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Posts posted by Orillia

  1. I think this showed some potential. It's only the first episode so time will tell. I agree with everyone about the passengers. If this happened in real life it would be the biggest story in the world. I highly doubt it would just be welcome back, see you around.

    When the detective and his ex went back to the dog owner , I had a feeling that "set them free " referred to the kidnapped girls. She solved that crime in record time.    

    • Love 5
  2. 18 hours ago, alexa said:

    Oliver Hudson needs to chill. Not only is he being weird but he literally reached over and touched the other contestant while he was giving clues. Like trying to tickle him?  

    I have to give that contestant a lot of credit for keeping his cool. That alleged celebrity was being a total dick. I agree that it's good he won. Could have been an awkward situation.

    • Love 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Former Nun said:

    I enjoy watching Joy's face at the time...she's either paying attention to her blue cards or looking exasperated.

    I also like watching Joy. She acts as if it's not even happening. I almost hate to admit it but every once in a while I'll count the number of times Whoopie says it just because it's so ridiculous. I wonder what the record is ? Not that I'd want to see it or anything.

    • Love 10
  4. Just now, Blissfool said:

    He wouldn't save either one because there's no one left to nominate. 

    I've heard that if he saves one, the other would automatically be evicted since there's nobody left to nominate. I can't remember this situation ever happening before.

    • Love 1
  5. I think today was the first time I've seen everyone treat Abby like she was one of the gang when they were joking about her 1 vote. They were all laughing about it, including Abby. At least she can make fun of herself. I think she's doing okay and is starting to fit in. I haven't heard her screeching over anyone , pouting about a disagreement , taking 10 sips in a row from her cup or looking like she'd rather be anywhere but there. I don't agree with everything she says but then again I don't agree with everything the others say either. I'm just looking for a few laughs.

    • Love 14
  6. I remember that Arsenio was always acting intensely interested in what ever the guest was saying no matter what the subject. He'd be on the edge of his seat , leaning right in so he wouldn't miss a word. You'd think he was hearing the meaning of life instead of the finer points of watching paint dry or some equally exciting subject.

    • Love 7
  7. 15 hours ago, bijoux said:

    I find Fallon intolerable because he’s such an ass kisser. Most hosts flatter their guests, but he takes it to a whole new level.


    And look out if the guest says something even remotely funny. Fallon finds it so hysterical that mere laughter isn't enough. He spins in his chair , doubles over and is almost in tears.

    • Love 8
  8. 3 hours ago, rickhurst3186 said:

    Now  that Stormy Daniels is divorcing,  how long do you think its going to be before she and Michael Avanati tie the knot????

    I can see it now. A picture of a sealed envelope and Avanati saying he has stunning new information to reveal. But he can't reveal it just yet. Stay tuned. Will it be about his alleged presidential run ? Will he finally say what's on the probably empty DVD ? The suspense will be unbearable !!!

    • Love 4
  9. 3 hours ago, HoboClayton said:

    Oh, I'm loving it. Like I've said numerous times, I watch this shit show for the mess. I get my news from other sources. This show is just for kicks. I want split screen fights. I want drama. This show has been a joke for years now. I treat it as such. I record the shows, then when I get home from work, I read about it. If it wasn't a shit show, I delete. I look at it as a talk show soap opera, and I honestly don't know why or how anyone can take it seriously. 

    A talk show soap opera ........ that's about as perfect a description of this show as I've ever heard. 

    • Love 3
  10. 38 minutes ago, bamlouie said:

    I like Michael a lot as the host but it kind of annoys me when he (and Dick Clark before him) offers up clues after a team has failed at a round - almost as if to say, if I gave you a better clue than the one your partner gave, would you have gotten it then? It just seems to rub salt in the wound that either the giver didn't provide a great clue or the guesser wasn't smart enough to recognize the word/category.


    I don't think I've ever seen anyone do it in a mean spirited way. They're just trying to come up with other clues. I think it shows how much they like the game. I've seen them keep talking about it even as they go to commercial. It's one of the things that make this game so good ... the quest for the perfect clue.

    • Love 2
  11. Another highlight from the episode that just keeps on giving ....  after a couple of minutes of discussing the Kartrashians , Sunny turns to Meghan and in a super serious tone asks her to explain what's really going on with that family. Finally, a subject Meghan is qualified to talk about. She didn't even have to check her blue cards before answering.

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