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Without me having to watch these panels (work is too busy ATM), anyone know of any interesting tidbits from Jensen, Jared, or Misha from the cons? Like about the finale, or about Rust, or Walker, or whatever the hell Misha is doing now (like what is he doing now), or about the SPN movie? Thanks in advance! :) Happy Holidays!
So I don't know whether to post this here or Public appearances...but probably here since it's about the finale. I wanted to post this a couple of weeks ago but am just now getting the time. I went to the first in-person Creation con in over a year and a half....the Star Trek con in Vegas from Aug. 10-16. There were a lot of celeb guest cancellations, and Creation replaced a couple with Jim Beaver and Mark Shephard literally days before the con. Their panel kind of turned into a SPN panel lol (even though they were both in a Star Trek ep). Anyhoo, Jim Beaver said the original script and plan for the finale would have "absolutely knocked our socks off," before covid changed it all. He said he was happy with what they ended up with because it was the best they could do under the circumstances...but that he was well aware and understood that a great many people DID NOT like it.....as for Mark Shepherd, he never even saw the finale, not surprisingly lol. Although he is still bitter about his end and the powers that be at SPN...he wanted it known that the actors and crew were indeed a family and he will never experience quite like that again and he's grateful. Anyhoo, I was interested since I saw them in person and heard them speak with my own ears- and thought you all would be too. (the Orlando con where I live for SPN which was supposed to be next week and their first con back got canceled a couple of weeks ago...postponed to 2022).
I'm not sure where this should go. I finally watched the first ep of Walker. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either. I'm sufficiently intrigued enough to watch the next ep, but barely...then we will see from there. I was surprised and amused that Mitch Pileggi plays his father. I don't think I liked Gen as his wife- that was a bit much for me, I think...still, like an SPN family reunion. I will say, though, that I think Jared looks great in it; a little scruff, older, shorter hair, cowboy look. He never was attractive to me in his younger state, but now I think he looks good...different from Jensen and Misha whom I have always thought were attractive. YMMV.
I personally don't think so. I think you have to be under 27 to join the military for the first time.
This whole thing, IMO, is absolutely ridiculous. His video was fine, IMO. I was hoping it would shut the mean squawkers up. I see no reason anyone should take offense with 15x18. I thought the Jensen and Misha scene was lovely. I chose to take it as familial love but to each their own. I fear that if they keep pestering Misha he will not want to do cons or anything else. I cannot believe the undeserved hate coming from some ppl towards Misha and Jensen. I really feel they should get a life! Also, IMO, Misha needs to stop feeding it. Perhaps he should pull a Jim Beaver (or Jensen) and get off of SM. YMMV.
I’m so glad I don’t have Twitter or fb.
Well I have lots of feelings, but overall I think I’m satisfied for the most part. I can’t really see how they could have ended it too much differently, although I have a few minor nitpicks and one major one (the lack of Cas). All in all, I’ve only watched it once and it definitely warrants a rewatch; but I think even Dean himself said this was sort of inevitable. My hubby thought it was weird that a piece of rebar was what got him in the end- but I think somehow it was poetically fitting- showing he was human after all, even though he was larger than life. I had 9 ppl over for a socially distanced watch party, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house the second half of the episode. I don’t think this show has ever made me cry before these last 3 episodes. A lot of that might be because it’s over though and I’m mourning. Still, I thought J2 knocked out out of the park. That death scene. My God. So sad. I know it’s corny, but it also got me when you see the kid skipping and his name is Dean. The one thing I really didn’t like though was no Cas. I’m glad we got confirmation that he is out of the Empty and helping restructure Heaven, but I really thought we should have seen him in a cameo a la Bobby (which I did like). I think ending the series with a focus on Sam and Dean but a cameo and side order of Bobby and Cas would have been appropriate- as I feel those 4 are the core of the show. Bobby and Cas could have represented everyone else. I wonder if COVID stopped other cameos. It will be interesting to hear about this. I can’t make Jared’s and Misha’s panel on Sunday, but hopefully I’ll read about it here because I’m genuinely curious as to what they have to say. I also thought Eileen got a raw deal. Was Sam married to her? I choose to think he was or why set that up all season? They could have done a quick something with the son using sign language or something so we would know. An easy fix. I understand a lot of the ep was meant to be ambiguous for us so we can use our imaginations for years to come thinking about this episode and series (like I did all night and getting no sleep), but I feel this could have been addressed better. I love Miracle. I like the ambiguousness of Sam’s son hunting (he did have the tattoo). I love the reunion at the end. Like I said, lots of feels and it deserves a rewatch. I probably will have more to say. It was mostly satisfying, but the lack of Cas bothered me a great deal (even though I suspected it would go down just like this). I didn’t actually expect to be moved to tears though for real.
There's also the possibility that Misha didn't have to quarantine. Folks that live on border towns in America but work in Canada didn't have to quarantine for day work. They were exempt. However, I think this is also a stretch (as is the fact that if he shot a scene in the Empty, he could literally do that anywhere on a black box). It's just one of many possibilities that exists. Unfortunately, I'm 85% sure that Misha is not going to be seen again. I'm sure we will get a line about Cas. Tumblr is convinced that he's in it though, and I feel for those poor souls- they are going to self-destruct when he's not and blow a gasket lol. I wish I was wrong as I'd love to see Cas one more time (I always hoped his endgame would be going human), but alas, I've resigned myself to the fact that I don't think it's in the cards, 😞
My hubby who is a very casual GA viewer (and by no means a mega fan like me- he didn't even remember that AU!Bobby was in this world lol and was surprised to see him in 18) said this exact same thing today when he watched this ep. He said, "this is pretty stupid." LOL.
Wouldn't surprise me. They've been pushing the "Sammy wants to go to college and live a normal settled-down life" narrative a lot...especially this season.