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Everything posted by caitmcg

  1. I don't think Peggy having those feelings in Season 7 is inconsistent with who she was in the earlier seasons, so much as it's the difference between being in her early 20s, with her first real job and chance to be independent (and having discovered something she loves to do), and being 30 and considering what her future might hold outside her career as well as in it.
  2. This is the same scene where he says he's been forty for months already anyway, and Megan responds, "When are you going to get over that? You're forty now." That just tells me that whatever he's told her, she has no clue about his psyche. He wears Don Draper both as a defense against where he came from and also a veneer over Dick Whitman, who he is still and will always be inside.
  3. I prefer crunchy, but creamy is still peanut butter, so it's all good to me. I only like natural, though; sugar tastes all wrong in peanut butter to me, probably because I grew up on natural. My favorite is Santa Cruz Organic Dark Roast. It's expensive, but it has the best, deepest peanut flavor.
  4. Trailer... Very much not my speed, but best of luck to them!
  5. I have been using the Neutrogena Sheer Zinc SPF 50, and it works for me. The white cast isn't an issue for me because I'm pretty fair, and within say 10 minutes of application it fades down on my skin. This formula does dry down on me (my skin is normal tending to slightly dry), but I don't generally wear foundation or other face makeup, so I can't speak to how that works over it. Last year, I had to switch up some skincare products because I had been using moisturizers from a local purveyor that went out of business (after 45 years). I have since been using Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream, and I will repurchase. I've also got a big pot of Clinique All About Eyes Rich that will probably last me well over a year. I have used the hyaluronic acid from The Ordinary and it worked well on my dryish skin, so I will repurchase sometime soon, probably along with a vitamin C serum and a retinoid serum. I am lucky in that I do not have any skincare issues, and I am mostly lazy enough that I do just the minimum (moisturizer and sunscreen), but I do want to address the fine lines on my forehead and under my eyes.
  6. He said he kind of designed the dress with her in mind, and he thought he remembered her measurements, but that either he didn't or perhaps she lost weight. Given that he said the dress fit in the hips, but he had to take the waist in like seven inches, his memory may have been at fault.
  7. To be fair, even among established designers there is rarely something that truly seems sui generis, and as we've all no doubt noticed, trends are cyclical anyway. So Sebastian isn't the first person to send slouchy satin pantsuits down the runway — that's hardly a surprise. But I certainly wouldn't argue that Sebastian's signature seaming and the way he deploys it, or his laser-cut and woven leather and belt designs aren't original, and those things (one or more of them) figured into almost every look in his collection.
  8. As far as I can tell, that's pretty much par for the course as far as directions for prepping soft-shell crab goes. If you're still in search of reasons to be put off Prune, how about that IT HAS NO INDEX. Or, there's that recipe for "dead celery" that sounds resourceful till you realize it requires pounds and pounds of expensive meat. (Good luck finding it, what with the book having no index.) I'm sure Hamilton is a great chef, but her book went back to the library without my trying a recipe. I do have friends who swear the salt and pepper pork chop technique is worth the price of the book, however.
  9. You can see Tim Gunn's various roles at Parsons here, but the short version is that he served as assistant director of admissions, associate dean, and chair of the fashion design department, roles in which he developed some programs and curricula for the school. He wasn't an instructor, though.
  10. Ha. Three years ago, I repainted my small bedroom in a light gray. I had no idea I was on trend, I just thought the color scheme (pale gray with cream trim) worked well in the space.
  11. The fix was so clearly in for her that season because she was beautiful, stylish, and had great styling sense, even though she had no real construction skills. That actually made me bail on the show until this season and the shift back to Bravo.
  12. They were in Raleigh, NC. I know a guy who lives there whose house is also adjacent to a woodsy area like that, so there are clearly parts of town that are less citified.
  13. Any designer who has watched the show prior to competing knows they will be required to do another look for their collections at the last minute.
  14. Yes, yes, yes. I actually rewound my DVR looking for that stupid throw and finally saw it peeping out of a basket on the floor. I saw another throw on the couch. And that ugly rattan hanging lamp!! Just no. Whereas I rewound twice looking for that lamp that Carter "had to" use, and nope, did not see it. Speaking of Carter, he always seems to have more than a hundred dollars of the budget unspent ($149 and change this time). Paige's tone when talking about how far under budget he was was complimentary, but shouldn't the point be to get everything out of it that they can. Vern always seemed to give the most bang for the buck and even in the old days, he talked about how he shopped warehouse sales for items he might be able to use in a room, and actually gave people some quality pieces that way, plus he uses the budget. But then, he's an actual designer. In this episode, a major facet of "bringing the outdoors in" was using foraged fresh greenery in decor projects, which will have withered and died in a few days. And Carter's "living wall" seems unsustainable even beyond needing a ladder to water the top half of panels that they couldn't get directly in front of due to the bedside tables, because the plants were left in the 3- and 4-inch plastic pots they came in. Even I, not the greenest of thumbs, know that if you don't promptly transplant them they'll quickly grow root-bound. And how much natural light were they going to get in that location? The less said about the chaise the better.
  15. In a lot of FW runway photos I've seen, it's clear that what they intend for the models to wear under the clothes is nothing, including when they are sheer and unlined. But as for being worn in the "real world," when you see many of their designs in celebrity red-carpet appearances, not only have they been at least partially lined, they've either been altered to accommodate appropriate undergarments, or so that there is support built into the construction of the garments (e.g., backless gowns that still offer structure to wrangle and support the bust). I agree that it would be great to take this into account in a challenge, such that even if the contestants don't have the experience or expertise to build that into the clothes, they'd still have to make things that can be worn by the women with necessary bras, smoothers if they like, etc.
  16. I never had the impression the furniture was used, and with the budget they have, it certainly doesn't need to be. I may be missing something, though.
  17. Because her dress was clearly the least worst of the worst. The judges declared her safe when talking amongst themselves, but let her know she was in the bottom more than once before sending her off the runway as safe.
  18. I saw that coming when the client said she liked PINK. Then client went on to mention gray and black and of Tessa zoned in on that. It was actually Tessa who brought up gray and black, telling her client she usually designed in those colors only, in response to the client saying pink was her favorite color. Then the client told Tessa she was okay with gray and black, but that there were certain dark colors she didn't like, which Tessa then used to excuse the lack of color to the judges (after her client said on the runway that she loved pink).
  19. There was a sort of spinoff called Training Spaces, paired with the first reboot season that was only available on demand, where the episodes were around 10-12 minutes at most (no ads), hosted by Paige Davis but without the usual BS of the regular shows. There were a few with Sabrina Soto and that John Gidding, meant to acquaint them with the kind of make-do/short time stuff TS requires. And then there were others that were sort of "auditioning" up-and-comers, with TS designers judging, that I just watched one of. This episode sounds like the latter, just putting the challenges together in a regular-length episode.
  20. Historically, most laws against abortion criminalize performing the procedure, so it is the provider breaking the law, not the patient.
  21. Well, except on television, where surprise witnesses pop up all the time. I imagine reality is different than TV in British courts, as well. Although, in this case, Trixie's testimony about Jeannie was shut down and discounted pretty quickly.
  22. Perhaps the idea was to have a second person corroborate witnessing evidence that Grandma Dyer performed abortions, so Kath testifying provided that.
  23. I think the point was simply that she was writing a similar verse, or one of similar style (whatever one makes of it), and Sgt. Woolf admired her for it.
  24. The DVDs are usually available concurrent with the PBS broadcast. As far as I know, that’s the only way to see the original edit on this side of the pond. Netflix has the PBS edit.
  25. This. Anyone who's watched more than a few episodes should realize that it's anything goes unless you specify it in the agreement. The paperwork probably says so, too. It's hard to imagine people don't think of this, but they really should imagine the worst-case scenario and then exempt that thing that's the deal-breaker. (I'd have a list of deal-breakers, which is one of a hundred reasons I'd never do it.) Also that certain designers *cough*Hildi*cough* will never take into account accommodating your kids or child safety.
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