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Everything posted by pennben

  1. I've been wondering about that as well. At this moment in time, I think this is the Grande family (and Ariana's PR folks) doing damage control for Frankie. I think they see he is becoming public enemy #1 in the feeds and are anticipating a bad edit for a larger audience in the next few days. So they give a "good" motive for what he is doing, to bring the flock back in for Frankie's sake (and leave Ariana alone, because she's on the right side). Then the blame falls to CBS if they don't enforce the rule that is an elaborate plot by Frankie, it also falls to Frankie when folks see what he is doing, but it washes off of Ariana, because she was "fighting the good fight". Or maybe they don't watch the show or feeds and really think Zach is on Frankie's side? When he is clearly going to take him out first chance he gets. Maybe they are trying to get Frankie to keep Zach, so when Zach takes out Frankie like he plans to, he becomes the bad guy not Frankie? I think they worry more about his reputation than whether he ultimately wins or not. On a very small level, that ship has sailed as some hate him now. It could be containment mode on their part. Sadly, this is all so much more fascinating than anything going on in the show itself.
  2. The thing is, though, Frankie's sister is the one leading the charge for it on twitter. I don't think it will work, but it is amusing.
  3. That's for taking the hit and reporting this duskyliterati. I just came over to report it, and then had an existential crisis as to what the holy hell I'm doing on a Sunday night monitoring twitter feeds related to this show. Sigh.
  4. As if Cody has a say in the matter:). I'm sure Derrick hasn't decided who goes next week. When he does, Derrick will manipulate Cody's mind into Cody telling Derrick he wants out exactly who Derrick wants out. Silly boy with your strong independent thoughts! I bet you are going to call out Frankie too, aren't you Cody!
  5. The interesting thing is that Zach likely was just waiting for the first opportunity to take Frankie out. However, that is not the reason that Frankie is taking him out. His reasoning is that this gets him back in good graces with everyone else. That, too, is wrong. Frankie's read on this house is awful.
  6. I'm not going to mock Caleb for his service in the Army. There are a lot of other reasons to mock him. I'm onboard for the rest of them.
  7. So, I've been reading up on yesterday. First off, a big WOOHOO to Donny winning the BOTB even when it was set up for it to be thrown so he could be voted out! Second, I think Donny does want to win the POV so he can keep the nominations the same. He's trying to build something with Zach and he seems pretty sure that Zach will be backdoored if someone else wins the POV and uses it.
  8. Me too. I gave up on this show awhile ago because I thought it became ridiculous. Then, I was bored last week and watched and thought to myself, this seems okay. Watched this week and had the same reaction. Then noodled around here a bit and found they changed showrunners. Aha! What a difference that can make. I think I'm back for now.
  9. I know it is weird to be knocked back about the death of someone you never knew, but this knocked me back a few steps today. I didn't really get into this show, but did watch for the reunion with Pam Dawber (for those much younger than me, Mindy, of Mork & Mindy). Here's a a link to an interview with her about that episode and her thoughts on Williams. I'm glad this show existed so that they got to have that reunion.
  10. I'm just throwing this out here now: I fully expect that by the time Thursday rolls around, Donny will be the target. He's the only one that sees Derrick's game and isn't snowed by him. Nicole may have an inkling, but is easily roped back in by Derrick. Also, she has a vagina, which Derrick doesn't respect and makes him sure she is no threat. Donny has a penis, so it is possible, in Derrick's mind, that he could possibly do something against him.
  11. I don't want to seem like a Frankie supporter, because I'm not, but Frankie first decided to ditch Zach in week 2? when Zach went batshit crazy when Devin was HOH. Frankie repeatedly begged him not to go off and cause trouble, yet Zach flew right into a showdown with Devin. At week 2, I could see how this would make one untrustworthy. Thereafter, they are both quite happy to be bullets fired from Derrick's gun into the heart of each others' game. They are, as far as I can tell, both going to be collateral damage.
  12. For the record, I'm not attacking Derrick, per se, I'm just tired of seeing Derrick's actions ascribed to him being a "cop" or a "pig". Derrick is Derrick. And he should be judged by being Derrick. Good or Bad.
  13. So, according to twitter (I gave up on the feeds a bit ago), Derrick is intimdating and shaming Victoria and Nicole for questioning him and his game. I know everyone is going to say how this is how cops act. If I might, this is how Derrick acts. My father was a police officer for many years. You will never find a more respectful man than him. I hope you know that if Derrick is an ass, it is because Derrick is an ass, not because of his career choice.
  14. They don't even need Vuvuzela to do it this week! This is the week!
  15. Oh my god, this house would be so much more fun without Derrick. He has destabilized all of their games and he is the anchor they all float to. Can you imagine the feeds if he were gone? Insanity all day long.
  16. Here is adversity for Derrick. He goes on the block against Donny. Zach, Nicole, Frankie vote to save Donny Victory, Caleb, Cody vote to save Derrick What does Christine do? Unless she votes out Derrick, I think we have a slow slog to the end of the season. If she votes to save him and he wins, he is hands down the best strategic player. I know that won't happen. I also can't see Christine entertaining putting up Cody. So, slow slog it is.
  17. I have nothing to say about the rest of your post burgerbitz, but Caleb on Survivor was a wonderful human being who was killed in a tragic railway incident just a couple of months ago. I feel for for his fiance Colton.
  18. Not just that, I believe there was an America's Player whose task was to vote to keep ED one week when he otherwise would have gone home. There are also claims of other production rigging. This is just from me reading about the season, someone who has actually watched would know better.
  19. Okay, so my little fan fiction, for at least this one week's vote: Zach holds his nose and reteams with Frankie, they along with Nicole and Christine (each also holding their noses), could get Derrick up on the block and out. Donny would be back in the game with a chance. Then we would have a shootout.
  20. That's the best advice a person could receive! I don't know why we are all surprised everytime this happens (or outraged when it plays out against one of our favorites). They all need to step back, sleep a bit, and figure out the best path forward. It's almost silly to pretend this game is anything other than it is and that comps will never be reset to favorite who is production's favorite, nor that votes won't be influenced, if they can.
  21. Nope, Brian, she's deciding between Nicole and Victoria at the moment. Sigh. Zach is still her number 1 target, Frankie's too, but he's not sure the votes are there. Although he is sure he has Victoria's (hee!).
  22. Hypothetical Question: Would Derrick still be against rigging if he figures out on his own (or the DR clues him into the fact) that if he goes to F2 w/ Frankie he will win the game? They knowingly come on a game where rigging is prominent. Use it. I think Derrick's ego is hurt a bit now about the mugging he has done to feedsters and about thinking TA was about him. If he takes a minute and reflects, he'll realize he is in a great spot. Play the game you are in, not the game you thought you were in.
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