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Posts posted by Orillia

  1. 6 hours ago, oakville said:


    Donnie said that Avenatti is jumping the shark with his media appearances.

    I think the only CNN show he hasn't done is Parts Unknown with Anthony Bourdain. New episodes are airing so there's still time.

    • Love 4
  2. 48 minutes ago, TheGreenWave said:

    Yes!  So much this.  And, I can't believe she gets bailed out by none other than the National Security Advisor to the President himself (um, like that wouldn't have aroused any suspicion at the police station) and then is allowed to get access to the police evidence room by Aaron.  I'm so over Hannah.

    I almost look at Hannah as comedic relief at this point. Everything she does is so  snark worthy. The comments here are usually hilarious so she does provide us with good material. Nobody out there knows better than Hannah ... and I mean nobody !!!  I'm surprised she didn't try to beat up that cop. I'm sure she would have had her reasons.

    • Love 3
  3. 4 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

    Meghan's obsession with Joy is so weird.  Every time Meghan and Joy agree on something--even on something banal like "puppies are cute"--Meghan has to announce it as if the sun has started to rise in the west. When Joy pushes back on Meghan's arguments, Meghan gets disproportionately upset ("Why is the audience clapping?!  Why does everyone hate me, the poor beleaguered Conservative?  Fine!  I just won't say anything then; pouting can move mountains!").  I believe that in the fantasy version of The View that exists in Meghan's head, the show is actually called McCain Takes Behar Down a Peg or Two.

    There are times that they seem to get along just fine but as soon there's a disagreement , Meghan goes off the deep end. I don't think she fully grasps the concept that people can disagree and still be friendly to each other. When she points out that they agree I wonder if she's thinking that everyone likes Joy and I agree with her so, I can't be all that bad. Of course she has to make sure we all know it, I don't know. I'm no Dr. Phil.

    • Love 11
  4. When Trey came back to get his wallet , and the apartment was messed up , I thought for a moment that he was going to find a body and he was being set up. Nice to see Mike getting some storylines. Lyor's a total dick but he's kind of growing on me. What can I say?  But my favorite part had to be Hannah, the baddest bad ass out there , asking Chuck in her most condescending voice "and you didn't think to tell me ? Chuck slams back with " You don't work here anymore " Would have liked to see him follow up with an equally condescending "and why are you calling me ? "  I only hope that was a one way ticket.

    • Love 1
  5. 3 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

    Well it looks like I will have to wait until cocktail time to watch this shit fest. Thanks for the warning my friends. Burp. 

    You better have a couple extras.

    • Love 8
  6. 43 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

    If the visit from Meghan's teacher was a surprise, how did she have questions written on a blue card?

    The behind the scenes people would have known. My question is , was the card already in her pile or did someone slip it in when she wasn't looking ? And if they did , she sure didn't seem surprised to see an unfamiliar card. She's not a good enough actress to cover up having to ad-lib. What was with the love fest anyways ? The pictures were hilarious .

    • Love 3
  7. 4 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

    Plus, he is enjoying the spotlight.. He glows when he is talking on these talk shows... He is an egotist.. 

    He's giving the Mooch a real run for his money.

    • Love 12
  8. 1 hour ago, atlantaloves said:

    Whoopsie, so sorry for recommending she move to Canada. I forgot we probably have some nice Canadians on this site, how RUDE of moi, forgive please.  How about we just send her straight to Hades?  Kisses from Atlanta. 

    Don't be sorry. I know I got a good laugh out of it. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

    • Love 8
  9. 6 minutes ago, Chloesmom said:

    Thanks for your help MyAimIsTrue but they rejected the request as they are not starting any new news shows.

    Would it help if everyone who wants this forum put in a request ?

    • Love 3
  10. 21 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    I may be wrong--and if there's one thing she's proven while being on the show, it's that she has no self-control--but I have a feeling McCain will try to be on her best behavior throughout May sweeps. Emphasize on 'try.' I wonder how long it'll take her to crack.

    She's back Tuesday ..... I give her until Wednesday.

    • Love 5
  11. 2 hours ago, WarnerCL45 said:

    Can’t snark on FB, too many people piling on.  I was told that people like me are what’s wrong with the world!  

    People like you, and a lot of us here aren't what's wrong with the world , we're what's right with the world. 

    • Love 9
  12. 1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:


    The moment that killed me today was when everyone was laughing and having a good time talking about their children's tantrums and meltdowns, then Whoopi starts to segue into the break and Meghan butts in only to shout, “SORRY! I HAVE NO STORIES!!!!”

    That's ok Meghan, we'll give you a pass , but just this one time.

    • Love 4
  13. 1 hour ago, pinguina said:

    Something that MM said today along the lines - People need to be talk to each other in a calm, adult manner when they disagree, and listen to opposing views. 


    I almost fell off my couch when she came out with that one.

    • Love 9
  14. I think they missed out on a real opportunity by not having Avenatti co host. Would have been interesting to hear his thoughts on another high profile case. He's everywhere these days and maybe couldn't commit to the hour. At least it would have spared us the agony of having to watch Jason Biggs's game show clip.

    • Love 9
  15. I wonder if when an old friend of the president comes to visit , they are checked out as closely as someone he doesn't know. The tech giant comes to visit , he's an old buddy and Tom's excited to see him. He's got a briefcase from work with papers ,the car and whatever else. I'm sure it would be checked out but unless he said the car was a present, would it really be all that suspicious ? He gives Tom the car before he leaves. Would the secret service even know ? Are visitors rechecked when they leave ? 

  16. 2 hours ago, LIMOM said:

    MM needs to take a break, as she is unable to cope with her father’s medical situation.

    It seems to me that it is part the reason why she is acting so child like at this time. She is regressing because of the stress.

    she is still a brat, though.

    Dr.  LIMOM, I think your analysis is right on the money. It's a tough situation to deal with and everyone reacts differently. I found myself being nicer to people  as the small things just didn't seem that important. However, that being said, it's not like she's gone through a major personality change. She's always been annoying.

    • Love 3
  17. 23 hours ago, Orillia said:

    There've been times this week when she seemed almost human. However, I'm not about to jump on the Meghan love train any time soon because I know she'll be back to normal before you know it.

    Well , that didn't take long.

    • Love 22
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