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Everything posted by doyouevengohere

  1. Avery is one of those girls that need attention ALL THE TIME and is convinced that no one gets her because she's SOOOO different. I hate her b/c she has people in her life that sincerely care about her and she's content to throw it all away.
  2. Oh sorry! I only saw the preview and will watch the rest tomorrow so I didn't see the part where it's not his biological daughter. I still can't believe a woman would willingly have sex with him; he's very odd looking.
  3. I only watched the hour long preview and haven't seen the whole show yet...... Rebecca and greasy Rasputin- He is gross . She is desperate; is she Angela's other other daughter? She needs to be single for 5 seconds and get some professional help as to why she has 3 failed marriages and is obsessively jumping into her next one. Tim- I can't believe he has a daughter, b/c I can't believe a woman would willingly have sex with him. He completely comes across as gay and not fabulous to me. TLC should not encourage Darcy. Now all the other losers from this show will think they will have a chance to be on again with a new international love. Her poor daughters.
  4. I will from now on refer to him as low-rent Colin Firth!
  5. Finally watched the very end..... baby Elenor is very cute. Nickel, you are probably never going to be in the same room with Azan again, much less make more babies with him. I do feel sorry for Roose. He chose Pao, but I feel like he's a good guy and saw the best in her at first, you know. Like he didn't know she was going to show herself as manipulative and awful and not forsake all Juans for him. I think his requests to go to counseling are more than fair. Pao was completely different in their first season; there were glimpses of her awfulness but who knew she would become a shrew. I hope she ages hard and fast. Too much Larissa and Colt, that could have just been a note on the screen; I didn't care about their legal woes and Debbie's revenge.
  6. Pedro was taking English classes and graduated at level one in July. So good for him for wanting to improve his English.
  7. may's going to school , ya'll! Nickel posted pics of May in her uniform on her IG (uniforms bought by Robilee probably!). I'm just glad Nickel dolt isn't going to home school her! So no Morroco anytime soon?
  8. I don't think it's like this for every couple but for most I do think there is a lot of acting involved or producer driven storylines.
  9. Someone on the reddit gets their nails done by this guy. Major tea was spilled. Basically much of the drama is producer driven and people have to act and re-act to get it right.
  10. Maybe he has a gang of old lady lovers in various cities, lol. That could still be a possibility. I'm serious. I know!!!! This is why she and he need to spill more on what went down when she was there before! Like did the family forbid her to leave the house b/c they were scared of what the neighbors would say???????
  11. True. I don't hate Jenny and I don't hate on her being scared to be alone in an unknown country. Sumit was definitely in the wrong. He needs to cut it off and they both need to move far away if he wants to be with her. What I was saying is I love chill out time and Jenny definitely needs to chill out more and I was attempting to be humourous about it. But, Jenny also knew going into this how hard it was going to be for him to give up his parents and that they weren't moving THAT far away. Both of them should have talked about this possiblity and how they were going to tackle it together before now.
  12. She said that, but as with most things coming from ledia's mouth , it was a lie. She might have been offered a job or some beauty store was talking to her about it, but they found out stuff about her that is all over the internet and removed the offer from the table or ghosted her. They are stuck in Baraboo in the gross apt. and she is unemployable.
  13. Tifftiff and Ronnie- The scene with her sister was nice; I did feel he was being genuine as he could be here. If Tiff's single young sister could make it by herself to SA and then to Ronald's mother's house at night; then her dad should be able to call a car service and get from the hotel/casino to the wedding venue. Ronald's mom is lovely; a pox upon him for stealing from her! Laura/Aladin- what? why? how? They only got married b/c she thought he was hot and going to be a stallion in bed ? Serves her right; he was a bad order from wish. If I were him I'd be ticked too- he seemed to genuinely like her even if sex was all he interested in and then she shows up and instead of private time and time together as a couple she's exposing all his sex problems on camera. I really liked Laura (she won this show with her catfishing her ex husband bald) but she's really disappointing me. Cabbage patch baby face corey and Evilen- He's been there before and spent time there setting up the bar, but he still doesn't know how the country works? or he's acting. I thought he had a successful job or something in the US where he's getting all the money from, but nope he's another dope that drained his retirement fund for evil. Nothing makes sense aobut them so I think they are putting on an act. If he wanted a sweet but hot girl to settle down with and make babies, there are plenty of mormon girls that fit that bill. Evilin is sticking to her guns and I can't fault her for that; if you know what you want in life then don't give in to someone else's plan for you, BUT find a partner with similar goals and don't drain their bank account so they can fund your dreams. They are either acting or are terribly mismatched. Jenny /Suuuuumit- I get that some areas of India are dangerous for women to be alone/ live alone, etc... I'm still more interested in how she interacted with his family in their home when she was there for months before. WHAT HAPPENED????? Also, if my fiancee said I'll be back in a few weeks, I'll make it possible for you to stay in, be stocked with food and watch Netflick the entire time if you want; he would endear himself to me all the more. Pol/ Sluggie- Yes, Pol; everyone is disappointed in you and hates you; and for good reason. Her parents would have helped her take care of the baby; she should just let Pol be deported.
  14. I have no love for Larissa, but I feel like if they were not filmed with camera crews present Colt would have kept her chained in a room with the windows covered. He is weird and creepy and I feel he pushed her until she got out of control. She absolutely was dangling Eric in front of Colt (I actually liked Eric on the reunion; if that's all I saw of him then I'd say good for Larrisa). And I say good for her for getting out of that house of gaslighting and control; whatever her situation is now I hope it's much better than what it was. Roose was nice to Nickel. But, someone should have been mean or at least asked hard questions. Pao created some drama to get TLC to ask her back; just like she freakin had a baby for a storyline and not because she really wanted to have a baby with Roose. Shaun is useless.
  15. The son, Liam is on reddit and saying that next week Laura's segments get really ugly. He also is saying that Laura is currently here in the states helping him move- she was likely here for the tell all and is now spending time with him or running from Aladin, take your pick. Someone asked him if that means she is staying put and finding an open minded man and he said "if only". So he was vague if they are still together or if Laura is home for good. Liam's words
  16. She doesn't have the qualifications to become a doctor here; she would have to continue with med school and go through the other hoops to become any kind of doctor (Thank you , America for having standards so shady garbage people from other countries that hold some medical training can't come here and become full blown doctors easily!) I think the training she claims she has allows her to assist or something in Indonesia but not practice and definitely not practice abroad. A few days ago someone asked her on IG if she is still planning to practice and she said yes but she won't tell anyone online aobut what job or career she has if she does become a doctor, lol. Soooo there's not a chance and she isn't facing reality about it.
  17. Ledia said on her IG back in Jan. or Feb. that "they" decided not to be on any more TLC shows because TLC edited the show so hard to make them look like villians (roll eyes here). The truth is probably more along the lines of they were dropped b/c they were really hated by viewers. I think they were actually slated to be on HEA but along that time Ledia was going insane on social media- trashing Tasha, she claimed Eric abused her and that she held a knife to him, etc... I think TLC cut their losses because she was so bizare and a legal nightmare. Also, she filmed herself begging to die after the abuse incident and crying with no tears begging Eric to shoot her in the head with his many guns and then another crying with no tears "everyone is mean to me and hates me for no reason" video; while her young child was in the room as she filmed it. It was all really dark.
  18. Exactly; if she were a nice person from a reality show that had a bunch of social media followers, she MIGHT get people buying something like this to support her and make a few hundred dollars . But since Ledia is a garbage person with mostly rubbernecking hate followers, no one is going to buy this. She is not going to be the cutting edge shoe designer making millions to get out of her trash apartment in Baraboo like she thought.
  19. As promised in the Laura/Aladin thread here is the link to Ledia's uglyass shoes that she "designed". If you love it you can buy it for $159 , folks!!!! For every shoe she sells, she gets $30 profit. https://www.aliveshoes.com/usaaya
  20. I'll see if I can find the link to Ledia's ugly shoe and put it in her thread. It's an ugly old man loafer, seriously. Eric must have inspired her.
  21. Someone on reddit saw Mark in a Target a few months ago. He was disagreeing with a salesperson (because of course he was!), was wearing his wedding ring, and made a phonecall (to Nikki????). Hopefully she's allowed to go out and visit Targets herself. Mark hates TLC because he says they portrayed him negatively. Um, sure- they totally MADE him come across as an old fart creep controlling his young bride. I wish all these "I was edited badly" people would understand that they are the ones giving the content and that no one can make up what wasn't there to begin with.
  22. She's obsessed with Deavan and Deavan is probably flattered right now. I'm sure Ledia will act inappropriately and crazy and Deavan will get sick of her. Rumour is that TLC doesn't want Droopy and Ledia back b/c they got such a harsh backlash. Ledia also acted like a kook on her social media ; she put out a statement in Jan. or Feb. about how she and Eric will never be on TLC again b/c they edited them so badly and untruthfully (yeah right, TLC totally made her act horrible to her step daughter on camera and on social media); translation: TLC would never ask them back. I hope that's true. *Sorry for bringing Ledia up in this thread; I just did it b/c she was blabbing about Aladin and Laura like she's their bff.
  23. Ledia was actually in NYC this weekend, as were several members of the other way (most of the American ones?) per their own IG's. However, none of them took pictures with Ledia and her footage on her IG consisted of her going to some club and taking selfies alone and filming Deaven on the street like some crazed stalker. Rumour has it that Deaven was talked into modeling some buttugly shoes Ledia designed. Ledia told some gossip site that she baby sat Deaven's baby all weekend so Deavan could do the tell all in NYC. So that's healthy. And it's probably not true b/c if it were you know Ledia , famewhore, would have documented everything and shown it online like she does with everything. Why would Laura even have talked to Ledia about details of her relationship? especially since if said it on the tell all it won't be aired until a few weeks from now?
  24. According to Ledia (yes, THAT ledia) he was abusing Laura. Ledia knows EVERYTHING about their relationship (her words) because apparently last weekend was the tell all for the other way in NYC and Ledia flew to New York to stalk all of them (uninvited) and mostly Deavan. Take that with a grain of salt b/c Ledia has already claimed her parents, brother, sister, and husband Eric have all abused her and she's also just sick in the head and insane. And she probably wasn't allowed near any of them on TLC property.
  25. No more Nickel . She's never getting married and hasn't even seen Azan in person in like 2 years. No more Pao and Roose. I highly suspect that she had a baby to stay on this show. Cut the cord, TLC. Now that she had baby Axel; she can freaking stay home and take care of him w/o cameras. No more 90 day season 6 people. They are all disgusting and possibly have rabies.
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