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  1. Jump- Van Halen Jump- Pointer Sisters Jump- Kris Kross
  2. Pizza. Don't really feel like cooking anything and my roommate will probably agree with me on that. After 3 classes and one a dance class where I got a long blister on my foot I am in no mood for cooking. Thank God it is Friday.
  3. Thank You, it certainly seems that way.
  4. Belgian IPA's are some of my favorites and I enjoy the flavor of citrus in Raging Bitch. It is pretty smooth to me.
  5. I am a Junior who is a Theater Major at a College in New York City and I can see with the productions we have put on there reaching and exceeding the $20K mark, but back in High School when I was in all 4 productions I highly doubt they even came close to that amount of money on the shows.
  6. @BookWoman56 You don't know me at all because I am brand new here but I read your post and I'd like to wish you best wishes in this difficult time in your life. I really can't offer much advice because I have never been where you are at now and I am not going to try to be. All I can do is keep you in my thoughts during this hard time. Take care.
  7. I like Sonic and mostly for the Milkshakes but I also like the hotdogs as well.
  8. There is a place in my area called Pat's Pizzaria that is good.
  9. I will be becoming legal on April 4th but I do enjoy Beer and Wine. There is one particular brewery in my home state of Maryland in Frederick called Flying Dog that has a brew called Raging Bitch that is wonderful. I also enjoy fruity Red Wines.
  10. I've seen Idina Menzel, Lindsey Stirling, Adele, Tori Kelly, Sara Bareilles in concert.
  11. Grilled Chicken, Brown Rice, & Asparagus.
  12. As soon as the young Doctor walked into the room I saw the writing on the wall. I do like that Stella is taking on more of a role in her volunteering and trying to help out Sadie. Aiden and his Dad hitting the club was good fun as was Wes and his babysitting fiasco.
  13. I am liking the show so far especially the kids. I am a Theater Major so that adds to it. Didn't quite understand the remark from Lou to Tracey saying she needed to tone it down in the meeting and she was no more than a distraction. Way off base in my opinion. She was right on point in the meeting and it needed a firm voice to express that point of view or they weren't going to get anything. I feel so bad for Simon. He is trying to deal with all that is going through his head and do the best for this show, but his parents are not going to budge. I look forward to see how they get around him going to the new school. I absolutely love Gwen. Of course she was upset that she didn't get the role but she is amazing and her voice is outstanding. I loved the ending of this episode where she put everything into her song.
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