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Posts posted by trimthatfat

  1. 9 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

    I’m a little tired of the Captain’s lack of interest in restoring sanity to his employees. I realize he’s more “ hands off” managerial style compared to Sandy’s, but he should really be on top of the the misogyny that is apparent this season. Kate appeared to be in some danger with Ashton and his volatile temper, that he conveniently blacked out;Rylee, though she is able to stand up for herself, should not have been blamed for where they went fishing - the Bosun should.  As I recall, Brian very early on broke an expensive piece of equipment & didn’t tell Ashton right away, but he didn’t get threatened with losing his job.  I find this season more disturbing than most and I sort of feel the way I did about the last season of “ Southern Charm”, these formerly attractive men have turned into douches & unwatchable!

    I so agree! Even reading Captain Lee’s comments on social media while the show is airing, he seems to know very little about what’s happening on the boat. He acts this way each season, like he is very far removed, but gosh golly, if he knew what was going on, he’d wring a few necks! Like, if you notice a trend that you only find out about serious problems when the show airs, perhaps have quick meetings with your managers during charters to check in about any issues that might be festering. TBH, I’ve never cared for him. I know people love him, but something about him rubs me the wrong way.

    Now, as far as the bed sharing is concerned. I don’t like to share my bed in general. My husband and I have a king because I want my own space. However, if I were on a yacht that had tight quarters, I’d work it out so no one was sleeping on the floor or in a main area where their sleep would be disrupted. Jamie was a brat. I get it, you didn’t know her well, but you could suck it up for a couple of days. You’re on a luxury yacht - surely life isn’t that bad.

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  2. Alyssa strikes me as the type who doesn't care that she's a tad overdressed on her birthday. I like that they seem to have a balance between maintaining their relationship and being parents. Not a big fan of the Bates, but their kids seem to have relatively healthy adult relationships.

    I expect a vow renewal from Alyssa and John by their 10th year since her wedding doesn't seem to match the glitz and glam she loves now. 

    On 11/14/2019 at 5:40 AM, floridamom said:

    Sadly, Michaela is usually frumpy and wears those awful sneakers with dresses. She could be so cute, stylish and still modest but she doesn't have the know-how IMO....nor does she OR Brandon care. 

    Oh, gosh...I can't stand Michael's style. Every time she posts a picture of her attending a wedding as a guest, she stands out as underdressed. She's beautiful, but her sense of style is just unflattering. 

    • Love 7
  3. 15 hours ago, Temperance said:

    Josie also made a comment on Lauren's copying her. Actually I think Josie is less mature for commenting on it than Lauren is for copying her. 

    I agree. Go to Pinterest and Instagram today and you'll see dozens of babies positioned under trees while surrounded by presents. It's a cute photo. It makes Josie look very immature if she really has an issue with Lauren using the same pose. 

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Heathen said:

    I'm sure they were instructed to do so, overtly or covertly. 

    I'm sure of that as well. That's why I think it's such a mindfuck. Being forced to be around your abuser is traumatic and no one cared about the long-term effects on the victims. 

    • Love 2
  5. 20 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

    How  were the couples able to allow Josh at their weddings, one of the happiest days in their lives, is beyond me. (Well I really do know how.) 

    I don't get it either. And IIRC, Jessa, Jill, and Joy were in Josh and Anna's wedding as well. Like what a mindfuck. 

    • Love 5
  6. 3 hours ago, dleighg said:

    Most people, when choosing a child's name, think about how it goes with the last name. Rose Gold is a "thing." 

    Images of Rose Gold

    I didn’t know “Rose Gold” was a thing, tbh. I don’t think anyone I know is aware of it being a thing either - certainly not enough to dissuade naming a child Rose. Rose Gold is a beautiful name and I’m sure the little girl will be fine with it. 

    • Love 2
  7. On 9/26/2019 at 10:22 PM, Pickles said:

    Luis's baby is darling. The baby's mother is very pretty too. 

    She really is beautiful!

    On the other hand, I find the situation with his child's mother or "co-parent" quite interesting. It seems Luis has been desperately trying to fill a void in his life for a long time, hence the moving to Europe and back. Doesn't surprise me he landed back in PR for the time being. Methinks that Leela will move around a lot as a child as her dad figures things out.

    I am wondering if Luis has an arrangement with his child's mother where she was willing to have a baby with him because she wanted one as well. Wouldn't be the first to do so. I didn't get the impression that this was an "oops" baby at all. They've been very careful about the language they use about the baby and their relationship as "co-parents". Also interesting that the child's mother was in a place where she could pick up and move relatively quickly with Luis. Just screams "arrangement".

    Wouldn't be surprised at all if Luis moved from PR to somewhere else in a year or two. I like Luis, but I think he's hurting inside. Hope he finds peace eventually.

    • Love 6
  8. 14 hours ago, breezy424 said:

    Five hours between a ceremony and reception?  Huh?  Hey, we're going over to a local restaurant for food and beverages.  Don't be surprised if we don't come back.

    I went to a wedding recently where the reception was scheduled to start 4 hours after the ceremony ended. I ended up heading to a restaurant with my boyfriend and friends and by the time the reception rolled around, we were too exhausted and full to go. Ended up back at the hotel for the night.

    When there's a gap like that, your whole day becomes about the bride and groom. Yeah, no thanks.

    • Love 20
  9. 9 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

    I honestly think D'Andra needs to dissolve the company her mother started and start anew. I think Dee's company may be too far gone to be saved.

    I agree. The company had a good run, but unless they are able to get an investor (and how could they?), D'Andra should cut her losses and move on.

    It seems like Mama Dee knew this was going to eventually happen and that she's all too happy to pass a failing company on to her daughter. Very odd and sad.

    • Love 11
  10. 5 hours ago, renatae said:

    Probably a better word would be "bamboozled." I think he was conning her and baiting her when he did things like telling her he would have proposed to her if they had gone to the tropical island instead of to Albania, when he took her to that church and was talking about proposals, and when he told her he had a gift for her, and it turned out to be that key.

    He was pretty indifferent to her the whole trip, until the last 24 hours when he suddenly waxed romantic and all in love, then once the cameras were gone, he ghosts her, then tells her over the phone they should be friends only. Until tell all time, when he was only too happy to be on camera again. Famewhoring at her expense. I'd feel scammed.

    I agree. Tom never wanted Darcy and it was telling how callous he was after Darcy returned home. I can buy that she kept reaching out to him and was frustrated that he was non-responsive. He went from chasing after her in an airport in a corny reenactment of some romcom, only to act like she was a complete nuisance a week later.

    With Darcy, what you see is what you get.   She very clearly wears her heart on her sleeve and is honest that she likes a lot of attention and compliments from her partner. Tom needs to leave her alone because he knows he won’t ever want her in this way. What a coincidence that they are back together now that a reunion needs to be filmed.

    • Love 13
  11. If y’all could have heard the collective gasp in my household when Maria appeared on screen...it was like time stopped. I knew she was real because I figured TLC had to get clearance to show her image and the text messages, but I was stunned when she actually appeared for an on-camera interview. Maria is probably to talking to dozens of men. Not a bad hustle.

    I don’t feel bad for Caesar. If he wants to waste years of his life and all of his money on Maria, I don’t care. He has to know she only cares about his money. 

    • LOL 1
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  12. On 10/12/2019 at 9:00 AM, Jextella said:

    I actually thought Emily's description of Shane was a good one.  He doesn't care for the filming and acts like a petulant child when doing so.   I think that's behind alot - but not all - Shane's horribly behavior. 

    And in his defense, I think Emily has to be really difficult to be with.  There was some actress on WWHL recently (can't recall who), who described her as high-strung.  I couldn't agree more.  I think she and Shannon have some similarities in this area.

    IMO, he doesn’t have to film if he hates it. Acting like a child because he doesn’t want to be on camera is just annoying. The general consensus online is that viewers don’t like him, so no one would feel too badly if he weren’t on the show. Dorinda’s now-ex, John, noticeably reduced his appearances from the RHNY show after fans made it clear that they didn’t like him. 

    I think two things can be true - Emily is high-strung and Shane is annoying and callous. Their marriage is very hard to watch and I don’t want to see Shane on my screen. Much like I didn’t want to see Jim Bellino on television. Another asshole.

    • Love 12
  13. On 10/9/2019 at 2:17 PM, ghoulina said:

    Yea, but the things he wanted to label were already labeled. He wanted to take spices from their existing containers and put them in little tupperwares and label them. I thought it was fucking ridiculous and wasteful. If I were Kate, I probably wouldn't have called him out, as it IS his kitchen. But I can see why she was like, "We have 4568496894 deliveries to put away and you're rehoming your spices???"

    If he needs a super organized kitchen to ensure he can find what he needs to make meals, Kate should have just humored his request for a label maker. Given his extensive experience, he may have a method that he prefers to use to keep him on track when in the kitchen. Because Kate doesn’t work that way, she didn’t see the point. People like that irritate me. I used to have a job that required me to be very organized and the label maker was my bff. My boss always rolled her eyes about my method, but it meant I got her assignments done faster.

    Kevin’s diarrhea didn’t need to be a storyline. I would be mortified if I were him. Let the man shit in peace.

    Happy to finally see a Black woman on this show. One of the reasons why I’ve been such an inconsistent watcher of the BD franchise is because they lack any diversity. Since there are rumors that the show occasionally casts stews with no legitimate experience, I’ve found it odd it took 7 seasons to find a Black stew. Yay, Simone. I was actually telling my younger cousins to consider yachting since they have some serving experience. Many don’t even know it’s a career option, at least for their twenties.

    I had to keep double checking that I wasn’t in BDM thread because of the constant references to Capt. Sandy. More BD please.

    • Love 6
  14. I watched Emily on WWHL last night and I feel really sad for her. She said that Shane is a dick, but that he has a nice side he shows her privately. I hope for her sake that she leaves the marriage and finds someone better. It’s clear she is the type who wants to be taken care of emotionally, and Shane is too busy looking like a Hot Topic reject. It says a lot that he can’t even fake the funk on camera. He doesn’t care or mind that his comments make him appear callous.

    Kelly is right that he’s a dork or dweeb or whatever she called him. I know people find Emily annoying and whiny, but that doesn’t excuse Shane’s coldness.

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  15. I don’t like Robyn much, but man. I was so annoyed Juan just sat there and didn’t defend the mother of his children. Does he like Michael that much? Is he concerned about jeopardizing a connection to a wealthy man? It’s just bizarre. I also expected more from Chris Samuels. Did the Darbys slip something in their water? What’s everyone drinking that Michael got out of this without all of the men banding together to say this isn’t okay? Kudos to Ray and white Chris for standing up to Michael. 

    I hated the way Michael stood over Gizelle. It’s an intimidation tactic that he wouldn’t have used if she had a man with her. I’m glad Gizelle didn’t back down. She also made a comment on WWHL a couple of months ago about how Ashley doesn’t have much time left in her contract. I mean, her marriage. The prenup has a 5 year term where she’d get enough money to be comfortable. Plus, she would get child support. I’m wondering if she’s just holding on to maximize the amount of money she’d get.

    This show is definitely tainted if Michael comes back. Every RHW show has had at least one storyline that made things dark. NY, OC, ATL, and BH have all had that moment. Not sure about Dallas. But it definitely changes the show in a way that isn’t very positive. I’d hate to see that happen with Potomac.

    • Love 7
  16. 10 hours ago, esco1822 said:

    I actually have no issue with Aesha calling the girlfriend a bitch. Jack should have handled the situation himself. His girlfriend's anger shouldn't be taken out on Aesha who didn't know about her, it should be taken out on Jack. She and Jack were friends first, I don't think it's unreasonable to seek out an explanation of what happened from him. Yes he's an asshole and yes he screwed her over but that doesn't mean she doesn't get to hold him accountable for his actions. And it was only after she did that, that the girlfriend reached out and told her to stop talking to her boyfriend. It was unnecessary. The girlfriend started unnecessary drama so yeah, if I were in Aesha's shoes, I'd totally think she was a bitch. And that has nothing to do with the fact that Jack is an asshole and a coward. Her feelings towards both can be mutually exclusive.

    Well said. Both Jack and the girlfriend handled the situation very poorly. They are both assholes.

    Hannah, on one of those after show clips, said that Aesha actually told Jack that she wasn’t looking for a relationship, particularly since the charter season would be short, but Jack kept pursuing her. So she gave him a chance and he played her. What a dick. I have a feeling Jack deleted his social media because he knew Aesha would eventually tell fans what happened. He knows what he did was cruel.

    • Love 9
  17. On 10/1/2019 at 11:25 AM, Mindthinkr said:

    Unlike Kate, she has not even attempted to put a towel display on a bed to surprise guests with. Nothing seems personalized for the guests. Minimal effort.  They have online videos teaching you how to fold them to get various animals. Also her napkins. Anyone can just stuff one in a napkin ring, but there are ways of getting them to fan out and look fancier. If she wasn’t into it she always could have asked one of her other stews to do it. She just didn’t care. One of those if I’m getting by then why put anymore effort into it type of people. 

    Exactly. That’s my issue with Hannah. She doesn’t try and doesn’t care and it shows. Pinterest has a a million ideas for how to look fancy on a budget. But I think Hannah thinks that kind of work is beneath her.

    • Love 3
  18. 8 hours ago, PaperTree said:

    WWHL informs us that Jack and Aesha are no longer a couple.  He ran back to his old girlfriend at home.


    I watched that and Jack is something else. Aesha thought they were going to stay together post the show and instead of being honest about his concerns, Jack’s girlfriend was the one breaking off Aesha and Jack’s relationship. Aesha still speaks highly of him, but he’s an asshole. He should have been man enough to end the relationship when it was clear he didn’t want to do long distance.

    Hannah sucks. I don’t think it’s that yachting isn’t her passion, per se, it’s that she makes it so obvious she hates the job. I’ve had jobs I’ve absolutely hated, but I showed up every day with a smile until I could work in the field I did I love. I had bills to pay. Hannah doesn’t try at all. She put more effort in the girlfriend proposal than she has in the charters. Yachting isn’t her passion and she’s not the suck it up and act happy at work type. She complains about the job, her dissatisfaction, her coworkers, and her guests. Hannah needs a different career.

    Colin also said yachting wasn’t his passion, but his performance didn’t suffer because of that. He still tried to contribute to his team as well as the interior when help was needed.

    • Love 13
  19. On 9/25/2019 at 2:14 PM, John M said:

    Maybe he is just attracted to more full bodied, older women? I dunno, I feel sometimes like this talk is projecting some unhealthy cultural norms of who is attractive and who should be attracted to who. 

    I agree. While I find Aladin questionable, there are younger men who genuinely enjoy older women, even if they don’t look like supermodels.

    To comment on Tim...man, what an awkward person. It seems Jennifer wants someone who is going to dominate her in and out of the bedroom, and Tim looks he’s afraid of anything that would involve sweat. He seems like the type who would throw a fit if he couldn’t have his weekly mani and pedi. What is his deal? Jennifer is beautiful and clearly wants to have sex, and Tim is focused on “bases”. Like they’re 12. What an odd pairing. 

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