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Posts posted by Orillia

  1. 24 minutes ago, Vixenstud said:

    What...in...the...bluedilly....FUCK?!  Derick Monroe?  You sir ought to be fired, and immediately!

    I have to respectfully disagree. I think he should be given a raise ,  just for all the laughs he set us up for today .

    Keep up the good work Derick .

    • LOL 4
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    Meghan didn't contribute a word .

    But alas ,  all good things must come to an end . After Joy introduced the second segment . Meghan piped in with " Do you want me to start ? "  I swear I heard the collective shouting of a nation yelling " NO , NO , NO.

    I could be wrong though , the laughter at her new hair style was still pretty loud .

    • LOL 13
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  3. So now Meghans trying to take credit for booking the show. She said something like " I wanted the news guy to come on the show "

    Well if that's what Meghan wants, then say no more , that's what Meghan gets .

    • Love 16
  4. 1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:

     It is disconcerting that this ignorant delusional child is now the lead. It is appalling for me to see Joy and the others being marginalized for this twit.  What is so special about Megan McCain?  

    Don't you know who her father was ?

    • LOL 11
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  5. 5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    That couldn't have been a real bomb because there was no blue wire.  There's always a red wire and a blue wire.

    Not only that , but there was no countdown timer to keep us all in suspense. I'm sure that if there was a timer , it would have shown 8 min 28 sec until it detonated.

    You have to give Saanvi some credit for figuring out that the van was submerged for 82 hrs 8 min. Not that she figured it out , but that she did the math in her head.

    So Ben said that the plane has been back for only 6 weeks. At this rate, if the show lasts 5 years ( highly doubtful ) , the entire series would have occurred over what..... 5 or 6 months ? 

    • Love 6
  6. 4 hours ago, debbie311 said:

    So, she doesn't like to talk about sex and she doesn't like to talk about people's mothering choices, etc., etc.  None of it is important enough for her, it's a waste of time to talk about.  All she really likes to talk about is politics.  

    Yeah , you'd think she would be good at it by now .

    • LOL 4
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  7. 4 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

    She is Trump's daughter.  What makes her think her voice is any more important than people with actual policy experience?

    Change that Trump to McCain and it would be equally true. 

    • Love 18
  8. 13 hours ago, green said:

    It was more Ben risked Saanvi's and Mic's lives rushing in unprepared and without back-up.  Again, what an unlikable, self-righteous know-it-all twit he is.

    But you have to give Ben some credit for his unbelievable detective work on solving the case of the missing Saanvi . I mean matching the printing on a pamphlet with the cards on the board was a fine piece of work . And all within a span of about 5 minutes .

    With skills like that , it can only be a matter of time before he solves the mystery of the missing plane.

    • LOL 1
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  9. There's no doubt in my mind that they're not talking politics to keep things relatively calm . It's amazing the hold MM has over this show . If she didn't luv Mia Love , Mia probably would have been shown no love and  been bumped from the show .

    After all , who wants to hear about the hundreds of things that happened in politics over the last few days when we can hear  the fascinating details of Meghan's bra problems ?

    • Love 21
  10. One effect that I really liked occurred when Kara sped off to become Supergirl , her glasses hung in the air for a second and then fell. Hope they're unbreakable.

    I also liked seeing her casually lift the couch with one hand to get the brass knuckles.

    Sometimes it's the little things that are the best.

    • Love 10
  11. 3 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    Also, the scowl on her face after Joy's joke made me laugh. I feel like if you're going constantly use the phrase 'I can't fake it', a sex joke is basically mandatory, and from a comedian no less. Get a sense of humour Meghan.



    All Meghan had to do was to fire back with something like " I don't have to fake it , baby " and smiled . She might have gotten a bit of a laugh. But that would have meant she was talking about one of her off limits topics . After all , her mother might have been watching and more importantly , shown that she has a sense of humor about herself .

    • Love 10
  12. It was Joy's ill fortune to be looking down when MM told her she loved her . And then Meghan's offended reaction of You're looking down when I'm saying that ?

    Yeah ..... probably to stop from laughing .

    I feel bad . I forgot to send Abby's kid a present .

    • Love 17
  13. 12 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


    I was totally cracking up at everyone forcing their way into joining the raid. Of course it's totally normal for NSA to take along a math guy, a neuroscience professor, and two random police officers when they're doing a super sekrit raid!

    Not only that , but they allow them to go along without wearing helmets.

    When Grace was listing the number of days , I really thought Ben was going to say something like "2000 days , that's how many days of my life are missing "

    I also hope Vance is still alive . I started out thinking he was a total idiot , and now he's one of my favorites.

    The best was the mole lady situation when she was being interviewed after returning , What .... she has an outstanding warrant ... better cart her off to jail .

    • Love 3
  14. I'm still really enjoying this show despite the fact that there are things about it that drive me crazy. If someone who had disappeared for 5 years  under Bens circumstances started working where I do , I would imagine he'd be the most popular person there. He probably couldn't make a move without someone noticing him. You'd think everyone would want to talk to him or at least get a look at him. Which brings up another point .... why aren't these people being mobbed everywhere they go ? Why aren't they being swamped with requests for TV appearances ? Instead they're out and about like nothing happened . Even the lowest of the lowest z-list celebrities get more attention  than these people do.

    This show has so much potential. I hope they don't screw it up.

    • Love 6
  15. 4 hours ago, fatewemake said:

    Plus Meghan doesn't have the muscular strength needed when you join the military.  The only strong muscle she has is her jaw and that's because she yaps nearly nonstop.

    I'd think her drinking arm is in pretty good shape also.

    • Love 8
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