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Posts posted by trimthatfat

  1. On 9/18/2018 at 8:11 AM, SevenCostanza said:

    She really acted unhinged in this last episode.   She was getting  physical with him and I think if the cameras weren't there he would have hit her back. 

    I don’t know if he would have hit her back, but I definitely think he would have made sure she knew her behavior wasn’t tolerated at any fronts by restraining her. Even with that initial slap after the “fat” comment, I think Michael was ready to push her hand out of his face. I don’t know what it is about this show and the assault of men by women. From Anfisa to Nicole to Angela, keeping your hands to yourself seems to be a lesson of a time log ago.

    • Love 7
  2. 3 hours ago, Eureka said:

    Wasn't she four when they were born? That's twice as long as my older son had when my younger was born. Or do you mean she just didn't see much of her parents?

    I meant that she likely doesn’t have very strong memories of it just being her and her parents. That’s all. 

    • Love 2
  3. On 9/12/2018 at 4:03 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    The oldest daughter really does need more attention and focus. I know they did the daddy/daughter dance, but, to me, she seems really starved for time and attention.  She seems to just get overlooked for the little ones.  I do feel for her.  Such a sweet girl. I hope she doesn't carry this with her long term. The parent asked who wanted to do something and she chimed in, I DO! But, they just ignored her and tried to get the little ones on board.  I hope they realize this is not acceptable. 

    Blayke is interesting to me. She didn’t get that much alone time with her parents before her siblings were born. Kind of reminds me of the oldest sister of the McCaughey (sp?) septuplets. I wonder how she feels about the situation.

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  4. On 9/14/2018 at 11:44 PM, Jacobi331 said:

    If she went to England by herself I wouldn't be so upset, but she brought a baby with her.  Then she finds out that he likes to fight and was refused a visitor's visa in the US.   Open your eyes Rachel.  Your children have just you to look out for them.  Don't expose them to someone who's this familiar with violence.  Go home and meet a nice guy locally or just go out with your friends and enjoy raising your children.  

    It is so telling that every one of Jon’s family members and friends has basically warned her that perhaps this isn’t the best idea. They know Jon best and if they are apprehensive, it’s likely for good reason. Not only do they seem worried for Rachel, they seemed worried for Lucy.

    • Love 8
  5. 17 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

    I'm with you.  If this is how she looks and dresses most of the time, it's better that Jon know it upfront.  It might be worse for him to see a dolled up Rachel in Britain only to have her become more frumpy *if* they end up married together in the states.  It's like false advertising!

    In the pictures TLC showed of her that she sent to Jon before meeting, she definitely made herself look more made up with makeup and cleavage out. In fact, in one of the intro pictures that TLC showed when she first appeared, she was wearing a super cute red top that I would actually buy. Ultimately, she can wear what she wants, but she did appear to try a bit before they met.

    She honestly seems very depressed to me so maybe she just doesn’t care in general.

    58 minutes ago, greekmom said:

    True. But are they not just playing eachother? He wants the green card and entry to Trumpland.  She wants his young dick and someone to wipe her ass when she's too old or too big to do it herself.  

    Exactly. Angela is hardly an innocent woman swindled and scammed by Michael. She definitely got something out of the relationship.

    • Love 8
  6. 1 hour ago, GoGamecox said:

    I want to do an episode of "What Not To Wear" for Angela, Rachel, Tarik, and Paul. I think Rachel could be stunning if she took her game up a notch. Angela needs a new hair color and some toned down makeup/clothes, and she would be much more attractive. I want to throw Tarik's Egyptian tank and mesh shirt in the gigantic garbage can. Paul needs some clothes that actually fit. I've got this. 

    Throw Darcy in and we have a show!

    • Love 7
  7. 3 hours ago, eatsleep said:

    Did anyone notice how Rachel was dressed going to the airport? Those cuffed dad jeans w/ ankle boots and a sweatshirt? What in the entire fuck? Why wouldn't she want his last impression of her to be jaw dropping?

    Not only did she not seem to care about her clothing, not even for the nights out, but she has had a perma-frown this whole season. She just seems depressed to me. 

    • Love 7
  8. 2 hours ago, Lily247 said:

    I think they read way too deep into it. It's called casual dating and it's what you do when you aren't ready for commitments yet. Why in the world was Angela so angry about Michael "cheating" on her when they were just internet chat buddies.

    On a side note, I was kind of disturbed that Michael had apparantly given a car ride to a girl from his neighborhood who had no money so he had her perform a sexual favor for him. Was anybody else completely icked out by this ? Talk about predatory behavior. Guess we know that Michael doesnt give car rides for free. 

    I think Michael is lying about the circumstances. He was intimate with another woman and framed his story to look like he is victim because he doesn’t want to get yelled at by Angela. Nevermind that they weren’t even in a relationship so I have no idea why he fessed up in the first place.

    • Love 11
  9. 11 minutes ago, Former Nun said:

    Those of us who HATE smoking simply can't bear to be around the smoke/stench.  It's rarely about caring about the smoker.  

    Lol. I guess I should speak for myself then. I hate cigarette smoke, but I also like to encourage those around me to not smoke because of the health complications that come with it. I’ve seen what it looks like to die from smoking complications and it ain’t pretty. 

    • Love 5
  10. 54 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

    The Smiths! Panic.... 

    Amen. He might be scamming her to get here but he seems like such a nice guy overall. She not so nice. 


    I have to agree. And for the most part, he’s certainly acted like a nice boyfriend. He’s used affectionate words, is physically affectionate, introduced her to his loved ones, and seems to have tried to help her fit in. He even wants her to quit smoking which tells me he cares somewhat about her. But all she can do is yell, bully, and slap...just a mean woman. Even if he is using her to get into the US, she’s using him for regular sex or an ego boost...sounds like both are getting something out of this.

    • Love 14
  11. 2 minutes ago, PeaceLily2 said:

    I was brought up the same way.  

    Also, I’ve never had a family member clean out all the food.  I think we are missing a lot of the story.

    Paul did imply that it wasn’t just the brother who came over. I assume his or Karine’s friends came as well and participated in the feast.

    • Love 7
  12. On 9/7/2018 at 3:22 PM, Lesia said:

    I'm REALLY sick of the commercial, with the toppling babies at the photo shoot.

    "nah nah nah-nah, nah-nah nah nah nah...  WOOOOOOOO!"

    This! It aired constantly when I was watching 90 Day Fiancé and it got old fast, as did the older son repeatedly declaring he won’t change diapers.

    Due to their infatuation with little people and multiples, I am waiting for the day where TLC premieres a show about a little married couple with sextuplets. Improbable, sure, but if they ever exist, TLC will find them.

    • Love 9
  13. On 9/10/2018 at 6:13 AM, Gobi said:

    What was the big deal with Angela's dinner? It was a cow leg, aka beef. Anyone ever hear of osso buco? You would think she was served monkey from her reaction.

    I wondered this as well. Something tells me Angela wouldn’t think twice about eating the mystery meat sold at major fast food places though.

    • Love 11
  14. 4 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

    Why didn't Karine's dad make any effort? Maybe they didn't have the funds, or it's all make believe, so they figured, why bother? Although,that little party on the boat looks nice, and looks like it cost a pretty penny.

    I assume he just didn’t have anything else to wear. No reason to shell out for a suit he might wear once or twice if he has more pressing financial matters like Karine’s mom and siblings. I also got the impression from everyone else’s attire that they did not expect a formal wedding anyway.

    • Love 7
  15. 22 hours ago, Horrified said:

    Angela, Dean - sorry, but the epitome of the loud, brash Ugly American abroad.  No respect for their surroundings, no cultural sensitivity and no real sense of being a guest in a foreign land.

    Angela:  Pipe down.  Pipe down I say and learn a little about Michael's country and culture.  Yes, it is hot isn't it?  Wear respectful and respectable clothing.  Oh, and pipe down.

    I agree. TLC even tweeted a week or so ago that Michael tried to get Angela to wear Nigerian clothing because it tends to be made of a cooler, more comfortable cotton, but she refused. So her suffering was really her fault. If other women can walk around just fine in modest attire, Angela can as well.

    • Love 6
  16. 20 hours ago, Gigglepuff said:

    I agree. Last week when she nattered endlessly about "cutting it (the steak) on a bias...that's how my kids like it...I worked in a restaurant, I know, you have to cut it on a bias," was something. Even when everyone had left and she was hacking away at that steak, she was still muttering about it. I feel sorry for those kids, can't imagine what they have to put up with and what they've witnessed so far. 

    I think Darcey lies a lot too. It makes no sense that she put her cold toes on Jesse's shoes (as she claimed). Who does that? If your feet are cold, people put a pair of socks on, they don't put their feet on top of someone else's shoes. Her story makes no sense, and in this situation, I actually believe Jesse when he said she stomped on them. Again, he was being overly dramatic about it, but to me, her story didn't add up and I think she was just making it up as she went along and came up with a pretty lousy excuse as to why there was a mark on his shoe. 

    She definitely stepped on his shoes to piss him off. He strikes me as the type who keeps his white shoes bright white and gets furious about scuffs. I don’t even know the man and I sense that. I find it hard to believe that Darcy wasn’t trying to push his buttons. And I feel quite confident that she threw a shoe at him with the intent to hurt him. Jesse is an asshole, but she’s very immature.

    • Love 4
  17. 6 minutes ago, iwasish said:

    I was watching the first episode and the difference in Michael’s demeanor is startling. When he meets her at the airport he’s happy and relaxed, looking forward to the visit, last nights episode, he’s sweaty, nervous and fearful of angering her and  drawing the attention  of bystanders when she starts yelling and carrying on.

    I agree. It’s actually quite sad. He tries to keep the peace with her, but she is always finding something wrong with his actions. I still think Angela was dead wrong for slapping him in the market. 

    • Love 16
  18. 2 hours ago, Lady Iris said:

    I just don't get Jesse and Darcey. Is the sex that great? Does she interrupt his moans? Does he tell her to work on herself mid coitus? Why am I even thinking these thoughts???

    I find it hard to believe they even have a decent sex life. They can’t agree on anything! I feel like 90% of their sex life involves bickering and the other 10% actual sex.

    • Love 2
  19. 16 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

    Angie is power trippin' because she's figured out that Michael will do anything to get to the U.S. So, she keeps raising the bar. "Get rid of your instagram." "Dote on me." "Don't dote on me." "I snap because you deserve it and not because I'm a brutal looking snapping turtle of a bitch worse than anything in this here zoo!"

    Every few seconds, it seems Michael is thinking, “Is going through this to meet Trump really worth it?”. He’ll have to obey everything Angela says with a “yes,ma’am”, meet her every sex need, abandon his hope of being a dad, and basically abandon social media to keep her happy. Angela wants a man she can drag around on a leash.

    It bothers me that Angela didn’t seem to understand that a 30 year old man might want children in his lifetime within his marriage. Did she not consider that was a possibility? She has little to no chance to having a biological child. I know we hear these stories of a 70 year old delivering twins, but that doesn’t come easily or without great financial sacrifice. 

    • Love 9
  20. 6 hours ago, renatae said:


    I noticed she still avoided his touch until he got upset about her ex, and suddenly she started making moves toward him. Until then, I honestly didn't think she had it in her.

    She saw that meal ticket withdrawing and went right in with the affection. 

    I just remembered Angela’s question about wiping her butt. If you’ve ever worked for a nursing home, you’ve seen the countless parents and grandparents left languishing in beds with sores and other ailments with no relief. Angela is a CNA so I’m sure she’s seen spouses left by their partners in a home. I think she fears that happening to her.

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