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Lady Calypso

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Everything posted by Lady Calypso

  1. Emily: Everyone's coming after you. Jake: Drew's turning on me? Emily: Everyone is, yeah. Jake: But....but Drew?
  2. So NOW we finally get more on Katurah? Ten episodes later and this is what we finally get about Katurah? Damn.
  3. And yes, I know Katurah told them about the lie, but no doubt Dee and Julie wouldn't have believed it, anyway.
  4. Oh, ok, I like this segment of the boys being buffoons and believing the lie, but meanwhile, the women were all laughing at Bruce trying to lie about not having the idol. Goes to show how much smarter the women are.
  5. What in the music video fuckery is this boys segment, coupled with crappy music?
  6. Every time we see Jake near a fire, I get worried he's about to have another episode.
  7. I do think this Sanctuary segment is needed. The women haven't really had a lot of screentime together like this, so it's good to see these four interact more.
  8. I was not surprised when I heard Austin say something along the lines of him being worried about "girls night". Like, what a surprise a man is intimidated by the mere thought of women hanging out. They could be.....CONSPIRING AGAINST THE MEN, OH NO! I know Austin didn't outright say he was paranoid that the women would band together, but it felt implied because why else would he specifically say "girls night"?
  9. And Emily chooses all the women to join her. It's not the worst idea. I think choosing two Reba and one Belo was smart, especially if Emily believes Dee is the leader of Reba 4.
  10. Oh, I don't know who she'd be smart to take. Maybe a couple of Reba members and a Belo, maybe? Aww, Emily chooses Julie!
  11. One of these days, when Jeff asks "worth playing for?", I hope someone says "No."
  12. Lulu - Emily Reba - Austin, Dee, Drew, Julie Belo - Bruce, Jake, Katurah
  13. Yeah, more and more we think about it, why would Bruce give Kellie his idol when he won two immunities in a row? In what world would they believe he would have been so paranoid that he'd give his idol to Kellie?
  14. Good job, Belo. You've FINALLY figured out that Reba 4 has been picking you off and played you like fiddles. Too bad it may be too late.
  15. At least we're getting a little more with Julie.
  16. From the way Corey made it sound, it was like they weren't able to go for a new buoy once they messed up with the first one they chose. I'm not sure whether it's because they only had a select number of mussels attached to a select number of buoys and no extras, but Corey deciding they had to switch tasks instead of finding a new buoy definitely implied that they had to retrieve their original buoy with the mussels. I can't imagine they wouldn't have thought of that once they messed up, so I think they just weren't allowed to go for a new buoy due to the limited number of buoys they had placed. Race fatigue definitely hit all the teams in various ways. They all had minor or major mishaps throughout the episode, but Todd/Ashlie and Robbin/Chelsea especially. Todd/Ashlie fell apart hard this episode. Both were snippy to each other and both, but especially Ashlie, made some navigational and task errors. Ashlie was at her worst this leg, easily. I did have a good laugh at Todd finding the chains back on the platform after their massive mistake. Ashlie's annoyance that he was wasting time coupled with Todd enjoying the moment was hilarious. Robbin/Chelsea were just too far behind to catch up. With how it was getting dark when they got to the Pit Stop, after they started the race at 10:30am, it seems like they got so lost that they were hours behind. I won't really miss Robbin/Chelsea but I'm glad they were able to race relatively well throughout. Rob/Corey had a mistake at the detour but at least they corrected it fairly quickly. They slipped down a placement, but they didn't need to use their Express Pass, at least. Greg/John are great racers; they may not be entertaining but I enjoy watching them! Though, John's reaction to the local telling him his location was in Germany was hilarious. Steve/Anna Leigh were a lot better this leg. Anna Leigh seemed more calm once she actually got some sleep, and I did like her helping Rob/Corey out when they switched detours. Joel/Garrett are surprising me with how good they are at the legs now. I had a good laugh at Joel completely missing Corey walk past him when he was asking for directions at the roadblock.
  17. That would mean Emily would need to be one of the next two boots, and that thought is just impossible for me. I do think Dee wins, though. She's been getting that winner's edit, at least to me. And if Drew is the next one to go (with next week's preview and Drew finally getting some heat on him, I think it's likely he can be the next boot with Bruce probably having to play his idol), I can see Dee cruising to the end. I can also see Dee flat out just winning immunities to keep herself safe. My thought process is that the boot order will go roughly like this: F8: Drew goes. Bruce loses immunity and force plays his idol to keep himself safe, and this is the time where Jake/Bruce/Katurah/Emily strike against Reba 4. Maybe one of Reba 4 flips on Drew, maybe one of them loses their vote, or maybe they're genuinely blindsided. F7: Bruce goes. I think I find it hard to see Emily going before Bruce, so I see him going here with no more idol. Maybe Katurah is the cause of him going, as well? Though everyone wants him out, so it's a moot point. F6: Emily goes (she probably tries to finally make a move against Reba 4 and they take her out instead). F5: Austin goes (Dee probably wins immunity and Dee/Julie/Katurah decide to vote together). F4: Julie loses fire making to either Dee or Katurah (Jake's being dragged to F3 as a goat, that much is clear). F3: Dee wins probably near unanimously, at this rate. I agree, Katurah's not getting a winner's edit. I also can't see what votes she does get if she's in F3 with Dee/Jake and Jake gets no votes.
  18. I'm still partially rooting for Dee (not fully, she can annoy me) but I think I need to see her face a situation where she's NOT in control to see how she handles it. Obviously, Dee's cocky and overbearing at times, but I have to say that she's playing such an interesting and unique game for a woman. We don't often see not just dominant women, but dominant women doing well. Now, granted, she's still being placed as the biggest target ahead of Austin/Drew and, of course, Dee/Julie are seen as a threat so no surprise there (again, they're women, of course they're being seen as dangerous vs Drew/Austin). But Dee's in control of her alliance and it's a fascinating thing to watch. If she can somehow get to the end, it'll be interesting to see if she can win or if she's seen as too cocky and she loses. But I think I'm always going to partially root for a woman who plays the game like many of the male winners we've had. We've had countless of arrogant cocky men do well and even win and they've been liked, so if Dee can get to the end, she'd be such a fascinating winner. But the real question is if she can get to the end and if she can win. Right now, she's being voiced as the biggest target in the Reba 4. Austin and Drew's names haven't even been mentioned as potential targets so Dee's gonna have to keep her alliance happy so they don't turn on her. As for Katurah, I was so rooting for her UNTIL this episode, when she actively voiced that she'd rather be at the bottom of Reba and pass them information to get out everyone else. But I think I was missing the further explanation where Katurah should have also said "that way, I can also plant seeds about Reba to Reba and get them to turn on each other so I can slip to the end". Unfortunately, there was none of that, so the edit just made Katurah look like a Reba minion, handing one of them the game. And, to be honest, with her plan, she really is, since a Reba will then make F3, probably even two of them, and Katurah is going to flat out lose if she doesn't take two of them out, at least. Her plan sucks. Jake has been such a surprising player for me. I love hearing his thought process on him pivoting his game and why he's now having to act complacent despite wanting to make a big move. He's right; if he acts complacent, maybe they'll keep him. But he needs to make a move against Reba to have a shot at being seen as a good player worthy of a win. It's such a shame, as he's very likeable and he's trying so hard, but he's just been in a shit position and failed at the one move he tried to make. Bruce was more toned down this episode, which is great. I'm still not rooting for him but he was ok this time around. Hearing his backstory and also hearing him voice his inner epiphany about potentially being too overbearing (due to Reba 4 telling him Kellie said he was overbearing) worked to add a little layer to him. But why is he readily believing Reba 4 about Kellie? This is such a classic manipulation tactic from players in power, to give information (false or not) about a player that was just voted out, to pin responsibility on someone who isn't in the game anymore and can't defend themselves. It makes Bruce look like a really bad player. Emily is fantastic, and I hope she can get to the end. Every episode, she just keeps climbing up to my favourites. She'd be such a great winner too. If she can keep Reba 4 happy but also take some of them out at the right time, she can absolutely win. Jeff needs to stop with the split tribes + losing a vote thing at F9. We don't need to see three votes go in a smaller merged tribe. We already have seen the small tribes with only 6 votes; why does he think 6 votes is some sort of magical number that fans want to see play out? We want to see actual moves being made, and you can't make freaking moves if people keep losing their vote or being split in smaller tribes. Like, give it up. The season was doing so well, too, with less twists, but since merge, it's been nothing but group games.
  19. I think, if Reba had SOME adversity at this point, it would be an amazing season. Or if Reba turns on each other before F4.
  20. Well, I guess Dee won this time. Kendra's gone, and she's not surprised in the slightest.
  21. I was thinking more like what if he found one earlier in the day, after him talking about not looking for one. Unlikely, but just throwing out a possibility. I have to imagine an idol is on their beach somewhere.
  22. I think she means that Bruce would have been sitting in Kellie's place had he not been safe last Tribal.
  23. Maybe Jake found an idol somehow and we're gonna see him pull one out?
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