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Everything posted by pieinmyeye

  1. Of course we can’t end the season without having one last Leah cry. My eyes are in the back of my head.
  2. This is it. I can’t believe I spent my time watching this shit show. I agree about E. and L. Dead. LMAO!
  3. Didn’t mean to copy all of that, but those peas! It looked like someone opened a few cans of LeSuer peas and dumped them in that fancy serving bowl. Good grief!!
  4. I cannot imagine being invited to dinner at someone’s home and acting the way Ramona did. She has absolutely no filter.
  5. I thought at Sabbat they light the candles and pray before eating. They might have done some research before going. Who am I kidding?
  6. I guess Eboni’s mother never taught her that unless you can invite everyone, you don’t invite anyone at all. Leah is her usual delusional self. Shut up!!! Ramona, is their any end to your ditziness? That being said, I LOVE Lu’s apartment!
  7. That’s right, Sonja. It was all the fault of the cheap red wine. Give me a frigging break.
  8. Will someone please tell me why Dorinda was let go from the show, but Sonja is still there?
  9. I wasn’t able to see last week’s episode, but I can tell I didn’t miss anything. After tonight’s horrible shit show, I think the entire cast except Breshan need to go. If they’re back next season, I’m out. These women are vile!
  10. Breshan said what we’ve all been saying. This group is boring!
  11. Sonja’s daughter is in uni? I have never heard an American refer to college that way.
  12. Damn, Leah. Why don’t you ask Eboni to bend over so you can have easier access to kiss her ass.
  13. I wouldn’t post a picture of Leah on my Instagram either. I also don’t blame Ramona for not going to the election party.
  14. An election party with this group?! This should be a real shit show.
  15. I know its been said before, but the family really needs to cut out the baby talk to Ella. She seems to be an intelligent child. Stop dumbing her down!!! Good for Pumpkin for standing up to June and telling her she can’t move in. However, I have a strong feeling it won’t hold.
  16. You knew exactly what you were doing when you stirred that POS, Eboni. I do think the producers are behind a lot of this, but they’re idiots! All they are doing by having them amp the drama up is driving viewers away.
  17. Come on, Leah! You can think of a better excuse for not leaving to see your grandmother other than you have a large family and probably couldn’t get in the room. What a POS you are.
  18. Please Ramona, you have always been in your own little world.
  19. Good question. I wish she’d leave and take Leah with her.
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