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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Freddie, RUN AWAY, just leave!! NOW!! Leave Jabba the Hut now while you still have your youth. She has him enslaved. WHY FREDDIE? She's impossible to love, or even like. She said you ain't a man!! Nasty bitch isn't long for this world. Beats Lisa, Pauline and Penny...hands down. How are people raised that they feel so entitled, are so spoiled, have zero sense of shame or reality, honesty or kindness? GOD, HOW I HATE THIS BEEOTCH!!!
  2. Wasn't it Heather and not Ashley that was the only yes adoption vote ??
  3. Missed the first 30 mins, I saw the big tat and for a moment thought we had another Juggalo. Then saw the thug life tote bag......LOL. Poor thing had a terrible body shape, really bad case of back boobs. But she was mobile, that's major.
  4. She looks like a floral mountain blob. Glenn is too honest for his own good isn't he. Like I said...... he's gonna pay! Shaun, there is no adoption process!!
  5. Glenn is sure gonna pay for saying Whitney should lose weight. Oh Ashley you fool, the reason Whitney didn't lose weight on the diet you were burg supposedly on and you did is because she was NOT eating what you did.... she was lying. Don't make excuses for your meal ticket friend.
  6. I don't know about y'all, but they could not pay me enough to humiliate myself like this to the world.
  7. If i ever hear the word CLOSURE one more frigging time I'm gonna puke
  8. Buddy can't seem to convince everyone that he does not want a damn GF, and certainly not Heather. What did she do when her marriage broke up, just curious........
  9. Ewww, she wasn't wearing a bra in that Avi scene. Come on Whitney.......
  10. I call BS on the adoption storyline. I think Whitney is desperate to keep this show going and trying to come up with anything to make it last. Anything. Anyone who has looked into adoption can tell you it's not that easy.....there is no store with infants on a shelf. Foreign adoption is costly. Many US adoptions start out as fosters, and almost all those children are born to 1 or both addicted parents. Reality. The novelty of "fat girl dancing" has become the reality of an morbidly obese woman (who can no longer dance). No person her size is healthy, none, zero. As she ages she's in for big trouble. Its all so scripted, don't think for a moment that TCL didn't help put out stuff on social media setting that Charleston dance class up. And WTF is up with that strange bun thing on her head? Babs begged her to stop playing with Piggy's ashes, she smirked and went ahead. She's a cruel bitch. Buddy, don't care. Heather, don't care even more. Todd, you're by far the most interesting. Tal, liked you til you allowed yourself to be used in this adoption storyline.
  11. Very true, I totally agree. My late husband and I were unable to have children, looked into adoption but it ain't as easy as Whit seems to think it is, she thinks she can shop for one and have her pick. Nope. And these poor kids are often born to addicted parents., they will have issues. I just don't see her qualifying for a baby, and what if she or Tal meets someone, what happens then. I think the whole storyline is a bullshit lie.
  12. Bitch just loves freaking her parents out, has the maturity of a 13 year old. What's wrong with Tal, i thought better of him than this.
  13. Todd is the most sensible character on this show...... who woulda thunk it!!
  14. Missed the Buddy/Heather meeting. Did she get the closure she craved? He was screwing around with other chicks behind her back, right?
  15. Looks like Whit can hardly move anymore. Todd is running this class, she's out of breath!
  16. Whitney's life just isn't interesting, I think this is why every episode is entitled "Buddy etc....". Now that's getting boring too. I got a kick when she told Todd last week that they got so many more views than the fitness guy got, millions & millions! Yup they sure did.... because it was a "fat girl dancing" video, an amazing thing to see. Can she even do that anymore, BTW? And that cry face when she told mom about the pig. How does she get that lower lip out that far? You know, she didn't have to have the cameras there at that tender family moment.... she wanted them there. Totally true as many have pointed out....LOVES to be the bearer of bad news, doesn't she. Adopt? No agency would EVER approve her. She would have to find some poor pregnant woman and buy a baby, and that don't come cheap. Lazy creature.... she'd have to have a nanny or have Babs watch it. This is just another sad attempt to be interesting. Heather... for the love of God, it just didn't work out! Move on please! Pathetic.
  17. Stupid question ...... but damn, why is Whitney's midriff bare like 90% of the time.
  18. All true. Her career is being a professional fat lady. We watch because it's basically a freak show. We watch her try to ski, dance, do a 5K, date, act inappropriate, stuff herself into a car, diaper her cat, etc and we're amused. Didn't see it, but apparently she was on that awful Megan Kelly show and the segment was called "I'm Short, I'm Fat, I'm Cute". Delusional. She is going to die young, she's extremely morbidly obese. There's no way she doesn't feel like shit all the time.
  19. Hmmm, is she transitioning Zachary to role of caretaker, but I sure hope not.
  20. Its never going to be a good time for her to be on get own, is it. No job, nothing to do, I don't think she drives, dependent on the ex who wants to get her in her own. She still wants him, but it could be rather awkward if she came crawling back again and he had another woman......LOL
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