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Everything posted by GoldaVining

  1. Yes. Interesting. So many of the people featured on this show have suffered terrible trauma and it seems like a history of sexual abuse is the main thing when we see very young women who are 600 to 800 pounds by their 20's, but I didn't hear that for these sisters. Maybe I missed it or maybe they didn't share that. What I saw were two sisters who each had their own apartment and couldn't bring themselves to do more than wait for breakfast to be delivered. Roshanda was able to cook meals after Dr. Now put them on the diet so what was preventing those girls from standing up and making their own breakfasts? Bone idle. And then calling out their brother who appears to have a job and wants to keep it? Come on. What do they DO all day?
  2. I like this show. Frank, the cabinet salesman, is adorable. I think he will do well. Of course product knowledge is important so I'm glad he got up to speed with that. I can see how pricing would be super difficult to do on the spot. Frank has it rough right now because it is hard to focus on types of wood veneers when he is processing so much grief. However, if he wants to continue in sales, at least he is selling something people want. I mean they are walking into that store for a reason -- they need cabinets or countertops. He can feel good that he is helping them get exactly what they need and want. He isn't cold calling, trying to sell somebody crap they don't need. The waxing salon girl was so uncomfortable, I wondered how she ended up in that business. What really gets to me is when Ryan sees what is holding these people back. When Ryan saw the waxing salon girl's fear of failing and disappointing her parents, and when he found out about Frank's wife dying of leukemia, Ryan's eyes got watery. He seems to actually care, and realizes what some people are dealing with in their lives beyond the salesfloor. I adore a man who has a heart.
  3. Darlene appears to be too permissive/lenient with Harris in this episode but I understand what she is doing. Darlene is trying to parent her kids differently than she was parented by Roseanne and Dan and that tosses a different set of problems back at her. I had a very Duggar childhood (although my father was more of a Jim Jones type than a Jim Bob) and I am trying to give my kid more freedom to think and be an individual than I was allowed. My kid is only in second grade but I can see me losing control of the situation real fast in a few years if I'm not careful. It is easy to swap one problem for another and create troubles of a new sort. Darlene has had to be a single parent for the last few years and that adds a layer of complication. Darlene is afraid Harris is about to bolt. Harris calling Darlene by her first name is Darlene allowing Harris to feel like they are equals -- sounds great -- until you try to put your foot down. Roseanne was and is my all-time favorite show and I related to Darlene when I was young. Now seeing Darlene as a parent and me being about the same age and a parent too, I am grateful to have her (and the show) back. I am also loving Becky more this go around than I did in the past.
  4. When Josh made the "telescope" comment during tonight's episode I was so happy/excited I could hardly finish watching the show. I just wanted to come here and read everybody's comments. Squeee! This is straight out of Steinbeck. Remember in Steinbeck's novel Sweet Thursday (sequel to Cannery Row) when Mack and the rest of the boys from the Palace Flophouse hold a raffle to buy Doc the microscope he needs to finish his research -- and then in their innocent ignorance they proudly present him with a telescope. Gold. Comedy gold! I'm so happy right now.
  5. Please never again Maria or Carrie Ann. This is unbearable.
  6. I just moved off the farm a few months ago. That goat in my profile picture is not a random goat, but a goat on my own farm. So you might see this everyday where you live but I squealed out loud when the camera pulled back to show Josh wearing those sparkly ankle boots. I loved that so much. That was sincerely adorable. He's so mean sometimes but his eyes tear up so easy. I can't see anybody cry without crying myself. I'm a leaker. And then teetering off in those heels trying to show himself all swagger and sass? Aww. I didn't like his dress but I don't think it was the very worst one. I didn't like that red rose either, Rosie Perez. I thought Fabio's dress was the best but I am very happy with the Anthony win. Is the prize a good prize? Styling a Lifetime movie star? That seems sad to me but what do I know -- nothing. And my favorite part of the episode was that Anne wasn't there. I enjoyed that the most.
  7. Me too. I enjoy some of the characters/people on this show (Heather and Todd especially), but watching this episode made me feel gross. Like have some effing integrity....I say to myself. I think some of Whitney's behaviors in this episode are unacceptable.
  8. Yes. This was the most uncomfortable episode (for me) so far watching this show since the beginning because of the way Whitney treated her father during the race. She was hell bent on punishing her father for asking her to do the 5/8 km walk. She was determined to make him regret it. In the past, Whitney and Glenn have exercised together in an effort to stave off diabetes. It would have been reasonable for Glenn to say this was all part of the on-going effort to bring down their A1Cs. Whitney complained that Hunter wasn't asked to do the race in exchange for the trip, suggesting she was being singled out for being fat. It is a previously accepted concept in their family that Glenn and Whitney both need to work on their A1C levels, so this was just a pointless tantrum to bite back at her father and potentially ruin the anniversary dinner. That said, Glenn and Babs created this monster by babying Whitney for 30+ years. I like Whitney's friends, all of them. Whitney herself is too much, but I enjoy her friends. Todd and Tal kill me. I love them. At this point, I would like the show a lot more if Whitney were not the star and each character got an equal share of the show. This episode they did a segment on just Heather and Ashley back home with the new baby while everybody else was in Hawaii. Whitney wasn't even there for those scenes. Fine by me! I would like to see more of just Todd, just Tal, just Heather. I love Heather. She is a dear gem and so beautiful. If Buddy wasn't such a fuck-up, he could see what is waiting there for him. I still love Buddy though too -- he is my type. I like big chubby fuzzy dudes. Not killing themselves with booze and coke, but otherwise.
  9. Yes. There is Anthony just living and where is his big fat fabulous show? This is a waste. I would throw a weekly watch party for his show. I make a crusty rustic bread with havarti... come on over! Don't bring anything. I'll make mixed drinks.
  10. I am loving Ryan and Kelly together. Recently they both made personal phone calls on air, Ryan to his mom and Kelly to Mark in Vancouver, and it seemed unscripted and funny and natural. Ryan's story about dating a woman who ate cheesecake with her hand was great, as was Kelly's reaction and her wanting to know what Mark would think about it. Kelly and Ryan have a lot of fun together and touch each other's arms when they are talking, which suggests (to me anyway) that they genuinely like each other. When it came out that Ryan was the new co-host, I was not impressed. My first choice would be Anderson Cooper but I wasn't hopeful he would want the job. I adore Anderson and Kelly together. I adore Anderson alone. I love Anderson. My realistic choice was Jerry. I enjoy Jerry. But Ryan? Why Ryan? I just couldn't understand the appeal. Blurgh, Ryan. Like the world needed to see more of Ryan. But I was wrong. I watch the host chat every day and then go to work so I rarely see the interviews, but I am loving the host chats. I have no snark, sorry. I know Kelly is acting like Ryan is an innocent child and she is one of the olds, but I can see why she does it even though they are nearly the same age. Her having three almost grown kids is a big part of the difference. I have a young son and it makes a difference with my friends. When my kid is in kindergarten and my friend (the same age) has a kid in college, it makes a big difference in life experience. Also Ryan seems sincerely baffled by basic life-skills and interpersonal interactions and yet he is this jet-setting mogul. He seems like he wants to learn more about everything. I find it charming. Also, I am sort of ashamed to admit that I watch to see what Kelly is wearing each day. I love her style. I dress like a grandma who has spent the day shearing sheep. I have two friends who are both 95 pounds and fashionable and I feel like a monster beside them but they don't make me feel bad about my dumpster style, so it's not a thing. I have tried to improve my style but if I dress up I feel so uncomfortable/on parade/not me that I can't function. I don't get the impression that Kelly would be grossed out by somebody who isn't 90-something pounds and dressed to kill.
  11. I agree with the judges that Kim's runway look wasn't great. Not based on sewing or design merit at all, but she has the prettiest face I have seen on my TV and I wasn't ready for her to leave. That said, I'm glad Josh wasn't sent home. I like him. If I was in that sewing room I hope he would come sit by me. His jizzy vest and fancy chaps were bonkers. Not Chris March level bonkers, but not boring. I wish they would send home Anne. She drains.
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