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Everything posted by Dr.OO7

  1. I don't think it's him, because he'd be soaking wet if he'd just tried to drown her in the tub,
  2. I made the mistake, or perhaps good decision of looking up a recap of the first season:
  3. REALLY? After THAT scene? I really like the fact that the show is avoiding the Britain Is Only London trope and is set somewhere other than London. It still amazes how technically big England/the UK is and how far away from London many of its other major cities are.
  4. Shame on you. Exactly. It's one of the reasons police departments have made an effort to recruit more diverse applicants, but unfortunately, a lot more progress still needs to be made. What's the point of diversifying the department if its non-white/female members are still going to be treated badly?
  5. And even then, he's coherent and angry enough to fight her off. Aside from participating in the ruse like everyone else, Arden is a MUCH better person in the movie than in the book. Some changes were just absolutely necessary otherwise we wouldn't have rooted for anybody. I'm still not sure how I feel about Bart and Cindy hooking up in the Seeds Of Yesterday movie, but it's still a much better alternative to him spending nearly the entire book verbally and physically abusing her.
  6. Something else that ruined her character. As much as I disliked her, I respected the fact that she wasn't a wimp or pushover. . .until she was in such a situation as you describe. It was really rather pathetic watching her basically kiss Romano's ass when she despised him and only minutes earlier had literally dropped what she was doing in order to find Mark and drag him up to the meeting, going on and on about how they had to fight his becoming Chief of Staff. * As an aside, how on earth did Kerry, an ER attending, not know about the meeting, when all of the other department heads did and even Lucy, a mere medical student did? Kerry strikes me as the kind of person who'd expect to be notified/consulted if the cafeteria was getting their napkins from a new distributor.
  7. She and Danielle Steel. It makes their books awful to read because it always happens and there's often no point to it. As awful as this may sound, it's *slightly* less gratuitous in the VC Andrews books because the prequels almost always result in a child, which kicks off the saga.
  8. Me neither and I was never a huge fan to begin with, though I like to joke that I'm one of the few African-American New Yorkers who didn't outright despise him. Either way, I put that aside after 9/11, but now. . . It would be heartbreaking what he's reduced himself to if he hadn't brought it on himself and weren't so indeed, despicable.
  9. Well. . .yeah. I wish she could have just admitted that instead of trying to gaslight Mark with her "I did it for the good of the ER" crap and act like he should be grateful to her instead of rightfully angry how she screwed him over. Don't do lousy things and then try to spin them as noble deeds.
  10. It's such a stark difference. I've long known that UK cops don't carry guns, but being American, I still expected them to draw their weapons at the first sign of trouble.
  11. Anything that gives me Jamie Bamber is fine by me. ETA SHIRTLESS Jamie Bamber. TWICE.
  12. I always liked Carol for the most part, but the way she handled her pregnancy, etc., really annoyed me. I get that she's upset about what he did, but ffs TALK TO HIM and try to work something out, instead of refusing to and then lamenting your circumstances.
  13. Which has apparently happened several times, though none that I've seen. The Phantom actor acts as though he's died and Meg takes his hand in a gesture of comfort. Yes, I went to the charity performance on April 14. I entered the lotto for several other shows throughout April, including the final weekend, but didn't win, sadly. You'd probably have to settle for an audio version, if that at all, because the ushers got VERY vigilant about walking around to make sure no one was recording.
  14. Him too. It would have been nice to see him get the Character Development Morris did--from annoying, incompetent fool to excellent, respected physician, instead of him never changing and being reduced to barely appearing. I remember one episode where his sole appearance was for him to be seen leaving for the day.
  15. Precisely why that storyline made no sense. To this day, I wonder how different the show might have been had the writers focused on all of the new characters come Season 7, in a "Next Generation" kind of way, instead of focusing solely on Abby, and in a manner that backfired--as I've repeatedly said, by the time the 6th episode in a row was all about her and her miserable life, I couldn't stand her.
  16. 24 years later and I still hate that storyline so much that I won't watch it. Doug blowing up his personal and professional life in the space of 4 episodes that took place over as many days, if not less, was utterly nonsensical, even with his history of rebellious behavior. Couldn't they have just sent him off to do humanitarian work in some poor country and have him come back in time for the birth of his kids? There's a wonderful fanfic called "One Candle Burns" with that precise scenario and it always makes me regret the writers didn't do something like that.
  17. That storyline INFURIATED me. People prying into others private medical business is a HUGE Berserk Button for me. Carter, you are A doctor, not HER doctor. Her medical conditions and the medication (s) she takes for them are none of your business. Then a year later, he gets pissy when Mark asks him what his pain medication regimen is and snaps "That's between me and my doctor". Yes, and I'm pretty sure it was between Lucy and her doctor too.
  18. They really botched her introduction. This is the key problem with Cousin Oliver characters--either (a) Their appearance is contrived, like some long lost relative suddenly showing up out of nowhere, or (b) All the focus is on them, to the detriment of the established characters, or (c) Both. With Lucy, it was a classic example of Error B. There were all these terrific cliffhangers from the end of season 4 that I was dying to see picked up, and instead, they all get resolved with one or two throwaway lines while the entire season 5 premier and several episodes after are all about Lucy. Then they add insult to injury by booting her into the background just as abruptly when they realized she wasn't clicking. I actually liked her for the most part, it's just that the excessive focus on her backfired. She was much more tolerable in season 6, when she didn't dominate the entire show and was visibly more mature and competent (as befitting someone entering her 4th year of medical school).
  19. It was an interesting change from the original when Eric was under Ursula's spell immediately and went through the wedding in a complete trance, not even reacting to the various sea creatures attacking her. In this version, despite still being under her spell, he's still aware enough to be genuinely confused about what's happening, even saying so to Grimsby.
  20. A PHENOMENAL Bond theme song. Everything about that movie was excellent. Pierce Brosnan hit it out of the park with his debut.
  21. I just finished taking my mother for a belated Mother's Day outing. I LOVED it. Halle Bailey was a phenomenal Ariel, and, yes Eric was better developed. I don't usually like the "extra" scenes that these remakes have been adding, but they worked here. If you can catch an IMAX showing, go. It's INCREDIBLE.
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