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Posts posted by trimthatfat

  1. 1 minute ago, Kyanight said:

    That's generous.  I saw a LOT of empty chairs!   It looks like 60 people - max.

    When the camera panned the crowd, it did look like it was closer to 100. Either way, it's nowhere near 400. I wonder how much food they ended up using up during the reception.

    • Love 5
  2. On 1/29/2018 at 5:36 PM, thebalconyfool said:

    Wow I am surprised at the Auralee hate on here. To me April really does seem like manipulator in the family. Can't stand her.

    I think they are both manipulative. I don't care for either one of them. They clearly don't care for each other and I have no idea why anyone would enter a lifestyle that only encourages jealousy and resentment. What a wonderful example to set for the kids.

    April said it took her a year to decide to move forward with polygamy which tells me it's never been something she wanted to do. So why do it? Ugh. The first wives are all so angry on these kinds of shows. 

    The Snowdens make me nervous. I could see Ashley snapping one day and setting Dimitri's shit on fire. She looks very unhappy. She mentions wanting someone to help around the house and companionship, and she could find that in a friend and/or a part-time housekeeper.

    On 1/31/2018 at 1:37 PM, GussieK said:

    This truly is double talk.  But I'm still not sure she is interested in a lesbian relationship.  I don't get that vibe.  I think she is just deluded.

    I agree, I don't think she looking for a woman to be with intimately or romantically. I think she's just making shit up about what she wants so it makes it look like she's on board.

    • Love 11
  3. 18 hours ago, lma said:

    If I’m on TV, I’m gonna try a little harder. If I know the bottoms of my feet will be shown, I’m going to make sure my floor is clean or I’m keeping my shoes on. Also, this is ever time we see her feet. Not a one off.

    Exactly. At the very least, I certainly wouldn't prop up my feet on camera if I knew there was a chance they were caked in dirt. Ugh. 

    I have been humming Let Me Call Youuuu SweetHEARTTT all week. God help me.

    • Love 6
  4. 19 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

    I think it was a storage area for junk but since FT is "in banking" he probably calls it his study.  They have an awful lot of stuff for their age.  It's going to be interesting to see what the Entitlement Twins do for money in the future.  Raising a family on two low level jobs isn't easy (no way do I think FT is in "management" LOL!)

    I hope they do a better job of maintaining their home in the future because it just looked like a place where junk goes to die. And I gagged at Mykelti's dirty feet propped up on the recliner. I think their floors needs a nice, deep clean.

    • Love 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

    I want to know if Kody spends the night or any time at all at Meri's. I suspect she only sees him at the family gatherings where she does {decide to} get the memo.

    I don't think so. The way he talked to her about visiting the B&B, there was no chemistry or suggestion of intimacy. They looked like two classmates forced to work together on a group project.

    • Love 17
  6. 7 minutes ago, Jazzhands said:

    According to a quick public records search, it looks like the sales price was $346,500.  I seriously doubt that Meri’s legging sales could cover a mortgage on that. ?

    Okay. It was just a thought since a lot of MLM sellers with huge customer numbers tend to live comfortably. No need to eye roll. 

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  7. So I spoke to a friend of mine who sells for LulaRoe and has done well enough that she can pay her mortgage (under $1,000 a month) without using money from her full-time job. If Meri is as successful as it's been said (I read elsewhere that she's a top seller), I bet she could pay for the home without everyone contributing.

    • Love 2
  8. Forgive me as I am not the seasoned singer that Christine is, but why was she singing so high when the guitarist kept lowering the note? I think he was hinting that they'd sound awful if she sang so high. 

    Also, Robyn was well within her rights to say she wasn't going to the wedding if all of her kids were sick. The preview of her sitting in the cold with her baby bundled up pissed me off. Kody should have put his foot down when they realized the weather was getting worse, not better. The venue seemed to have glass views of the entire property so why was an outdoor wedding even necessary? Mykelti is selfish.

    • Love 16
  9. 23 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

    Why did this have to be another two hour show? We just see regurgitated crap. Over.and.over.and.over. Make it stop!

    I don't get it either. I only stayed up to watch thinking this was the wedding special. Ugh.

  10. On 1/22/2018 at 4:33 PM, Gothish520 said:

    I love Christine - even when she was running around the house yelling, I thought she was hilarious. Life's too short, why not be silly and have fun!

    I know we've all been saying it, but how do you not know a party is going on in your own family cul-de-sac? I know when the strangers down the street are having a gathering, never mind my own family next door!

    This! I call BS on Meri's claims that she had no idea Garrison was back home. The Browns aren't the Duggars. They are very vocal people. I have no doubt that Meri knew something was happening, even if she wasn't sure what was happening. She just didn't care enough to go check. Kody was barbecuing outside and he is a very loud person. I think she wanted the rest of the family to beg for her attendance and they weren't going to do that. She is so far removed from the family by her own doing and if she wants out, that's fine. But she can't also then try to guilt the family because they don't include her much anymore.

    I, too, love Christine. She seems so genuine in her love for the kids. She can be silly and weird, but she seems to mean well.

    • Love 5
  11. 19 hours ago, the-grey-lady said:

    Christine: I looooooove Tony! I loooooooove Tony! We all just looooooooove Tony!

    Yeah. I know that when I really like someone, I feel the need to keep repeating my feelings over and over again, lest I forget my love. Sure.

    The moms all seem grossed out by his existence. Janelle was less able to mask her disgust, but it's clear as day that they think Mykelti could have done better.

    Tony is just...awful. I don't care that he's a bigger guy, but he is so sloppy looking! He is also an asshole. What man would admit to telling his future wife that she doesn't look nice in her wedding gown? He looks like the type who would tell Mykelti that she's getting too fat when she gets 9 months pregnant. Everything about him is gross.

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