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Posts posted by Orillia

  1. 1 hour ago, Former Nun said:

    Speaking of "The View," and Television Without Pity...trying to keep on topic.   I always enjoy those little notices that someone "liked" my post.  It's almost thrilling when someone quotes me.  

    What are your "Views," staying on topic ? 

    I'm kind of new on here so I know just what you mean. So many times in the past I'd read something that would make me burst out laughing. It was nice to see that other people saw the same absurdities that I did . And it wasn't always some big thing but some little comment. Now that I've joined I can like their comment as a way of saying thanks. There really are some smart witty comments here.

    • Love 12
  2. I totally agree with everything UncleChuck says. I also think the fact that most of these players went in knowing the game and wanted to play is a big part of the reason why this season  turned out to be so good. Could you imagine a cast of Mettas?  So what if someone wasn't on slop every week. I hate that aspect of the game anyways. It was always hilarious to see these "celebrities" getting dirty and wandering around the house in their pajamas or doing their make up. Just like regular players. I'm sure there were some concessions made, but nothing that had a major impact on the game. It made me laugh, so I'm happy

  3. 4 hours ago, Former Nun said:

    If that does NOT happen, I call Shenanigans!   I truly believe that the first "competition" was fixed.  Omarosa stood on a number (5?) and who knows which number was really chosen from the bag.  CBS needed her to stay for the entire series for "good TV."

    If Omarosa wasn't lucky enough to win that competition and was the first to be evicted I'm pretty sure the next episode would have been a jury buyback.

    • Love 5
  4. 4 hours ago, magicdog said:

    David Letterman had a Top Ten list of greatest tambourine players.  I think Davy won 1st, 3rd and 5th.


    I had the fortune of meeting Davy twice and he was kind to me both times.  He signed an autograph for me on a napkin after a solo performance about 15 or so years back.  The second time occured during my time at a local TV station.  I heard he was in town and suggested we get him on.  He obliged.  Being a big Monkee fan I offered to make to set look better with some props - my personal Monkee memorabilia collection!  I included Davy - specific items like his solo album he recorded in 65 before officially joining the Monkees (Davy joked on air that the album cover showed him during his Frankie Avalon period!).  I was so thrilled to meet him again!  He even autographed everything I brought and gave me a warm hug!!  I was on Cloud 9 for days!!  Maybe I caught him on good days?  I had figured he was accustomed to dealing with fans and signing memorabilia for them.  I'm not saying that's easy to deal with (I'd be annoyed by it after a while), but I'm glad that my meetings with him were good ones.



    And deservedly so. One thing you can say about Dave, he knew a good tambourine player when he heard one. I love your tv station story. I'm glad the station agreed to your excellent suggestion. I can only imagine what was running through your mind. I like to think that if you treat the person respectfully they will do the same. Davy could tell that you weren't just some casual fan but someone who knew what they were talking about, liked his work and treated you accordingly. He probably enjoyed it as much as you did. Well done

    • Love 4
  5. I get more laughs from this show than I do from most comedies. Mika and her disgust for anything pop culture related and everyone basically ignoring her, she's above all that. Joe running the show on his time line, time for a break, I'll start another discussion. I'd love to hear the comments in the control room. Is there anyone in politics who doesn't reach out to Joe for his opinions? To be fair whenever someone from the rock world dies I find Joe to be the most knowledgeable and sincere of all the pundits in his tributes. It's too bad it takes a death to bring out his best. He really is a big music fan. On the other hand they should show Kassie more respect. I don't think I've ever read a bad word or snarky comment about her.

    • Love 5
  6. 1 hour ago, Blissfool said:

    The Tamar drama is scripted, I bet. Why in the world would she agree for him to be in The View audience and join the panel if there was true family discord and hurt feelings involved.  Publicity stunt! 

    It cracks me up that they even call these reality shows anymore. Unreality is more like it.

    • Love 7
  7. On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 1:36 AM, Blergh said:

    The irony is that Mr. Jones was a talented drummer and even guitarist but they insisted on him being a singer and tambourine player while the guitarist Mr. Dolenz was made the drummer mainly because TPTB were afraid Mr. Jones wouldn't be seen by the audience behind the taller members of the band if he stayed in the background!

    I remember back in the day when the teen magazines would have a poll Davy would always win for best tambourine player. I never did find out who came in second. He also got high praise for his maracas playing.

    • Love 4
  8. 1 hour ago, geekburger said:

    This has become The Whoopi/McCain show. Pontificating, camera stares, teleprompter  fumbles, shoutouts to somebodies father, shouting over Sunny, disdain for the hot topics, disdain for the panelists, disdain for the show...

    You know they actually have a lot in common.

    Yeah, they both think that their opinion is the only one that should count.

    • Love 14
  9. I thought this was a pretty good episode with the exception of James going. He really grew on me. Julie was at her best. Marissa -  I could  win at a talking contest. Julie - that's for sure. Can't wait for the Omarossa  revelation episode. Where else are you going to get the unvarnished truth? It's just crazy but that's the world we're living in.

    • Love 1
  10. 5 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    Not to be contrary, but why would ABC listen to a petition.  ABC is a business and they listen to one thing:  the sound of money!  Ratings equal money.  I have no idea what the ratings are like but I do notice that since MM joined the show, The View has been featured on Yahoo and MSN almost daily with headlines like "The View goes off the rails...).  The View has also been featured on the Access Hollywood/Insider type shows quite frequently.  The buzz is there, that's what ABC wants.  They don't want a civil, informed discussion of current events, they want a shitshow with water cooler talk potential.  And with MM, they got it.

    At this point the only way ABC would get rid of MM is if she suddenly demanded a huge raise. She should get together with her pal Mo'nique who could convince her that she's worth at least as much as Whoopie and Joy.

    Just now, maggiemae said:

    I think MM was pleasant to Rep Kennedy because his uncle was a friend of her father. Like Biden. 

    I sense a new friendship on the horizon

    • Love 6
  11. Isn't it just common courtesy to hold the door open? If I'm exiting and someone is approaching to enter I hold the door open for them whether they are male or female, young or old. And I'm happy to say nearly everyone gives a little nod or says thanks, just as I do if someone holds the door for me. 

    • Love 19
  12. 11 hours ago, Haleth said:

    Great interview with Lupita and Danai. THIS is what The View can be. And Meghan wasn't there which made it even better. 

    But I was dying to find out if she was friends with them.

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