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Everything posted by clueless101

  1. When does the scum of the Earth go back to court?
  2. I didn't see a hand rail either. They were probably hoping he fell and they could have clicks for the poor guy falling.
  3. I’m sure it was all for clicks. No one, even dumb Carlin, is that stupid.
  4. What will the duo do to get attention today since Trace and Lydia are having the baby. Evan can’t handle not being the center of attention
  5. They have no friends. Who could put up with these people? Can they even have adult conversations? And Evan. Who wants to deal with that moron?
  6. What happened to her "broken " toe? The last IG video showed her in sandals.
  7. I hope no one buys their crappy T-shirts. At this point, they are like a circus show performing for the audience.
  8. One thing I noticed in the video where he is playing with Layla is that he is really starting to chunk up. He may never hold a red cup, but he is definitely gaining the freshman 15
  9. I expect Carlin to announce a pregnancy any day now. They will have something new to film about and think we’ll all forget about that “seizure thing” Carlin had.
  10. Page Six is saying Kail had a fifth son in November.
  11. Responsibility. They can’t cook, clean, work, and act their age. They certainly can’t parent. By staying at the Stewarts, mom and dad do everything for them. I’m sure they will be the ones to potty train Layla.
  12. Their latest post has them redecorating Evan's parents guest bedroom. I'd be royally PO'd if someone decided to redo one of my bedrooms as a "surprise", especially these two dolts who we've seen decorate their own home.
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