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Posts posted by Orillia

  1. 2 minutes ago, jjj said:

    Oh, what was the "MacArthur Park" reference?  Did he sing, or quote a line?   I heard "Seasons in the Sun" references a few times. 

    During the next discussion cake was mentioned. Joe kind of mumbled " someone left a cake out in the rain "

    • Love 3
  2. 4 hours ago, teddysmom said:


    The show started with Mika rolling her eyes becos Joe & Willie wanted to talk about Mark Hamill getting a star on the Walk of Fame, and were aghast he didn't already have one.  So am I. Because we can't acknowledge the man who starred in one of the biggest movie franchises in history for five minutes, can we Mika?  You twit. 



    That Mika , the Queen of Pop Culture. Loved her disgust at the music talk. Good on Heilman for knowing Seasons in the Sun. And later Joe threw in a McCarthur's Park reference for good measure.

    • Love 2
  3. I was hoping this would be The Final Frontier for Hannah. She took up half the show. Yeah , we get it , she's the most bad ass FBI agent in the history of FBI agents. If they want to push her on us so much just give her a spin off show. The characters and stories in the White House are a lot more interesting. I also think that what Tom said to the driver wasn't that bad. My guess is that after the tape leaks and it becomes the crisis that could bring down the presidency, Tom will go on TV , pour his heart out  and all will be well. That is unless Hannah goes  and beats up the driver.

    • Love 9
  4. 2 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

    Meghan learned a new word.  Paradigm.  And referenced Occam's Razor.  It should be noted before she used that phrase she readjusted her earpiece.  Maybe someone told her to say that.

    After applying Occam's Razor to Meghan,   she's an idiot.

    • Love 13
  5. 1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

    I noticed that after Chelsea answered Sunny's question about "inappropriate questions", it appeared that Sunny was going to say something else but "zipped it".  Did anyone else catch that & wonder why she didn't continue??

    It looked to me like Sunny turned to MM to indicate that she had finished her question and was turning it over to her. Then Whoppie quickly jumped in with another topic. Maybe she sensed how wrong things cold go and wanted to avert a potential disaster. For them ,  not us. I thought it was a pretty strange moment.

    • Love 8
  6. 12 hours ago, Katy M said:

    This episode annoyed me.  I'm glad that they made the sexual harassment actually be sexual harassment, instead of some vague crap that was going to be prosecutable.  "He invited me to his apartment to eat."  I honestly thught that was going to be it and they were going to prosecute him for it.  But, they actually had him do something wrong, so that was good. 



    I hope they do some sort of follow up.

  7. 12 hours ago, backformore said:


    I think they cram too much into a show that has only about 35 minutes.  hot topics, two interviews, sex talk, a song.   They ask Jimmy Buffet to talk about his play, he starts to tell a funny story, sets it up, and then they go to commercial.   I have noticed that guests who are on The View are on other talk shows in the same week, and give MUCH better interviews, because they come in prepared to talk about something, and they actually are given time to say it.  The celebrity interviews on The View always seems so rushed.  Guests can barely get a sentence out before being interrupted to talk about something else, then they start that, then, oops, we have to go to break - come back any time!  

    Having 5 people trying to conduct an interview is just too many. A lot of times they'll be talking about something interesting and then someone will pipe in with their unrelated blue card question and totally derail the conversation. They could get rid of the 2 minute topics after a break and no one would care. They're always so informative anyways.  As to the " Come back anytime " just once I'd like to hear someone say I'll have to check my schedule and see when I have 3 or 4 minutes to spare.

    • Love 9
  8. Is there anything on this network that isn't Breaking News ? Sometimes they even play it before going into a commercial. What's the news ? that they're having a commercial ?

    • Love 3
  9. And what's with Velshi & Rhule being on Sat. for a lousy half hour ? Weekdays she has an hour show , he has an hour show and then the ultimate -- they team up for an hour show. A half hour is just not enough.

    • Love 3
  10. 14 hours ago, Bobbin said:


    Experienced field agent Hannah Wells manages to escape, subdue three soldiers and arm herself -- and then walks down the middle of the road to be quickly recaptured?? Oh, right, her role is to be captured over and over, week after week. Three times tonight alone!

    I'm surprised she didn't at least try to take those other guys out. There were only about 20 of them. 

    • Love 7
  11. 10 hours ago, millennium said:

    They're talking about Hope Hicks this morning.

    I must admit,  it was a novelty having someone from a Robert Palmer video in the White House.

    She also reminds me of Keri Russell from The Americans.

    • Love 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Ladyrain said:

    Awesome!!!   SNL - is anybody out there listening?  Snag her for an appearance!  Or at the very least, have (so sorry, can't remember the her name) the one who plays Melania parody HH in that video.  Honestly, the snarkers here at PTV are a millions times more talented and witty than the SNL writers.  Many many many more laughs here than there.  That Addicted To Love analogy is positively golden.

    There have been times that my stomach hurts from laughing so much at the comments. Then an hour or so later I'll start thinking about it again and burst out  laughing. Pure comic gold.                               

    • Love 3
  13. 7 hours ago, oakville said:

    Joe said he warned Hillary's campaign in August 2016 that identity politics would be bad for Democrats!. They should have listened to Joe. LOL!




    Whoever is thinking of running in 2020 should hire Joe right now. A guaranteed win.

    • Love 4
  14. I thought there was something off about Flo's non reaction when Sly was explaining his system. And then you see her reacting to Walter the way she should have been with Sly. I'm surprised they didn't have Page come back to see it. Didn't they do this triangle thing with Page's previous boyfriend? I hated it then and I hate it now. Do they think we'll be on the edge of our seats waiting to see who she chooses? No one wants this storyline. Both Sly and Flo are good quirky characters and I really like both of them. Just put them in a situation where  they solve some unsolvable problem and hopefully we're off and running.     On the other hand the scene where Sly and Walter were dumb founded that Page and Gabe couldn't figure out the obvious carbon copy clue and Happy and Doc come in and get it without even have to think about it is what I love about this show. The contrast between how a genius and a regular person see things. That and how they can save the world with a rubber band, a stick or whatever else happens to be handy.                                                                                                                                                                                    

    • Love 3
  15. 4 hours ago, Tosia said:

    Maybe the NRA is paying ABC BIG $ to keep MM on the panel.  What is going on with treating her with kid gloves?  Barf-inducing viewing.  

    Just think, MM can add the pope as a friend soon.  LOL, if it wasn't true. :( 

    Meredith, please return for guest hosting.  Please.

    She's got to have something on them. Either that or they don't want to be taken off her friends list.

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