MAFS couple of all time. I loved the outing in the boat - it looked like so much fun. The ease of conversation between the four of them was nice. "Bop! Bop!" made me laugh, and it was the first time it seemed Karen removed the stick up her butt. I swear, she is in a race with Henry for most boring. Do you think either of them will speak in anything other than monotone the entire series???? I seriously feel sorry for Cristine. Imagine having to quarantine with him. She did not get married to have a project "fixing" this guy. Shame on his friends for browbeating him into doing this (that is the only explanation I can find for how he ended up here), and shame on the experts for picking him. So far so good with Olivia and Brett, but this is not going to last. And I don't know why they are being so coy about the sex. I can't decide if it's because they have since he's obviously not picky and a total hound dog, or because they haven't and they don't want to discuss it. I'm with totally with Bennett - I want to know! Speaking of...... I cannot believe Bennett went swimming in his underwear! What a doofus! But again, nice seeing people having fun. And that is how you react to your spouse ACCIDENTALLY losing their wedding ring, Iris! I thought Bennett and Amelia looked completely greasy in their first breakfast scene, but I kind of liked Amelia's tied off top and bohemian skirt when they were playing chess. Not my style at all, but a good look for her. Her non-response when Bennett asked if she would settle somewhere after residency was a little concerning. And for real, that Xcaret resort looks amazing. My husband and I went on an excursion to the Xcaret nature preserve and water park 17 years ago for our 5th anniversary when we were in Cancun. It was cool, but I don't think that resort was there. I totally want to go back and stay there!
  18. Aha! I was married looong before speed dating was a thing. Thanks for the information! 😋
  19. Oh my heart - that was awesome! And she was so kind - I always knew Mary Ann was the best! Me too! I would have been super nervous doing that and I am not on the spectrum! I felt so bad for both of them, but I am glad they went to the Comic Con. Michael was delightful. I loved watching his face at the speed dating - looking so bored when the girl was going on about her business, and then lighting up when he talked to someone with a common interest. I wondered if the participants were coached to ask what are your hobbies/interests? Because these people seem to navigate the initial conversations with a stranger better than some neurotypicals I know, especially some teens who are used to looking at a phone and just texting....... I think everyone would benefit from learning how to talk to people better!
  20. Well, Jason and Courtney were married five years, so to me that is "many" years. I wouldn't put the divorce on the experts for a poor match. I would still consider this a successful match even though they ultimately divorced. Tom and Lily was shorter (14 months), but to me, that was also a successful match. I'm not arguing about who is divorced, but just that I would include these two as successes for the show.
  21. Although I would asterisk two of those divorces. Both Courtney and Jason and Tom and Lillian were married well past the expiration date of people who chose to stay married but divorced post show. I think they deserve to be considered successful matches even though it didn’t work out long term.
  22. I think they need some successes to legitimize this nonsense, plus more successful couples add new blood to their stable of "stars" for the couples cam show......... It's really hard, because both this forum and the facebook fan group I'm in reviled last season as garbage, but I know the ratings were really good. And the worst people generate the most responses. Happy normal people are pretty boring. I think they've struck gold this season because so far Bennett and Amelia are entertaining kooks who get along, and Woody and Amani are fun and funny and getting along. This is the best case scenario for me personally.
  23. They both told the experts they wanted kids, but when they talked to each other on the honeymoon they both admitted they really didn't want kids.
  24. You are totally right about that. His presence at brunch with Cristina's family it was exactly the same way. They were trying to make conversation and there was a lot of awkward silences. I cannot fathom what his bitchy friends see in him other than a designated driver for their nights out?
  25. Except Collin Robinson has the opposite problem - he won't stop talking about mundane boring topics nobody cares about. Henry never says anything, interesting OR boring! Also, Collin Robinson doesn't have any trouble making eye contact 🙂
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