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Everything posted by wlk68

  1. wlk68

    S01.E10: Encore

    I'm over the teen angst as well but this is the CW and teen angst is their bread and butter.
  2. wlk68

    S01.E10: Encore

    Stella is an idiot. For sneaking onto the ranch and for confronting Clint. The man is dangerous. And where is this stuff about both parents having equal fault in "breaking" things coming from? Walker was just doing his job. What the hell is Clint's excuse? I hope that in addition to the Liam running for DA story line they have him reconciling with fiancé as well.
  3. To me it looked like Trey got hit with some crumbling debris from the building the car crashed into (chunks of cement or cinderblocks, etc) and fell as a result. I wanted to reach through the tv screen and slap Liam upside the head. I hope he rectifies this next week or Walker goes to see Brett to tell him what a self-sacrificing dumbass his brother is. I thought Stella was a little too forgiving in regards to Trevor's deception. She believed him awfully quickly. If it were me, I'd need a little time to cool off before snuggling up to him for another dance. Happy to see Bonham and Abeline patching things up. I liked the scene with Liam and Walker where Liam came clean about his covert investigation into Emily's death. The look on Walker's face was part vindication that he wasn't wrong about what his gut had been telling him and part hurt that his brother kept it from him.
  4. All of this plus ... wow, they killed Anatoli Kirkin. I always thought his crush on Deeks was cute.
  5. Basically all of this ... x1000.
  6. And he arrived so fast that he would've had to teleport to get there when he did. This!
  7. wlk68

    S01.E07: Tracks

    Is it just me or was the insinuation that the men who showed up at the soccer rave were a gang of red necks or white supremacists? What were they called again? Something something Nation? I'm sorry but there were at least a half-dozen of them - if not more - and they were all carrying guns. There's no way that Walker, Micki and Trey were going to scare them off like that in RL. Maybe if they had shown up with a couple of cop cars as backup.
  8. wlk68

    S01.E06: Bar None

    Agree with most of what y'all have already said but I do have one other serious grievance tho. This whole camping trip was supposed to be about honoring Emily's memory as a family. The fact that Stella wanted to drag some boy along seriously bugged me. Maybe it's just me but it felt disrespectful to to the occasion. I suppose its entirely possible that Emily would've been cool with it. She seemed like a very loving and inclusive person. I guess I felt triggered. My family suffered a sudden and horrible loss awhile back and when we get together on the anniversary of that passing we kept it to family only. But then everyone grieves differently. Still bugs.
  9. Sorry, math is not my strong suit. LOL! 40 years? 50? Whatever it would take for this to be the end result. 🙂
  10. I would enjoy seeing Danny, Joe, Erin and Jamie as kids.
  11. This and the fact that the two of them were both yacking up a storm the whole time. Way to be stealthy, guys. Anyone inside would've heard them coming from a mile away.
  12. Director Hayward is a douchebag of mammoth proportions. That's it. That's the post.
  13. wlk68

    S01.E05: Duke

    The only other Twyla I've ever heard of is Twyla Tharp. She's a famous dancer and choreographer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twyla_Tharp There's a scene in The Bird Cage where Robin Williams mentions her:
  14. I think part of the reason that his hair always looks so terrible is the sheer amount of product they put in it. It looks hair does when you put a bunch of mousse in while the hair is wet and it all the strands stick together and get "crunchy". But instead, it just looks lank and dirty like he never washes it. I wish they'd let him really cut it.
  15. The way I would like to see the series end is with a flashforward of about 20 or 30 years. We see a Baker look-a-like open the door to the commissioner's office and say "so-and-so is here to see you". A young FEMALE officer in dress blues walks into the office and says with a smile "Hi Grandpa". We then switch over to see an older Jamie sitting in the big chair with a smile of his own. This should be the final scene.
  16. It was nice to learn more about Micki. Stella's new potential love interest was too much of a cliche for me. Kind of had me rolling my eyes. I liked the scene between Abeline and Walker. Their conversation about her "special friend" and him missing Emily. I also liked the scene between Walker and August where they talk about the photo August had developed. REALLY wish August hadn't fiddled with the phone but did anyone else notice that when he was scrolling through the contacts one of them was Winchester Auto? 😉
  17. She was at Tony Stark's memorial with everyone else and seemed sad but completely rational in her conversation with Clint. I can't help but think the thing that pushed her over the edge was them dissecting Vision. That was horrible and it pissed me right the hell off. As to there being someone else manipulating her, I wouldn't be surprised. On a last note, I realize this is all happening pretty soon after the events of Endgame but the fact that none of the other Avengers are being called in to help talk Wanda down off the ledge is going to be suspicious if it continues for much longer. I can't imagine that someone wasn't available to do a cameo.
  18. Agree re the graphic t-shirt. And again, Walker didn't need to go full suit but a step up from the jeans, Henley and an old flannel shirt he wore would've been nice. As you say, maybe a pair khakis and a button down Oxford? Agree that August, who was probably sitting in the gallery if he was allowed inside at all, would probably have been fine.
  19. Is it just me or did anyone else find their "going to court" clothes just a tad too casual for the occasion?
  20. I liked the episode. Don't have much more to add that wasn't already stated above. I continue to prefer the family dynamic over the case of the week. One thing that continues to bug is all the flippin' commercials. Seriously, I feel like there were commercial breaks every 5 seconds and that those commercial breaks were longer than the episode content in between.
  21. I'm much more interested in the family dynamics stuff than in the cases. Can't help but think that now that Walker has some answers and begins to relax a little that something else will eventually crop up to get his Spidey senses tingling in regards to Emily's murder. If this is the end of it, I won't be happy. It's over too quickly and a little too neat. Walker keeps saying he's "here" but he's really not. His body may be physically there but he's not present. Not in the way his kids need him to be. Not yet, anyway. He is trying, I'll grant him that, but he needs to work harder at it. I liked the texting scene at the end and got a little teary when Walker and Stella went to dig up the handprint block. Her distress at accidentally breaking it made my heart hurt.
  22. wlk68

    S01.E01: Pilot

    It's also possible he requested it. Wanted to throw himself into an undercover op so that he pretend to be someone else and didn't have to think about it.
  23. wlk68

    S01.E01: Pilot

    It's a pilot. It's bound to be a little bumpy. There's a lot of characters to introduce and groundwork that needs to be established. I see Walker as a deeply troubled man who is in pain. I also see someone who feels things deeply but has a difficult time expressing those feelings. Kind of like John Winchester. 😉 I'm looking forward to seeing all those things fleshed out in upcoming episodes. It would be great to see Jensen do a cameo and add me to the list who think Jim Beaver would fit in perfectly. Apropos of nothing, it felt like there were nine million commercials.
  24. That was the impression I got as well and it was a really mean thing to do. It's possible that he would've liked to participate in the graduation ceremony for his own sense of accomplishment, even if they didn't hand him his badge at that time. They could have just told him that Hetty has your badge and it will be given to you upon your return to LA. Agree that young Callen did a good job of duplicating his speech patterns and mannerisms. CGI Hetty was creepy AF. Never got the whole Anna thing. Not surprised that her story was a lie. In regards to Sam's daughter at the end. Considering who her parents are, the odds of her walking up to her car in an empty parking garage all distracted and gabbing on the phone are absolutely nil. You pay attention to your surroundings, get in the car, lock the doors and THEN you have your phone conversation. Even better, you do the call using hands free while you are already driving away.
  25. It was painful watching Deeks. I know they always make him out to be the class clown / smart ass but there's a time and place. He knows how to be serious when required. Plus, all that whining and the constant stream of consciousness was annoying as f*ck. Dude, read the room and shut up. Also, he's in good shape and knows how to fight. This was stupid. Have to confess I turned it off because it was truly painful to watch. I was suffering from major second hand embarrassment. Maybe I'll try again and just FF through the Deeks stuff.
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