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Everything posted by stan4

  1. 4, 7, 18. Appalled by the results of the last season. Appalled, I tell you.
  2. You're the best public speaker here, you definitely have that waif thing down, and you'll look great dead.
  3. At the rare manuscript dinner, Floyd Stiles comes to the Gilmore table, where Jason and Lorelai are sitting together, ostensibly a couple (sitting close, holding hands, as per Emily's instructions). [Jason also stated in the past that you always bring a date to these functions, and there was no other woman there with him.] So how come it's such a revelation in TTTB? Meaning how Floyd drops it like a bomb that he knew they were dating bc of a private eye and he was sorry he had spoiled the secret. Why would he have thought it was a secret? As far as he knew, the Gilmores already knew about it.
  4. Exactly. It was like a big production for him just to come watch a movie. She knows nothing about his family. Never even noticed his dark day. Never saw his apartment. Never knew he ate at Sniffie's. Basically never socialized outside of the diner. And the most telling is when she's mad he "moved" and Luke asks her what has changed. He still feeds her, he still gives her coffee, etc. That really doesn't point to any extraordinary closeness.
  5. 11, 10. The "dark day" is so emo.
  6. Lorelai borrows Luke's truck. Much conversation about lack of proficiency driving a stick. The he draws a diagram and says "D" is drive. Uh...not on any stick shift I've ever owned or operated. There's no D. Just the gear #s, N, and R.
  7. We have found PUH-LENTY continuity problems in S1-4. I was just totally thinking about this the other day.
  8. 11, 11. I hate her silly snow thing.
  9. Amen and hallelujah. I totally agree. If I had been Dean, I would have dumped her ass the second she insisted on hanging out with that guy. I am one of those people who does not believe in "men/women can't be friends" or who controls who is whose friend. But this guy was actively trying to stir shit up, even when Rory asked him not to. If she insists on continuing to hang out with this person who harbors ill will towards Dean and/or to their relationship, why would anyone be expected to just stand around and just take it?
  10. Speaking of the living art thing (which is so cool), it irks me time and labor intensive it is given the low turnout. Plus it does not appear to run very long. Maybe bc it is the same exact art year in and year out (minus the one yearly original). As for Mrs Kim donating stuff, most folks I know who are super churchy are big on volunteering.
  11. Like this lady I met recently who says she's barely scraping by. At my country club.
  12. Lorelai could have married Max, Jason, or any slew of guys and moved on with her life, supported and grounded. Note I didn't mention Chris. Not much of a rock, that one. If she was wiggy (pre-relationship) when she and Luke were on the outs, it's likely more because she can't stand for anyone (esp in her circle) not to like her/not be happy with her. Least of all the guy who feeds her, fixes all her stuff, and has "the only decent coffee."
  13. Great post. I like Luke like I enjoy many of the town's characters (because of how they make the story more interesting and complex), but I refuse to deify him like many do, because he is a hot mess and not even close to being the nice person people have built up in their minds. This would be cool if ASP wrote him that way intentionally, but I have trouble believing she didn't mean for him to be that curmudgeonly "real deal" guy with a heart of gold. He's not. He's rude (many times very unnecessarily), condescending, insecure, ridiculously set in his ways, hates dogs, hates kids, hates change, hates leaving his comfort zone...he is one of those people who seems to get off on being negative about everything. If anyone wants to be happy or celebrate, well, that's lame. "Everything is stupid, everyone else is wrong, and I'm going to make sure they know how stupid and wrong they are." And to top it off, he's an emotional chickenshit who was great at running other people down but not so good at actually accomplishing anything himself.
  14. I hate how cowed and nervous Luke is when Emily is rude to him. I never understood that behavior. Even when I was 20 (let alone 40). Your inlaws, etc, are just people. If they are aholes, no reason you have to put up with it.
  15. 4, 6. Luke scenes are not really funny.
  16. 19. Never thought it was funny. So many unfunny for S5. Just start with 1, 11
  17. So...you're not going to be contributing to KJ's fund? ;) My unpopular opinion today is that there is no way I'd want to live in a town like Stars Hollow. I'm not a big city girl, but I do like more personal space and more amenities. I like having good friends without an entire population being up my shizz and I despise gossip.
  18. Yup. Luke never just straight up asking Lorelai out never made sense. Neither did the whole having to listen to a tape to "realize" Lorelai was the one he was into. Smh.
  19. All scenes where Lorelai trolls/baits Emily crack me up.
  20. Original Mia in many Roseanne episodes.
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