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680 Excellent-
S18.E19: Out for Blood/S18.E20: You Are the Blood
AzraeltheCat replied to chitowngirl's topic in Grey's Anatomy
I hate them together, it's a no-chemistry pairing that feels like it was created to score LGBTQA2S points. It was bad enough at the end of last season when they broke up Linc and Amelia, but the idea of Jo/Linc and Amelia/Kai next season is a total turn-off for me Yes, this!! I loved Amelia and Linc together and they showrunners ruined them. I don't feel the chemistry with Kai/Am and same with Linc/Jo. Blech. I didn't even finish the eppy because I could see where things were headed once Jo dumped Todd. I wish that Jo and Linc will remain friends because theirs was one of the great friendships on this show but I saw a definite set-up for a romantic relationship in two of the scenes, along with firmly closing the door on Linc/Amelia. I can't believe that the producers, seeing the 'meh' that Amelia/Kai has mostly been greeted with, decided to double down on them. Does someone have blackmail material on Krista? Because in show terms, this makes no sense. agree with all of this but MANY folks on Twitter seem to LOVE Amelia/Kai, think they have super hot chemistry etc. Haven't seen as many folks up for the Jo/Linc pairing. I was trying to stick with this show til the bitter end [i.e., series finale], but I fastforwarded half of last night's and then turned it off before the end. Bailey seems incompetent now. Webber is mean and disrespectful to Meredith and Bailey. The Meredith story-line is confusing... she's great and does risky surgery and Parkinson's treatment, etc.... but why does that really matter to the residency program? And dang, why do all these people try and make her feel guilty for leaving a hospital which, yes, has been a home to her, but also filled with sad memories of Derek? And sorry, love Scott Speedman, but he and Mere are boring together. I can't even think of a couple on the show that has good chemistry now. Think about the good ole days - Mer/Der had it. Addison had chemistry with Derek, Mark and Alex. Izzie had it [at least initially] with Alex and Denny [but not Ghost Denny, lol]. So many other examples... now, everyone is just blah to me. -
Blech, I agree with ALL of this. I didn't actually watch the show... I quit after Ep. 3 I think, when it was clear that Mads was getting engaged...or something that made it obvious it was gonna be Sophie. HAAATE the whole "epic luuuuve" childhood love is your one true soulmate. Doesn't help that S hasn't been around in ages (and she finally appears with a hubby that she conveniently gets rid of in time). I really, really wanted Kev and Madison to be together. Agree with those that don't see the chemistry of Sophie and Kev, or basically, any personality out of Sophie. The 40-year-old Valentine is so treacly and, as others noted, show that Kev is hung on the old version of Sophie. Usually, when I've stuck with a show til the last year, I stick it out til the bitter end, but I'm glad I quit watching. I just read the recaps. 😄 Might watch Miguel ep, but I really, really don't want to see all the sad stuff with Rebecca, having dealt with similar issues older family members (now deceased) and the fact that my own folks are getting up there.
I would also think the person on the accreditation committee would also make an appointment to meet with Bailey and Webber to discuss something as important as complaints/shutting down their residency program but apparently she just wandered in. 🙄😄 Of course, Zola is so wonderful and special [I adore the actress, this is directed to how the character is written] she doesn't blink an eye about leaving her home/school/friends and moving to Minnesota... yeah, right.
That doesn't bother me at all, I actually hate when shows have "older" people [portrayed by younger actor] talking in some high pitched quavery voice as a sign of age. My mother is 80 and her voice sounds like it did 30-40 years ago, same with my dad. I did have some other relatives whose voices got a little thin or quavery as they got into their 70s-80s, but they also had health problems. While Rebecca has cognitive issues, her overall health seems good.
I've been trying to find some of the info on Westlaw, but it most of it doesn't seem to be readily available. But I did find Schwartz's brief on Russ's appeal. Particularly interesting was his argument regarding the impropriety of DA's closing argument in which she conjectured, with NO evidence, that the alibi witnesses were in on it, had held Russ's phone, gone to the Arby's etc. This is from the transcript of what the judge allowed: "I'm going to tell you how I think it happened. I think--How did [Mr. Faria] do it? He decided that this would be the ultimate role play. The ultimate game. The ultimate way to stage, but it required all hands on deck. It required a pretty good script, one that could be committed to memory and one that could be anticipated. Anticipation of every move. Now I'm not suggesting that he knew all along that December 27th was going to be the day, but I am suggesting that months before, maybe years before, he had the idea and I think he brought it to his friends. I think he talked about it. How would we do this? How would the ultimate role play happen? And so the ball starts rolling. The momentum starts gaining. He makes all of these stops so that he can establish an alibi. Not a bad idea. He laid it out. Cancelled dinner with his Mom because he had lots of errands to run. You heard of the errands that he ran. He got down there and he said, tonight's the night. He leaves his phone and he heads back to Troy. " This seems pretty close to the dialog on the show. In his brief, Schwartz mentioned how many times she said "I think" [instead of "the evidence shows"]. Also noted that she never asked the alibi witnesses if they knew of Russ's alleged plan, or had gone to the Arby's or anything that could conceivably be considered part of the evidence. Originally, I assumed it was an actual trust, but on the show, she calls the bank to transfer $ to her personal account. So instead of an actual trust, I think she set up a separate bank account that was "Pam Hupp in trust for Daughters 1 and 2 Faria" or something like that. You can set one of those up with the intention of the money passing to the others when you die; it goes directly to the named and bypasses the probate estate. Those types of accounts are revocable at will at the discretion of the owner, here Pam. Don't know if that's what happened in real life, but from the dialog on the show, I think that's what it was and why it was so easy for her to take the money for herself.
The snake storyline was cool. Though when Webber was tentatively reaching to to spray the snake's head, I kept yelling "Go around to the other side!" The snake head was clearly on the man's left arm and Webber was trying to reach across him. I was so glad when Bailey jumped in driver's seat, leaned thru to the back and sprayed that thing! Helm was actually really funny this ep. Loved that Winston thought the snake was cool (and Maggie's responsive "who ARE you?" was cute. I don't think that Glasses should necessarily come back to surgery, but umm, yeah, I think someone should be making sure that guy has not killed himself or something, and maybe help him figure out what medical profession he could pursue. Still not feeling Nick or Kai (I may be the only one though, the Twitterverse seems to LOVE Kai). We could scuttle all of the MN story/characters and I'd be good. Pissed that they've assassinated Linc's character (not to mention almost killed the great friendship w/Jo by having them sleep together), but maybe he's on the upswing? I did really feel for him when he told Amelia he needed to hate her for a little while. It's hard to go from madly-in-love, think-you're-gonna-be-together-forever to just friends/co-parents. Amelia is trying to be normal and friendly but he's not ready for that. And yes, he was being petty and kinda rude at the beginning, but dang! Scout is not that old and the hospital supposedly has the best effing daycare ever; plus, he was at work. It's not like they need to have him enrolled somewhere immediately. So Amelia following him around and prattling on about how they had to get Scout on some waiting list for pre-k was annoying [and I like her!!]. He said he would take a look at the options later and get back to you; Amelia, let him take a damn look! [Plus, if I'm focused on a work issue I don't need distractions... and I'm not saving lives here! Though obviously in GA world, inappropriate work conversations are the norm, lol.]. Really don't understand all the praise of Meredith. Wasn't she basically recruited after all the research had already been done? Just for her name or something? Kai and others seemed to do a lot more and Amelia basically did the surgery right? This whole storyline has never made ANY sense to me. Yes. I sort of half-heartedly watch that show waiting for GA to come on. Pru's grandparents came over and said they were giving up the fight. Then they demanded EVERY SINGLE holiday with Pru. Bailey got all fired up and started bluffing saying the reason they were giving up was because the grandfather had health problems [she had heard he had a dr's appt or something]. Then the grandmother admits that it's her health problems that have caused them to make the decision. Heart problems, pacemaker, she find herself unable to keep up with the needs of a toddler. Missed the resolution of holidays, but there was an ultimatum... grandparents don't want Pru to lose another parent so are demanding Ben give up firefighting in exchange for custody of Pru. Not sure if that really got resolved, Bailey mentioned something about being in custody fight on GA, so I suppose not fully settled yet.
Yes! Kevin was busy drinking and feeling sorry for himself, but Randall should not be letting Beth do his chores. That would normally be a good indication of what she would expect once they are married. ehh, Beth could've said something to him about helping [or Rebecca could've for that matter], but if I'm a guest in someone's home (as Beth was), I always help set or clear the table etc. I'm not trying to do someone else's chores, just being a polite and gracious guest. Seems like adult Randall has always been helpful in the kitchen. I have mixed feelings about Toby and Kate and their thoughts about the foods Jack eats, but geez! Can't these people [all of the Pearsons actually, in any time period] just act cool and talk about later, in private so as not to make everyone uncomfortable as hell? Also, I thought it was supes awkward for Rebecca to make that announcement, right before dinner, about needing to have "a Talk" later. And she indicated it would only be Miguel and the Big 3, but said it in front of everybody. So now, everyone has to eat dinner wondering what the hell is going on.
My random thoughts: 1) I never liked Schmitt, but even as a lay person, I can see he is totally decompensating and if he were my friend, I'd be very worried. Yet all these doctors just flit along, give lip service to how he must be devastated but nobody is doing anything for him. 2) They have totally destroyed the character of Link that they created over the past few years. 3) I hate Owen, Teddy, their kids, his sister, and her kid. Can they all just please go away? 4) I didn't think McIrish and Mer had a lot of chemistry but I liked them as friends as least. Nick and Mer have zero chemistry and he's boring AF [sorry, Scott Speedman, I still love you, just not your character!]. 5) As others noted, it is crazy that no one is talking about the Minnick Method in this storyline about the Webber method. At least with the Minnick Method, an attending was in the room at all times. I seriously don't see how the Webber method of "proceed to this point and then call and attending" works. What if the attending is in another surgery? Or is the attending not allowed to schedule anything else and just sit around waiting? If that's the case, why not have the attending in the damn OR, even if hands off unless needed. This SL is STUPID. Please put this show out of its misery. It is a shadow of its former self.
hmm, I'm a lot older that the Big Three and NO ONE I know calls an in-law Mr. or Mrs. Whoever. It's usually a first name; occasionally a nickname or the person's "grandparent" name (like "Mimi" or whatever.) Though, I can totally see not calling an in-law "mom" or other parental designation, esp if you haven't been married long. And definitely agree that Mother Pearson sounds like a nun!
S14.E07: This is My Decision Day
AzraeltheCat replied to Emma Snyder's topic in Married At First Sight
Man! Makes me glad I live a small city [about 135,000 population] in the South! My house is a little under 3000 sq ft and when I bought it almost 10 years ago, i think prices were around $100/sq foot or a touch over. Now, probably closer to $180/200 per sq foot but still not bad. And is close to all the good stuff downtown, not the outskirts. And decent sized yards too. -
I second this wholeheartedly. I really hate the Kevin/Sophie relationship.
yes, but they are also forcing Cassidy on us next week too [while I like Jennifer Morrison the actress, I am not a Cassidy fan, especially a Kevin /Cassidy fan].
yes to this. I think he is either falling in love or realizing he already was. I really hope they end up together. As I've said MANY times on this forum, I really HATE Kevin/Sophie... for many reasons. I hate the "fell-in-love-with-my-one-true-soulmate-at-age-ten and no one else will ever do" aspect. I don't feel like Kevin and adult Sophie have any chemistry other than residual feelings from childhood. They have tried multiple times to have a relationship and it hasn't worked. I think the Madison thing feels more organic; they had a one night stand that resulted in pregnancy; became friends &co-parents; and now (hopefully) falling in love. I wish I could FF to find out if he ends up with Sophie, because if he does, I'd probably quit watching now. #TeamMadison I remember the Challenger explosion quite well. I was 15 and we were supposed to watch it in class but there was delay. So I was in my lunch period and on the way back to my next period, a classmate told us the Challenger blew up. We thought he was making a bad joke, but teacher said it was true and then let us watch the news/aftermath. I remember the shock and horror, for several reasons: 1) shuttle launches had become routine. 2) Civilian going into space; my dad thought that was awesome and said he would love to do it; I thought it was scary. And then the explosion. So there was a little "what if that had been my dad?" 3) One of the astronauts, Ron McNair, was from a town just about 45 minutes away from mine and the entire state was so proud of him going up in space. I remember a similar sick and horrible feeling in 2003 when the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon reentry. The Rebecca storyline is gonna be hard. I've had 3 female family members suffer from some sort of age-related dementia, so not really excited about watching this - or thinking about how that may be my future.
First, I'm a little sensitive about the "Evil Lawyer" thing as I am an attorney...though it seems Harry did civil [and maybe criminal?] defense and I do not. He says he never broke the law, and I'm assuming that means the ethical canons for lawyers so I get kinda irritated that everyone acts like he was horrible. We don't always like our clients but we advocate for or defend them within the bounds of the law. Just because you or I might not want to be involved with some of the folks Harry represented doesn't make him an Evil Lawyer. The baby shower thing was cute, but kinda weird. How would they have cake and baby gifts out on the rig if it was Eliott's first day and no one would know his "wife" was pregnant? The lawyer/courtroom scenes were so wrong, I could hardly watch them. The oil co. lawyer completely would not be so gullible to fall for Sophie's shtick (or at least would check it out]. This woman is likely a senior partner and is handling a multi-million dollar case, she would not be that out of the loop about her firm or client hiring and efficiency expert. Also, I forgot the exact phrase now, but oil co. lawyer used jurisdiction wrong; everyone seemed to use motion to dismiss and summary judgment interchangeably but they are different things. If there had been such a lack of evidence, the oil co. would have moved for summary judgment long before the start of the trial, esp a jury trial, which I presumed this one was; so many more. So many other little things.
I like this episode but there is NO WAY a young lawyer would not know what a partner in her firm looked like. Even if he was out on paternity leave when she was hired, she would've looked at the website because that's what you do when you're interviewing, you gather intel.