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  1. I never even saw that documentary, although I did read about it on this thread at the time. I was referring to her reaction to the other RHOBH's saying, "What about the victims?" in Aspen (I think it was in Aspen).
  2. Ultimately, it doesn't matter to me whether or not Erika actually was in on it or knew about it or decided not to question where the money into her company was coming from. What matters most to me is how she reacted, on camera, to Tom's victims and the injustices they continue to endure. That's when I decided she was a straight up sociopath. THAT was real reality so rarely seen on these shows. I cannot forget her utter disregard to their pain and suffering and her, "I only care about me!!!" declarations.
  3. And quite possibly why she STILL hasn't bothered to divorce Tom; she was not called to testify during his trial, most likely because she was still his wife. That and his alleged dementia guarantees he won't be testifying against her. I have to laugh that EJ Global is different from Erika personally. A legal loophole against liability. Unfortunately she's had a few years to get her victim-hood act out to anyone interested. I don't have high hopes for a judgement against her, but I am dreading Erika strutting around a victory as some sort of vindication of her "innocence". *snort*
  4. Lol, good point. I can't even remember how this started. But then, Dorito is pretty dumb. She started this season coming for Kyle and ended it coming for Sutton. I guess having Boz being willing to listen to her endless boring monologues wasn't enough.
  5. I don't think my post was patting anyone on the back, or defending Dorit and Erika. At least that wasn't my intention Sutton can be reactionary and ridiculous but it rarely lands because Erika et. al. don't really care. Dorito is a self-absorbed dumb dumb and I've said before, I think Erika is a straight up sociopath. For example, Garcelle has been on the receiving end of their attacks but I thought she handled it appropriately, not lashing out but letting them know they fucked with the wrong person without making herself a victim. It's a bummer to me that this show is losing one of the adults in the room with her departure.
  6. It's the way she does it. Sutton doesn't simply respond, she lashes out in what I consider immature, ineffective ways, for example, "Your leather pants are ugly!" "You are a bitch." "I hate these f***ing bitches." "My wallet is bigger." "Name 'em." Mocking Erika's impression of her accent over and over and loud. Running away to get someone to come after her... etc. The fact that she spent a good amount of time trying to get this group in the Sisterhood Pact cracks me up because often she has disregarded it as much as anyone else, if not more.
  7. I could be wrong but I think if Sutton wanted to leave she would, even before this year. She's started off rocky as a friend and has been the recipient of some particularly nasty bullying (I'm mostly looking at you Erika) over the seasons. She also doesn't seem to have a problem throwing it back, even if she's not too great at doing so. I've never been sure of exactly why she wants to be part of this group so much but she does. Maybe the fame is worth the trade off for her? Maybe doors have opened for her that would not have opened before RHOBH? But more likely, similar to all the famewhores on the RH shows, she enjoys the fame of being part of the BRAVO universe and is willing to put up with whatever to be part of it.
  8. I don't think Kyle needs the paycheck, but she likes the extra fame. She has worked on different projects [producing, acting, etc.] most of the time. Seems like her marriage and family was her main focus for a long time. And I'd bet her RHOBH spot is secure. Erika definitely needs the money, but I have a feeling she would do this job for free for the fame. Dorit clearly needs the money but I don't know or care what else is motivating her. At first I think it was to boost her swimsuit business (?) or something but I don't know anymore.
  9. I realize this is a fictional television drama, but parents never "get over" the loss of a child. The grief never leaves but with time and sometimes help, life expands to make room for living (work, love, happiness, etc.).
  10. Boz was on The Tonight Show (Jimmy Fallon) last night. I just turned on the TV and there she was being introduced - with about six minutes left in the show. Fallon read her resume and told her how fabulous she looked, is, etc. Not much of a convo but he did ask her why the RHOBH and she said her career has never been linear, that she thinks of herself as a "disrupter" and that's what she's doing on RHOBH. ??? The point of the appearance was to promote tonight's finale.
  11. Sitting down, Sutton's dress looks like a prom dress. From the side, Kyle is wearing 10 pounds of pageant hair. I like Garcelle's relaxed posture. Can't tell too much else on my little phone pic. I would be worried about a tummy roll or Spanx overflow showing through Erika or Kyle's dress except we know they do not have any. Dorit wins for Most Improved after that mess from last year. Kyle is always First Chair. Andy likes her best. Or maybe Kyle has some good dirt on Andy, lol.
  12. Have they always shown up color coordinated like this? I like it, but I'm curious how some of these dresses will look while sitting down.
  13. True. But just because Sutton came out well from her divorce doesn't mean she's some sort of expert. Her situation was very different from both Erika's and Dorit's experience, including the financial standing of both Tom and PK. I'm not sure what kind of help she could really offer anyway? Hire a forensic accountant? Emotional support seems a stretch too, since the queen of sisterhood pacts seems to flip out at the first sign of disagreement. Besides, Erika hasn't even bothered to file for divorce after three years and Dorit doesn't seem to understand that PK is probably gone for good.
  14. Like Chelsea said, I can't think of a single drug that would make me have sex with my brother. Because they did show the earlier scene of Locky starting at Saxon's behind I am leaning towards Locky acting as the predator here, at least as far as Sazon goes. And I didn't believe him for a minute when he immediately told Saxon was he couldn't remember anything of the last night. I think Locky hates Saxon.
  15. Exactly! Is Garcelle dating? Who is Ericka sleeping with (I'm sure someone is paying her rent and/or legal fees). She never even mentions girlfriends but then again she probably doesn't have any that aren't on her payroll. Sutton brought a real-life friend on the show but Jennifer was already a celebrity. Kyle is already addressing the split in her marriage on camera, as well as a personal crisis with the death of a best friend. That seems pretty real to me.
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