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Everything posted by doyouevengohere

  1. I saw that clip and honestly I think Florian is too good for Stacy after that. Stacy was all about annoying Darcy and pushing her, and I think he slightly understood the situation and showed a little bit of care /kindness towards her and was trying to de-escalate the situation and bring it back to superficial stupid drunkness.
  2. The guy on the FB posts that is her ex looks really different from the picture of the tall blonde white guy they showed on the show as the ex that shaved his head. I'm so confused.😵
  3. The only good thing we got from Laura's mess is Ludwing. He is amazing and Laura did not deserve his niceness and grilled cheese sandwich in her segment.
  4. He should have secretly left the country or hidden within India and divorced his wife from afar . Then moved on with Jenny.
  5. I don't feel sorry for Darcy one bit. Tom's horrid but it's not like she hasn't pushed and pushed and pushed him- to go visit him probably, for sex when she got there, and constantly for a proposal. His mean proposal dangle and snatch was fitting. Darcy should figure out that prowling the internet and world for a man to propose to you when he barely knows you is stupid and pathetic and makes her a huge fool. And no one likes you when you are a trashy hoe drunk.
  6. At least she understands it comes with the territory of being on reality TV and sharing your messy life with everyone. Whose house was that that she was being filmed at with the light ring and Zied's picture all over the walls?
  7. Apparently....... it was leaked on one of the gossip sites. He broke up with her onstage and that's why she went crazy online and lied about a pregnancy. She insinuated that he refused to send her some of her valuable stuff and momentos that were important to her, so she made up a pregnancy to get back at him because he really wanted a baby. Also Liam's dad said the head shaving thing wasn't true; she just lied about it. Dang, Laura was my favorite at the begining of the season for that reason alone. Now she is like a step above Ledia.
  8. Yep, I consider her a predator too. She is shopping overseas b/c there is probably less social concern. The fact remains that she is trying to seduce young men that are barely legal for her sex slaves. She's the equivalent of Mark basically buying teenage Nikki , but without a good income and she doesn't exercise.
  9. She invited Laura to come to her country after the tell all. Apparently, Aladin breaks up with her during the tell all , telling her not to come back to Guitar as they are filming onstage. Evilin and Corey invite her to come visit. Corey ends up breaking up with the evil one and leaving and Evilen and Laura are doing drunken tear in my beer lives on IG together.
  10. Update to this mess: Someone asked if Ledia was at her birthday party and Tasha said only the people seen in her photos were there. So cray cray potato lied about that. Also there is a new 90days fan IG page that seems to be run by Ledia bc whoever is behind it speaks/types awful broken English just like she does. Ledia is overtime promoting the page so it's most likely her.
  11. Liam's dad chimed in to say on IG that Liam was not rude to Aladin's family much of it was heavy editing /splicing by TLC. He went on to say that Laura is a mess, has no money, and was living off of Liam in Florida. Liam was earning the money to support her. And that now Laura seems to be living off of Evilin . Serves Evilin right after taking Corey for all he was worth.
  12. I guess she's on this show for attention and to make a lump sum of cash. She and Eric are very similar i guess, except none of her kids are going to take her in b/c they probably all know better than to take on her and her overseas prince. Zied could turn full bitch and throw the kid out and then take over the crappy apt and put up pictures of himself draped in nothing but the America flag.
  13. True, but it's smarter and more appealing than these two!
  14. So the demon potato posted pictures of Tasha's birthday party attended by the whole family and says she wants Eric to fix things with his daughter and that she is trying to drop the restraining order. She's probably trying now to repair the damage of her messyself so she can get actual paying influencer sponsorships on IG instead of just making stuff up. whatevs, Ledia; the damage to your social media presence has been DONE by your own awful self. She also mentions that her sister (Rania?) hates her now and forbids her to see her parents. I guess she always has to fight with someone. Tasha's set of pictures from the birthday party do not include Ledia.
  15. K, Just now watching this........I'm always behind! Jennnnni and Suuuuumeat- I can't believe TLC / Sharp was not there for the showdown! Jenny is an idiot for not getting a plane ticket back home or at least going to the American embassy and explaining what a dumbass she is and how she might be facing Indian prison or a family smackdown for upsetting an Indian marriage under law b/c her lying boyfriend lied again to her. Laura and Aladin- Why did Liam come? It was a free trip? Laura is full of bad decision making and is going to do what Laura is going to do; Liam should know that he can't make her change her mind by now. Otherwise Aladin and his friends and family seem completely accepting and loving of Laura and her bad choices . Corey's poor mom 😞 Corey should just stay there and not go back to the evil one. Karine looked beautiful and it was nice watching Pol's mom interact with her and the baby. I'll bet Pol suckered her into sponsoring Karine during this trip. I'm calling bull on the SA hospital. I'm sure sharp/TLC wrangled up the poorest most depressing one they could find for Tiff tiff to tour. I have more faith in the SA healthsystem and just just chose to film at the jankiest one they could find. Also the doctor (nurse? receptionist?) looked like a cruise ship director or a member of the seaorg.
  16. I don't like Deavan and I'm not sticking up for her, but I did read that her aunt was murdered right before she started filming for this show and she was affected by that during filming. That's sad, but if you are so torn up by something like that and can't function along with all the other changes going on then the best thing to do is probably drop out and not film, you know.
  17. I didn't watch her live; but I read about it on reddit. Basically she didn't say anything of worth except we will know the truth at the tell all. Oh and Evilin threatened to kill anyone that messed with Laura online.🙄 I guess she's claiming Aladin abused her. I don't believe that. He seems to oddly care about her on the show and he has sort of a gentle personality. Even when he was mad about the purple friend; he left; he didn't stay there and fight with her continually or put his hands on her. Pol chimed in on his IG and claims that anytime he and Sluggie fought or were at each other's throats TLC or sharp were always stepping in to offer counseling or check and make sure they were okay and safe. But, Pol's a liar too and sharp filmed Nickel slapping around Azan so there's that.
  18. So true; but Darcy may have been the meanspirited twin in the past over things and Stacy is just paying her back? who knows or wants to know with these two? Darcy needs to get herself into therapy and stop doing tit for tat with her twin.
  19. The gossip is saying that he broke up with her after the tell-all. I hope so.
  20. I have no one in my real life that appreciates the trash that is 90 days. I just want to scream, "slut ass, bitch ass, whore!" and be understood!
  21. Zied and Becky- She is an idiot. The sister was awesome and good for her! If I had a dumb ass brother who was hooking up with a tattooed lesbian still married serial marrier cougar bigamist granny elder that wanted to take him away from his family, elderly parents, and homeland, I'd ask hard questions and be sort of rude to her as well. At least we know why Zied looks like a busted can of biscuts; his mom and sister can cook!!!! That food looked so good and it was wasted on Rebecca. There are probably hookah bars in Atlanta; it's becoming a popular thing all over. Angela and Mycull- Don't swindle me with cake is now one of the greatest lines uttered on this show ranking just under , give me my red bag with makeup!!!!! That poor sweet lady that owned the salon; I'll bet Grangela didn't even tip well after bringing all that drama into her shop! None of their drama makes sense; I call shenanigans....... Angela nd Mycull probably wrote out a script of what their storyline would be- Angie is mad that women exist around Mycull and Mycull brings cake and Angie smashes Mycull's face in the cake. Low rent Colin Firth Sloth and Darcy- Good God! I am actually liking Tom; he probably is looking for love and decided to give Darcy a try. He got so much more than he bargined for; good for him for not abandoning her in Albania and just taking off during the night. The twin fight was beyond stupid; Stacy has something Darcy wants badly; Stacy dangles it in front of Darcy and Darcy gets hurt and cries and clings to Tom. It's like what happens in 8th grade when your friend gets a boyfriend and you are left in the cold. Florian is so not like his pics but he seems to be a good guy so far- I mean he puts up with Stacy and they actually seem to like one another, he tries to be a friend to Tom when Darcy is acting cray, he hasn't treated Darcy with contempt yet. I'd rather watch Stacy and him. Avery and Omar- Brat brat brat. Her mom is bringing the wisecracks. I don't think the mom is the ugly American TLC is presenting her as; I think she just says things to annoy Avery and watch her reactions. Jen and tiny Tim- He is just so odd. It was sweet seeing her with her daughter; it humanizes her. I like her better than Tim and think she can do WAYYYYY better than him. Cesear- no words; I don't even care anymore. the broke american dork and Bikini- I barely watched them. He needs to leave or at least go to the airbnb he rented and is not using. I feel like her family are scamers and something is not right with her relationship with her brother. It's borderline heavy stuff that doesn't need to be on this lighthearted show of idiots.
  22. I finally saw the end of this episode and I'll give my thoughts in a bit, but I just want to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE Zied's Rebecca Black lookalike sister. Sure , she was rude to Rebecca, but Rebecca needed someone to bluntly and hilariously be rude to her instead of patting her on the back or just being polite about her stupid behavior. Team Weim all the way! Break them up! Make Rebecca cry!
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