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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Count me as a big YES on that. I seriously have never heard a human being scream like that constantly in my life. What an obnoxious braying whale.
  2. Well it's only 9:20 and she's at her last chance dr. Now appt. It's so early that I'm guessing she somehow manages to qualify for surgery. Which would be a huge surprise.
  3. Every time I see that I think they're gonna show the kid driving while still in a booster seat. I think they even call it the Graco Forever Seat. And Jazz......grrrrrrrrr!
  4. She's got pretty big back boobs....about a DD cup. I noticed as she did her dejected walk back to the car after getting some tough love from Dr Now
  5. I'll add my hahahaha be to that!!! If she can stop eating I'll eat her drawers.
  6. She literally is eating every minute of the day, she's getting her next meal lined up before she's finished the last. So her boyfriend is basically her food slave.
  7. Hell she's eating a damn double burger on the plane!!!!!
  8. Come on dude, wouldn't you rather be with a chick who can actually do normal things like walk around, shop, eat in restaurants, go on vacations, have kids with, and not be stared at everywhere when you do have to go out?
  9. Chubby Chasers is s thing, but honestly what's up with guys who want to be with bedbound or practically bedbound chicks? Seriously.....
  10. Huh, do you mean Lenny is not on the show but they are still "friends"? WTF I thought he cheated on her and actually brought another girl to what I think was her housewarming party? I don't do Facebook. Guess I'm behind on this.
  11. She's just a heart attack waiting to happen, how she has not had one already is beyond me. Unrelated, but did Buddy get a new tat every time he did a line of coke? Yikes, hideous.
  12. I hate biking! Says the one who made everyone bike. Boobs and stomach and ass a bouncin', screaming and wailing and panting away. OMG
  13. Oh Buddy's fake phony actress girlfriend is moving "back" to Illinois? With non-existent child too I suppose. And Twit so relieved she's got her Buddy back again she's in tears. Awwwwwww
  14. Where does she find those bathing suits? "Yes I'm normal and yes you WILL be look at me, you WILL!!" Meanwhile Heather wears a tasteful one piece. What's wrong with this picture? Oh....nevermind.
  15. Oops I have difficulty processing what she says sometimes.
  16. Taxidermy!!! That's the REAL Alasker!!! Whoa.. did she just call Buddy her significant other? I think she did!!!! $$$$$$$
  17. THAT. Sums everything up quite nicely. Novelty of the original "Fat Girl Dancing" is long over. Now it's all about desperately trying to hold onto her to show, creating situations that we will want to watch, even if it's in disgust. This is literally her only livelihood. If a few friends have to be thrown under the bus in the process to make things more interesting, well that's just collateral damage. Hey that's what they're getting paid for, right?
  18. God forbid LOL! The ones I ready wonder about are Whitney and Buddy. She's dependent on daddy and he's just a bum.
  19. I can kinda understand how Chriss-shen was low on funds, when I was their age I pretty much lived paycheck to paycheck too, and he obviously had to quit his job when they moved. We see lots of male significant others who don't drive. In this case I'm assuming Maja's hated mommy (as in boo hoo, mommy has no time for me, just because she had a stroke and now works 2 jobs to support me is no excuse!) is paying for her nice new car, her nice clothes, her portion of the rent for that nice apartment and the mountain of food she consumes daily. Because there's no way that Chriss-shen could afford all that. I'm 100% positive that he felt the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders on that bus ride home!! What a relief, whew! At least she's still in Houston apparently, so although she probably calls her mommy or poor old grandma every day demanding they send more cash. And you know she isn't nice about it. What a horrendous being she is.
  20. Yeah, must be the same diet that past big poundicipent /failure Penny's been insisting she's been losing weight on for years now. If Maja is truly losing weight, it must be because she's trying to get her loving "spouse" Chris-shen back. LOL. She did dress pretty well though...jeans even!!
  21. I think Christian realized that being homeless again was better than living with this vile harpy. And Mom sounded a tad resentful that she was working 2 jobs, but I'm fairly certain she was helping to support this ungrateful whale. Frankly I don't buy ANY of her sob stories about how horrible her family is. Or the husband who divorced her. And I agree with those who think uprooting yourself and moving clear across the country for at least a year is an immense sacrifice. I don't think I would be able to do it, nor would anyone with a decent job. (Those who don't work find the whole deal easier, of course).
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