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Everything posted by BumpSetSpike

  1. As someone who is going to be glued to Zachary Levi's panel (and will be watching SA's), I would just literally jump for joy if I could see EBR and Zac chat on the same panel. (Can you tell I'm a big Zac Levi fan?)
  2. I hope not. I really enjoy his NerdHQ panels he does and glad I get to livestream those.
  3. Interacting with fans is one of SA's favorite things to do. He loves the attention whether it be at cons, on his FB, or walking in an airport. It is probably what drives him to be a better actor and take more diverse roles moving forward. And this isn't a bad thing either - that is one of the joys of being a successful actor, the fruits of their labor so to speak. He put his name and reputation behind HVFF, and although he went out of his way to make sure fans had a good time, I think he truly wanted to make sure they knew how much he appreciates their support and their commitment to what he is doing.
  4. If this was something he does consistently, then unfollow him. I've accidentally liked something before and then went back and unliked it. I wouldn't put too much thought into this unless he does it again.
  5. That was exactly my first thought as well. LOL
  6. Oh yeah. I started binge watching Chuck over the holidays which lead me to watching some of his Nerd HQ panels. Gorgeous guy with an incredible heart (which makes him even more gorgeous). Definitely someone who looks much more handsome that he is a bit older.
  7. Waste of time. Plain and simple. Hardly worthy of being called a cross-over "event" but nothing more than "let's waste Arrow on setting up yet another new show we are going to pay much more attention to." I don't watch The Flash this season because I hate the time travel and multiple universes. I seriously have a hard time believing SA truly likes the direction of his show. I miss the "grounded" storytelling on Season 1 horribly.
  8. Modern-day Sara has been a bad-ass since she first came back to SC. That is her superpower!
  9. FBs are a huge problem for me as well. I can't see a short-haired, still compassionate OQ turn into what we saw in the pilot anymore. Had OQ not given Poppy (love that) a chance to save herself then that would have been more inline with the PTSD serial killer we are to meet in less than a year's time.
  10. Wow, DD only had 3 minutes? Talk about making the most of your time - he definitely left an impression in those few minutes!
  11. I think it is because people are so gung-ho against Felicity that they can't see something positive regardless of what it is. I don't agree - but right or wrong, I guess I am starting to feel the same way about LL.
  12. It is as if Nyssa is saying to Laurel exactly what all of us are thinking.
  13. I miss the days when I wanted to re-watch the show as soon as it ended.
  14. Do they get to keep all the money for the photos or does the organization hosting the event get a portion? Just curious.
  15. Exactly. It was his reaction to people's reaction to his initial comment that started this wave upon wave of continuing disappointment with him as a person He called his fans bored, lazy, and blew them off, and these are the people that have truly launched his outside Arrow career on shows like Jimmy Kimmel, Seth whatever, and even the WWE, You can't use fans to expand your career (wasn't it on the Kimmel that he said their twitter blew up because people wanted him) and then treat them like crap when they share their disappointment in you. I'm glad that he is starting to see the light, and I hope that he learns from this harsh lesson that as a public figure, you have to really consider how you discuss non-entertainment topics with your fanbase.
  16. Stephen...SHUT UP! This has gone beyond crazy, and like many of you, I'm just so saddened and turned off by him. At this point, the only follows mentioning him are in this forum, and I just keep hoping that one of you posts a true apology from him so that all the time and energy I've wasted on being a fan of his wasn't misguided. This latest round feels like I'm watching him dig himself into an early retirement.
  17. Exactly my thoughts. He is still an actor who is paid to do a job, and he does it well. It is those who he calls "his community", the ones who follow him on social media that need to speak up and step away. After his stupid comment this morning, I'm done following him on FB and twitter. It is interesting if you look at his likes on FB - you see a big jump and then a big decline. We aren't the only ones who are feeling this way. But he does have half a million people talking about him now. https://www.facebook.com/stephenamell/likes
  18. Season 4 pic or Stephen after he started seeing the fallout from his comments? You decide. Sharing the link for those who don't like spoilers: https://scontent.flas1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/q83/s851x315/12038385_924601007625167_1843935375982189062_n.jpg?oh=cb25bb69d070cf0533fd56051dfa8d54&oe=569C70E2
  19. I don't think "dumb" is the right word to describe him as a person. He has done some dumb things (who hasn't) but to make a generalization like that, to me, is kind of harsh. He is a white, handsome, wealthy, sheltered, ego-fed by many (media, fans, colleagues' etc.) man who just doesn't seem to get have a grasp on every day people. Knowing the high school he went to and the stories he told about his family's ownership in some major Canadian sports team, he grew up in my sheltered world and is ignorant about many peoples realities. What he did was dumb, but he as a person is not dumb.
  20. When I read those comments he just made, all I could muster to say was "Oh Stephen..." (with a head shaking back and forth followed by a face palm).
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