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Posts posted by Orillia

  1. Just now, hummingbee said:

     30 x 60 =1200 ( Rockstar's math).

    Bayleigh would have gotten the math right. After all , according to her mom she's 1 point away from being a genius. As if Swaggy's sweaters aren't bad enough ,his jacket with his picture on the back takes the cake. Can a career in fashion designing be in the works ?

    • Love 2
  2. Gee Meghan,,,,, try to take over the show much ? At this rate I can see next season being " Meghan McCain presents The View  with   ..........   and starring Meghan McCain " Sara's last day will probably be something like , Sara tell us your favorite memories of Meghan , what do you like best about her ?  etc. Then Meghan can tell her best memories of Sara.  And good luck to anyone who dares to try to interrupt what I'm sure will be a heartfelt and touching tribute. While we're on Meghan , she might as well update us on her fathers condition. { I've heard he's sick } and she wouldn't want Sara to worry.    As to the Christmas debate ...... someone's saying something nice to you. What's the problem ? Would you rather they tell you to go  f  yourself ?

    • Love 11
  3. 20 minutes ago, green said:


    How can someone fail to put EIGHT freaking puzzle pieces together.  Count them.  EIGHT!!!   In two and a half minutes!!!  Two legs, check.  A head, a chest, check.  And three smaller pieces.  How how how.  Two legs, obvious.  Head and chest, obvious.  Just put the damn tummy and nether regions together.  God it was so easy even Rockstar could have done it.


    They should have made it 3 pieces. ( 2 would have been too obvious. ) Excellent Rockstar line

    • Love 5
  4. 1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:


    Why is Joy wearing so much Black in the middle of  Summer. I love bright clothing in the summer. 


    If I had to hang around Meghan , I'd be wearing black too.

    • Love 20
  5. On ‎7‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 9:37 PM, DasFlavorPup said:

    I really wanted to like the contestant who won the $150K in the first episode tonight, but holy hell dude, dial it down a few notches. 


    I wish they'd all dial it down. This has been my favorite game show from as far back as the Dick Clark days. I've always thought you had to have a lot on the ball to be successful and couldn't just luck into a win. I want to see players who take it seriously. The over the top reactions when they get all 7 in the first round drive me crazy. Enough with the dancing. It's not like they just won the game. If they get the 50 or 100 thousand, then go nuts. I like Michael as a host because he seems to really like the game and when someone misses the word he tries to come up with clues that would have helped. I love this game and would be thrilled if it came back as a daily half hour show.   

    • Love 3
  6. 22 minutes ago, WarnerCL45 said:

    Why was Jeanine Piro on?  Was it to plug a book?  No one in that audience is likely to buy her book, are they?  


    They're probably lucky enough to get a free copy. Ana had the line of the day when she said she thought the title referred to the Trump administration. 

    • Love 19
  7. I just about died laughing when after Whoopie was done yelling , Sara jumped in and thanked Judge "let me finish " Jeanine  for being there. Yeah , that's what everyone was thinking.  That Sara , what a trooper.

    • Love 15
  8. I went from wishing the detective guy would shut up to cheering him on at the end. His relationship with Grace has to have changed after that. Should be interesting how they handle it. Lots of possibilities. That is if they can fit it in. The asteroid storyline is taking up all the time.  

    • Love 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Gregg247 said:

    I think this is one of those companies that Marcus invests in that will actually be successful.  Yes, Jen is a control freak, but she seems to "know" that already, and brought Marcus in specifically to help her with her shortcomings.  She wants to be better, and she's not obstinate.  Coupled with the fact that she has an already successful business and a talent for the work tells me that this will be a "W" in Marcus' playbook.

    Did Marcus understand that the sales dude who quit to start his own business, but who Marcus brought back in, was into the legalized (or not) weed industry?  It hilariously seemed like Marcus was completely oblivious (especially when he pointed to the "High There" sign and said, "Bye there! hahaha").

    I totally agree with everything you said. I didn't find Jen to be all that bad. She managed to renegotiate with Marcus and seemed willing to learn. None of this telling Marcus he doesn't know what he's talking about and where he' s wrong. She seemed to be in a much better place at the end of the episode. The best part was that they spared us the gruesome details of the breakup. It could have easily gone into Dr. Phil territory. I like the show a lot more when it sticks basically to the business. Marcus's bye there was hilarious. He didn't have a clue.

    • Love 2
  10. That love fest today was something else. I wonder if they took their blue cards so they would know what to talk about. Tomorrow should be good. I find Judge Jeanine to be highly unlikeable on her best day. She's probably Meghans favorite judge , or at least she will be tomorrow. Lots of laughs here today. Keep em coming.

    • Love 6
  11. I tuned into this show expecting to see the Profit and instead got an episode of Dr Phil. I think if the cameras weren't there , Dino might have slugged Dr Marcus. What I want to see on this show is a business that's doing ok but wants to improve itself. Marcus comes in and shows them how to cut costs , better marketing etc, You know , things that make a business successful. Is that too much to ask ? Enough with all the drama.

    • Love 8
  12. I don't think that Meghan said another word after the second segment until her latest best friend and mentor came on and then she was all smiles. She didn't even ask Mr Douglas a question. Harris almost seemed upset that Whoopie asked her a question and interrupted the love fest. I haven't seen that much cross table hugging since ...... well, never. Somedays all I can do is just shake my head.

    • Love 7
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