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  1. Ari's behavior sounds eerily similar to the way Robyn was hounding Christine about having a relationship with her. Christine very politely deflected and talked about needing space, but Robyn wouldn't let up. I would have told her flat out to back off.
  2. Did Sidian drive himself to the airport and leave the car there? Even if Tosha has her own car, why would he do that? Parking at the airport, even in the long term lots, gets expensive quickly.
  3. I'm also getting tired of Simon saying "I'm going to give you 4000 yeses", sometimes preceded by "I'm not going to give you a yes...." I don't know why, but it just grates on me.
  4. This is the SVU thread. Maybe you're in the wrong place?
  5. I couldn't get over the amount of time the squad spent on this case before it was even a case. Don't NYC detectives have enough crimes to solve? They have time to play social worker too?
  6. This. I realize we only see a highly scripted and highly edited version of Jazz's life, but right now she's not exactly screaming "healthy, well adjusted role model.". Jazz is obviously struggling and I would think some time out of the public eye would help.
  7. Agreed. This week's synopsis: Jazz plans a rally (seen that before), Janette goes out drinking (seen that before). Most people's lives just aren't interesting enough to sustain a TV show.
  8. I'm also not watching this season because 1) I just can't, and 2) I'd have to pay for it and I don't want to contribute to this dumpster fire. But I really appreciate the posters here who are taking a hit for the team and keeping us updated. I owe you one.
  9. And she had that creepy painting done of the kids when they were younger surrounding Kody - something that never happened. It's like she thinks she can rewrite history because they "shoulda all been together ". What a mindf*ck.
  10. Her face doesn't look particularly heavy either. It's a little fuller, but no double chin. Now you've got me wondering. But if they are exaggerating, what a weird thing to do.
  11. Exactly! Which is one of the reasons pre-surgery counseling - real counseling, not cousin Debbie- is so important.
  12. Yes! I can't imagine discussing my genitalia with my grandparents at the dinner table, even if one of them is a doctor.
  13. Wasn't Sander the one who said something early on about not getting enough attention because everyone was focused on Jazz? It's sad he didn't get the attention he deserved, the attention all kids deserve.
  14. This. How many reality TV families have we seen implode? John & Kate, the Roloffs, the Sister Wives crew...and those are adults. I can't imagine what it's like for kids to be on TV with their whole lives on display.
  15. I also think I'll be sitting this season out. I read the description for the first episode and it's more of the same: Jazz struggles with her weight and her mental health issues. It's sad that she doesn't seem to have made any progress since we last saw her.
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