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  1. I was surprised by Kyle’s win for a couple of reasons. His edit in the last two episodes was just over-the-top (even by his standards) cockiness, and he’s competing to lead a restaurant that already has a face/personality /menu attached to it. I did like the one moment of humility in Kyle’s talking head when he said he thought he’d do well but never thought he’d win. Bravado and self-promotion aside, I’d eat in a restaurant of Kyle’s - where both the menu and cooking are his - in a heartbeat as his food looked creative and impressive. Similarly, I can’t wait to try Stone Cellar Bistro (Brandon’s restaurant) next time I’m in the Denver area.
  2. I’ve seen an ad recently for a hybrid underwear/diaper used for toilet training featuring two animated emoticons representing the two body functions. The poop figure gets a little weepy as the toddler student apparently starts to master her skills. At that point, the pee figure says “oh, turd, you’re such a softie.” I get the use of ‘softie’ as meaning emotional, but am nonetheless left with the thought of a soft turd instead of the intended product at the end of the commercial. I guess it could be worse: a new iteration of ironically off-key Burger King guy was the next ad.
  3. I surely hope so but I fear they’re giving us false hope. There’s been at least one version without him floating around for a while now and I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Mr. Ironically Off-Key during football in the past week or two. Like others above, I’m not a fan of the Xfinity commercials with the gamer son. This is another in a line of ads for them (“alternative” Gen Z-ers, snotty pre-teen kids, the guy in the slow golf cart) that just look like they’re trying too hard, usually to be funny.
  4. The commercial with a dad giving his adult son advice about starting a lawnmower (pull fast, not hard) and birds being as afraid of the son as vice versa makes me chuckle every time. The punch line is when the son asks a question about his finances and dad says “you know I hate giving advice.” 100% predicable, but their facial expressions and dad’s intentional deadpan delivery are really funny. That said, I guess it’s not an effective commercial (for me at least) since I had to look up that it’s a MassMutual ad.
  5. Totally agree! The producers or other powers-that-be are trying harder than ever to make showmance happen. During the judges’ commentary for Dwight’s dance was the first time this season I’ve heard serious boos from the audience (though I’ve ff’d through some panel comments so might’ve missed). I have NOT missed that, which in prior seasons had really seemed to follow every remotely critical comment from a judge. Overall, a great theme show. I was glad to see a couple of former Soul Train dancers featured along with Don Cornelius’ son. Derek’s segment on the music was good too, though I had the opposite problem of some here - the music drowned out his commentary.
  6. Those must be a pretty common source of ad income for local news, as I’ve seen a proliferation of that on just about all our local news broadcasts. Short-form infomercials, if you will, usually under some branding of “deals and steals” or “steals,” or some such. Good point; when the key takeaway of the ad is something other than the product, it definitely feels like a fail. Reminiscent, for me at least, of the commercials about how to pronounce Guy Fieri’s name.
  7. I don’t know that they’ve ever said but the “view” from the tables where BL/Lois and Blaze/Natalia were chatting looks down on a building’s roof and treetops in the distance. So either an oversight or an explanation for Krissy and/or baby surviving the fall.
  8. Thank you for posting those; I wasn’t watching OLTL for the first but the second (complete with Dorian interspersed) remains one of my favorite soap scenes. After reading the comments here, I hopped off the barge to watch today and was glad I did. I was feeling a rage blackout coming on with Natalia’s (paraphrasing) “I’m sorry that what I said damaged your career” until Blaze fortunately set her straight. Back to the barge before the inevitable of Joss saving Kristina and delivering the baby and all of the aftermath coming to Ava.
  9. I’m assuming it’s still a go since he’d have been on set about the time of the initial reporting. This one cites it as one episode to air early August so a dream/hallucination by Sonny does seem likely. https://www.soapoperadigest.com/content/bryan-craig-returning-to-general-hospital-as-morgan/
  10. I tried to catch up on the week’s episodes and gave up after fast forwarding through about 75% of Wednesday. The earlier Luke birthday scenes were seemingly out of the blue but a good reason to see JE and WK together and I thought MW looked terrific in that black off-the-shoulder outfit, but that’s all I’ve got. The Anna scenes and the (I assume) soon-to-be-overturned idea of having bad things happen to Jason and Carly were rage-inducing enough but after reading how the Kristina/Allison interview scenes were written the show’s reached new levels of bad for me. Glad I came here before attempting Thursday with more scintillating surrogacy conflict.
  11. Just caught Kristen Vaganos again, this time in a Grammarly ad. I wasn’t really paying attention, but don’t think either of the actresses in it spoke. I finally checked her IMDB - almost 70 credits!
  12. Always! The scenes with Tracy and Gio were pretty much filler, but it felt to me like the two performers were really enjoying those scenes - and I’m happy to watch that just as much as something that has meaningful plot advancement. Whiplashing back to some prior thoughts about whiplash - TJ and Molly? Haven’t seen them in a while after a previous pretty steady diet of surrogacy and adjacent drama. I think it’s been two weeks+ since they’ve been on? The baby’s due in August, though I’d be happy to have them neatly wrap up the story with a happily ever after and move on.
  13. These have always been a head-scratcher for me with an actor playing the fictional CEO/founder of a real company. They’ve been doing this for plenty of iterations, so it must be effective, but I just find it kinda dumb.
  14. OMG one can only hope so. Adults (well, anyone) using cutesy terms like that sorta grates me. On a travel site I frequent, it seems to be de rigueur to refer to the first meal of the day as “brekkie” and to a pre-booked travel or restaurant arrangement as a “ressie/rezzie.” I narrowly avoided a rage blackout when I saw Covid referred to as the “pandemmy.”
  15. The actor is a really talented musician, but I’m not invested in the character and you made me figure out why: it’s just way too much. I’m definitely liking the shift in Nina away from looking like a googly-eyed teen every time she mentioned Willow, Wiley, or Sonny. But adding to the whiplash there too: she got de-pariahed over the course of like two episodes. Beyond the rage blackout that was the entirety of Valentin/Anna, I did get a hearty laugh at the FBI raid. Cates and his partner announce and kick the door open, ostensibly to surprise Valentin, and enter to other FBI agents already having searched the house. I doubt that anyone will top Tracy/JE on my “I’ll watch any scene they’re in” list but damn if Maxie/KS is coming very close.
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