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  1. Jensen wishing somebody happy birthday (+ a little BTS tour of the bunker)
  2. That was ... stupid. This season was really unnecessary.
  3. Interview with Chris Carnel, stuntman of The Miner in My Bloody Valentine 3D
  4. It doesn't make sense to me to pitch a scene to one actor who is in that scene but not the other one, then (still without telling him) write the script if the actor who doesn´t know what the scene is about has (allegedly) veto power. I personally think Jensen had no problem with the scene and his acting was amazing.
  5. Maybe Amara will be back but Rob will play her 🤷‍♂️
  6. Hate this show so much right now. Why Dean suddenly trusts Billy so much? Was there a conversation between them/a scene or two i missed? So Sam doesn't trust Billy, but has no problem to trust the Empty. Amara knows Chuck is a liar and manipulator, but of course after a while he is suddenly the most trustworthy entity in her eyes. Great that they finally remembered they have a key to Death´s library hidden somewhere in the bunker. Why bother trying to find it immediately after you are told about it. But of course they found it in a few minutes. Dean is right. Jack is not a family. But am afraid neither is Sam nor Cas anymore. They will apparently find the right solution how to defeat Chuck (and Billy) in max. two episodes. Makes sense to me now why the "writers" made no effort to write at least a few decent scripts this season. In the overall scheme of things, they are pointless. And am sorry, but this episode has made me realise even more that i really am not/never will be a fan of Jared´s acting.
  7. And the winner of the category the worst SPN writer is... Seriously, is there a competition among the spn writers who writes the dullest script this year or what? Gosh, I hate Sam.
  8. Two networks. A writers’ strike. COVID-19. Now, ‘Supernatural’ faces one last twist
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