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Lady Calypso

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Everything posted by Lady Calypso

  1. I would assume the next route would be within Seattle, and it looks like the trapeze task is somewhat on the outskirts, but you're right, it's hard to tell. Glass blowing is fun to watch but looks extremely difficult.
  2. I'm not sure which would be smarter: start closer and work your way out to the furthest, or go to the furthest and work your way back to Seattle. I think Rob/Corey's method may be a tiny bit better.
  3. Also, I'm laughing at how pissed Drew is. His egotistical ass thought that he was some Survivor mastermind that was cruising to the end. Turns out, he ain't as good as he thinks. But he's 100% being a bitter juror.
  4. Brilliant move by Dee, showcasing that she IS playing the game and not playing for a showmance.
  5. Austin is wasting his amulet just to have a flashy move, I guess? But, like, no votes are going to Austin so it just looks pathetic.
  6. I think there's been some decent players, and I think at least we've seen Dee's strategy behind some moves. I think, even on another season with some better players, she could still do well. I don't want to discredit Dee because it's not like she's floating or stumbling into good gameplay; she really is putting in the work and I do think it could work in other seasons. It helps the men underestimate her instead of feeling threatened by her, which is something dominant women on Survivor run into more often than not, but that's something she can't really help. I think she's managing her threat level fairly well. She SHOULD be a threat since she's been vocal in her plans, but even her own allies underesimate her. Part of it is definitely bad players, but part of it is her doing a good job. I mean, if Emily and Kaleb didn't really see Dee's threat level or see it in the way they should have, that should be a big sign that she's not doing a terrible job. Look at how Katurah ran straight to Dee to tell her about the plan. I feel like that counts for something. But I just like strategic gameplay, especially when it comes from women.
  7. It all depends how she handles adversity with Austin in this endgame. She's now voicing potentially blindsiding Austin, so if she does that, then I think I can get past this annoying showmance.
  8. I get that. I think, for me, the reason why I like Dee and fight a bit harder to defend her because we've had plenty of cocky men in Survivor and many of them have been well liked. I don't see Dee's behaviour being different than any of those past players who are liked, but I fully see why people do not like her. I guess I don't mind because she's one of the few women who have been able to successfully dominate and not be targeted for not being meek or a follower or invisible.
  9. And Dee wins! I'm ok with it; not that she's in any danger.
  10. I just think the only flashy move he can make is save his idol, get out Julie tonight, then use his idol next Tribal to get out Dee, and then win final immunity and put Drew/Austin in fire. But, like, even THEN, I'm not so sure he can win.
  11. Oh, Jake found a clue to the idol. Oh, he has to go to the tribe raft to get it. I mean, Jake wants to make a flashy move but who he's gonna target? And that requires him to know who's voting where.
  12. This is hilarious. Drew's pissed off that he has to be the babysitter and missed out on the reward, and Julie/Jake don't want to be babysat so they're just outright looking for an idol together.
  13. I've said it before and each episode keeps proving my point: the women have been RUNNING this season. Except for Kaleb, the women have been on point and been way smarter and more strategic than the men. So of course Dee/Julie have a one-up on Drew/Austin. They're simply better at the game than they are.
  14. Is Reba 4 somehow the new Tika 3, where nobody realizes how close people are with each other? Really?
  15. I feel like this acting is for absolutely nothing. They're at F6, they have the numbers. There is literally no reason to lie anymore.
  16. Julie, there's four days left in the game. Also, of course you can't trust them! They voted you out! Why are you wondering if you can trust them? They're gonna try again!
  17. Dee's plan should be very obvious but the players left are Jake (who has had bad reads), Katurah (who was Bruce blinded for weeks), and Austin (who is Dee blinded). Drew's the only one who could catch on to Dee lying.
  18. Julie: We're keeping it secret that Dee and I are working together! I feel like these people SHOULD read into it, but they probably won't.
  19. I did forget that Dee created the whole plan to also vote Julie FOR the aftermath.
  20. The funny thing is that Nicole wasn't even that bad. She was only slightly behind Britney; sure, she messed up a few times but she actually DID finish rather quickly. It was Xavier who messed it up by putting them a whole tree behind the other team. Which would have queued another three years of Nicole not speaking to Cody. But yeah, Frankie seemed to realize that peeking at other players' answers was the way to go and, to his credit, it worked for him.
  21. This is shaping up to be a fun spinoff season. Cameron first boot and Cody second? And the team Cody compiles loses to the Leftovers 2.0? Beautiful. Plus, equitable comps and we get even more Britney? Hooray! This is what we've wanted from the original but can never get because comps are so geared toward a specific type of person winning. It was joyous to see Taylor's Karma bite Cody in the ass this quickly, and all because he decided that Frankie/Xavier were the strongest men best competitors to play with, and Nicole because he trusted her over Josh (but let's not be silly; it's likely not really because he thought she was a super strong competitor). I nearly threw up in my mouth when Frankie ALSO voiced that Cody/Xavier were players he didn't want to compete against because he couldn't beat them but he could definitely beat the other five in the house (probably because they're women and then there's Josh, who varies in skill in comps). Like, please, keep voicing how you can beat the women in the house but not the two men who you claim are well rounded or your bestest best friend who you haven't talked to since BB16, most likely. Like Frankie has interacted much with Big Brother over the last nine years. There is such satisfaction watching the true underdogs win and seeing Cody taken down a few pegs. I would have been fine with any of the three going home. Cody gets to finally lose Big Brother early enough, Frankie's DRs would have stopped, and Xavier is such a boring ass dude that it wouldn't have been a shame to watch him go. Now, unfortunately, Xavier is so pissy that his alliance turned on him that he likely is about to team up with Frankie and Nicole. Hooray? Not at all; Xavier's just bitter that he can't coast to the end and then beat the people he clearly thinks he can beat, despite just horrifically losing the Brawl for his team. He's now said twice that he's realizing it's Win or Go Home. Yes, Xavier, this is a competition-based game. Social game goes out the window once competitions become important, and because they don't know what type of comps are in the actual Reindeer Games, it's best to take out anyone who can even remotely do anything physical as well, just in case. He has to realize that there was a chance this comp could have been physical and Nicole could have lost. Honestly, with how the comp was, Nicole's not stupid but I think she would have been a tad slower than Cody and Frankie so she might have lost this, which would have left three comp beasts in the house.
  22. Also, Frankie, no, Cameron's not the first BB player to be evicted three times in two months. Nicole's husband Victor would actually be the first.
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