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Everything posted by pennben

  1. Well, I, too, think the poor boy is confused. He understands that colors can bleed into each other. And then he knows that women have periods. And then he puts two and two together and he comes up with "farfegnugen"! Because that makes as much sense as anything else.
  2. I think a fun thing right now is figuring out who is going on the block and who is the target. I expect things to calm down shortly. However, the just giggle factor at the moment is Caleb explaining to Zach that sometimes Amber is on her period which makes her crazy. Which, of course he would say that. Also, it amuses me because I am beginning to believe that Caleb is perimenopausal. #BreastModeCowboy.
  3. It's true. Unless a best-selling popstar worldwide is going to risk her reputation like a wannabe reality star in Survivor as was Johnny Fairplay. I see no comparison.
  4. For me, figuring out the Zach/Frankie game relationship is very hard to do. I do believe that they have a personal bond, but I'm not sure where that lands versus game bond. I've always pretty much understood why Frankie went hard at Zach, when Zach lost his mind when Devin was HOH. He was more than happy to get him out because what he did that week was batshit crazy for an alliance and for anyone standing with him. Is Zach worth the effort to keep him in line? Or was Frankie smart to try to cut ties because it was too much effort? Is Derrick smart to try to cut ties because he's realized how much effort it takes? Do Frankie and Zach really have a F2 alliance? We've seen Derrick backing away from the Cody/Derrick/Zach F3? Does Derrick trust Frankie more now that he realizes Frankie was trying to keep order in getting rid of Zach earlier? It is not really playing out onscreen in depth, but these questions are in the back of my mind.
  5. Yep, it is really weird with the Amber hate by Hayden. He was making obnoxious faces when she was talking on the live show when julie asked her about the activity tracker. Maybe it is to appease Nicole? Maybe she rejected him before the feeds came on? Group think? I don't know, but it is quite unbecoming.
  6. My understanding of that job is that it is more important how you look and interact with folks rather than the relative sharpness of your knife. Which is why I think it makes a lot of sense. And, why it saddens me when I think of real life implications of how drugs get sold to doctors in the real world.
  7. Of course it was a game move, and a pretty good one since that was the sentiment of the house. Derrick neither wanted nor needed to win HOH this week. I'm frustrated that it will suck the life out of the live feeds for the week, but I tip my cap to the move by Derrick.
  8. Well, Zach being in the house makes the likelihood of success here pretty good! Derrick is making the feeds boring, but damn, he's playing a hell of a game and the way the threw he HOH to Frankie (when he obviously didn't want/need to win) was such a great game move. I'm annoyed because it is making everything predictable, yet can't help but admire the level of game he has.
  9. I keep trying to filter things through Caleb's head, and I keep cracking myself up: Caleb: Well, I don't like pickles and she done don't like bananas, but if we think about it, she's gonna like me when she finds out that I'm a pickle, wrapped in a banana, sort of like a puzzle, cause this pickle can be confusing, like a riddle wrapped in an enema (I believe that is the word I'm looking for). Kinda reminds me of how much my momma loves me, cause, she loves herself some melons. Now I know that when she's pickin' a melon, she's just lovin on me, cause she'll just thunk my head, and then thunk a melon until she finds a melon that sounds like my head....that's when she knows she's found the best one. I hope Amber likes melons. I'm still workin on how I can hide the melon inside the pickle inside the banana... because that's true love. I know she'll understand that!
  10. Thanks for moving my post, I didn't mean to spoil folks when linking to the article....just wasn't thinking. As for the thread title, perhaps some abbreviated version of this quote from physicist Niels Bohr: "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future".
  11. Well, I bet that's a sentence you'd never thought you would say in your lifetime!:)
  12. Yep, I shut it off as well, we see a lot of stuff on the feeds, this felt like something we shouldn't be allowed to see.
  13. I love the development for Penny next season discussed in this article. I've been waiting to see her be successful at something, and the route they are taking makes tons of sense.
  14. That would also screw her game because he's gone into rage mode every time he thinks she rejects him. He then wants her evicted. She's in an impossible situation which she will not escape in the house because the other HGs egg him on to keep up the distraction (even though they all acknowledge that she has not led him on, pretty clearly has said no, and this is solely all in that whack job's head). She's going to be voted out soon, regardless of what she does, because she is terrible at this game. I do give her points for trying to be kind in turning him down so as to not humiliate him. His humiliation is at his own hands, not hers.
  15. I do hope they tell Frankie, if for no other reason that it is extemely uncomfortable listening to him talking about his grandparents now. I just read on an update site that he was talking about being excited that his grandparents and mother would get to see him host the POV in tonight's episode. It is a very sad, difficult situation no matter what he and his family have decided about how to handle matters like this.
  16. The level of second-hand embarrassment over this "date" between Caleb and Amber is overwhelming.
  17. I expect Amber to be thoroughly trashed tomorrow by Christine and Nicole, because she is absolutely stunning this evening, and all the guys are commenting on it.
  18. Yep, just got to that point and Cody shut it down. On the one hand, drama would have been fun; on the other, no need to humiliate her. Still holding out hope for alcohol-fueled drama of some sort tonight.
  19. So, I'm some minutes behind watching the Zach/Brittany conversation, but god bless him, he's trying to convince her to hold a house meeting tonight to sway votes. Apparently they are getting alcohol tonight and he's saying that will bring about the truth of where folks votes are. This week has been so boring since the veto, but if he gets her to do this, it will be wonderful!
  20. I have a ridiculously large soft spot for Donny, so I'd hate to see him go. Yet, Derrick's best play is to get rid of him, although he may have planted a few too many seeds for Derrick to walk through this game unscathed. I think Derrick is playing a fantastic game, but I'm not rooting for him in the short term, because I want havoc!
  21. Team America still continues even if a member is voted out. Derrick has stated that and stated that he asked DR that question. Frankie has said the same thing. They also are not allowed to reveal the other members without forfeiting cashed earned. They are allowed to out themselves as being a TA member.
  22. I'm mostly furious with Cody right now because he has deprived us of great feeds for the next few days. These folks are boring as hell without the drama.
  23. Thank goodness I was at work when this all went down, I don't think I could have taken so much excitement for so long, only to be crushed when it turned out Cody chickened out. I'm truly worried for Donny now that he's told several folks to be wary of Frankie/Derrick.
  24. Cody is an idiot. He needs to play his own game, yet he's perfectly happy not to if that makes others happy.
  25. I ask this sincerely, which alliance are you referring to? There are a lot of them flying around right now.
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