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  1. If Dr Manhattan is endorsed by CMT and/or DCC, I'm very disappointed and feel it diminishes the brand. For many of us, this has been a particularly miserable 18 months due to the pandemic. I come to the boards and watch DCC MTT for recreation and relaxation. Not here for petty mind games, particularly corporate sponsored ones. If Lemonbus doesn't post again, I hope you/y'all are OK and have a fun summer.
  2. #unpopular opinion. I quite liked Marissa's dance video. She's powerful and catches your attention. Not the most graceful and not got the best technique out there. But dancewise, plenty of potential for the DCC style.
  3. Yep, to me Hannah is the closest they've got to Holly P in a while - FIERCE as a dancer, sex on legs and takes photos for the bikini shoot like a supermodel.
  4. I don't mind her seeming a bit fake on the IG takeover, as I think it's hard to get the right line between seeming too pageanty fake and not gushing enough about GLs etc for K/J/C liking. I agree though that she spoke too much about DMD
  5. I'm a big fan of both Caroline and Hannah's looks - Hannah is very striking and looks like a supermodel. Caroline is rather more girl next door/Americas Sweetheart type, she reminds me of Danielle.
  6. Selina is a teacher and was very well spoken, so probably was a real asset as an ambassador which made up for her weight gain the first season.
  7. allie looks to be a super smart girl with a great non-DCC career ahead of her. probably one of the smartest DCC for academics they've had around for years. and modest on her insta about it too.
  8. well I suppose that's one way to make sure that less than hundred girls turn out for the first round of auditions next year.....
  9. not so sure about that, Kitty was a big HollyP fan when she was in Training Camp.
  10. I agree Polly, I liked Colby too, the more that Kelli criticised her, the more Colby came over as professional, poised, and potentially great ambassador material.
  11. Me too! Kelsey was a gorgeous DCC, and Christina is attractive, mature and well spoken.
  12. Charlotte wasn't very keen on Raylee for some reason - I'm surprised as Raylee is incredibly photogenic.
  13. In the UK entry to vet school is very competitive - there are only 8 schools total who offer it.
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