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Posts posted by Orillia

  1. It's so typical for this show to get a good guest like Meacham , and give him a lousy 5 minutes. They barely scraped the surface of what they could have talked about. I loved how much he was cracking Joy up. I noticed she went right over to him as soon as the show ended. He's on Morning Joe all the time and is usually just as funny. I've also been noticing that lately , just as things are starting to heat up , Whoopie cuts it off real fast and goes to commercial and when they come back, new topic. One of these days somethings going to give.

    • Love 16
  2. 1 hour ago, WhitneyWhit said:

    The longer MM is on this show, the closer we are to opening it with the pledge of allegiance.

    And after that they'll be changing the View theme song to the Star Spangled Banner.

    • Love 7
  3. What did that take...about a nanosecond before Whoopie started stuffing her face ? And then coming back from break she's still stuffing. I will give her credit though, she managed to eat it all by the time Jon Hamm came on. And an extra special thanks to Meghan for clarifying that the woman who won was a woman. I heard what she was saying. Too bad she doesn't hear what we're saying.

    • Love 8
  4. 3 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

    I loved this segment. It was like "Queen For A Day" for a very deserving woman. I loved that she kept missing the additional gifts because she was crying!

    I loved that Sarah could see the second truck even though it wasn't in the picture.

    • Love 4
  5. My heart went out to Allyson this morning. You could tell it took everything she had to keep it together. I hope she went and had a good cry as soon as the show was over.

    • Love 2
  6. 3 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    And here's Whoopi steamrolling Sunny yet again. She wouldn't even let her finish her thought before going to break. Gah.

    For once I was rolling my eyes right along with Whoopie. It seemed to me like everyone was ready to jump all over Sunny. Heaven forbid that a teacher would take a few minutes away from teaching and have a few laughs with their students. 

    • Love 12
  7. 1 hour ago, WarnerCL45 said:

    Believe me, I miss her!

    I do too. But sadly I think we're in the minority here. At least she had a sense of humor. I really regret that I wasn't posting during the Jed era. Lately she's been on the Greg Gutfeld Show every couple of weeks.

    • Love 4
  8. 6 hours ago, missy jo said:

    I wish they'd gotten to this point a few episodes ago. Both the Stan and Paige point of views seem rushed. I'd have liked more time for this part of the story to play out. 

    I would have liked to have had a few scenes between Philip and Stan once he finally knew the truth. Stan would be looking at him in an entirely new light and probably be trying to trip him up. I'm sure Philip would have caught on. Classic cat and mouse. Loved the phone call at the end and the realization that it's over, not only for them but also for us.  It's going to be a long week.

    • Love 11
  9. 1 hour ago, Jaded said:

    In addition to Whoopi swallowing up time with "Welcome to The View" at the start of the show we also had her licking RMB's asshole to try and keep her simmer level at a minimum.

    When the show opened with that award winning ass kissing, I thought we'd be in trouble. But they went on to redeem themselves with an update on the second greatest love story of the week. That segment brought a tear to my eye , it was so touching.

    • Love 4
  10. 3 hours ago, Landsnark said:

    What a breath of fresh air. They were AMAZING during the coverage.  That was the most fun TV I've seen in a long time.  When Meghan went by, I fell hard for Tur and Reuhl.  So so cute and fun and goofy and smart.

    They were there to have fun and they didn't care who knew it. Loved their plea for tickets to the reception when they found out two may be available. Stephanie was rockin it in that hat. Landsnark I totally agree. It really was the most fun TV I've seen in a long time.

    • Love 1
  11. Well I guess that's it. For one last time we get to see the awesomeness that is Hannah Welles. She got a knife in the leg and less than 10 seconds later was practically running on it. Who am I kidding , it was less than 5 seconds. I did like seeing her new daughter giving her a rough time. I will miss all the snarking on Hannah , the next mother of the year. Because of the cancellation, I think they should have taken out the scene of Emily handing over the papers to the spy.  Let them end on a note of loyalty. Hopefully Keifer will get another show. It's been fun.

    • Love 6
  12. 1 hour ago, Alexis2291 said:


    Yeah. When she thanked Sunny for being a lawyer, I was kind of scratching my head and giving her the side-eye.

    She really want's the two of them to go out for drinks again doesn't she ? In the spirit of all the niceness that's going around, I want to thank Meghan for pointing out not once, but twice that Sunny is a lawyer. I've never heard that before. 

    • Love 6
  13. 2 hours ago, Fable said:

    The Yanny/Laurel things was weird.  Is this really a thing?  The words sound nothing alike.  It defies logic that one could be mistaken for another.  It kind of makes a person think about how miscommunication happens.  I'm keeping my skeptic hat on for now.  



    It really is the strangest thing. They only have 1 letter in common. As much as I try to hear laurel, I hear yanny every time. How is this even possible ? It's like it's an optical illusion but for your ears. I wonder if fans of the musician Yanni think they've been listening to Laurel for all these years ?

    • Love 8
  14. That was like an episode of the Twilight Zone. Everyone being nice and getting along, a few laughs, Sara talking about Socrates and Aristotle and then going on to quote Ghandi. and an excellent ending. What's going on ? But I have to say seeing the look on those kid's faces when Kobe came out was one of the nicest things I've  seen in a long time. I felt so happy for them. Don't worry the old Meghan will be back before you know it. I hear they're giving odds in Vegas.

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