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Posts posted by trimthatfat

  1. I let out a hearty laugh when Scheana said that she doesn’t need gifts, she can buy for herself. She doesn’t like roses, they die. Honestly, she sounded like such a Sour Sally. She’s the kind of person who’d shit all over someone for having a nice diamond engagement ring. “I don’t need diamonds, who needs diamonds to prove love? I can buy my own diamonds”...

    I don’t think Kristen and James had sex. I doubt they even made out. This is why it’s not good to have a documented history of lying. Even if you tell the truth once, all people can remember are the other times you lied.

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  2. 28 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

    Nope - Tokelti wedding was mid December 2016 and Baby David Axelrod's birth (thank you Jodie from RealiTV podcast ?) was in May 2017. 

    Ah, okay! Got it. Thanks. Maddie didn’t look that far long at the wedding so I was wondering about the timing. 

    11 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

     That girl is a piece of self-absorbed work.  But, that conversation with Christine was so confusing, I really couldn't understand what either of them was saying.  It was like they were trying to have a conversation without saying what they really wanted to say.  That tearful hug at the end felt like Christine saying "I'm so sorry you're hurting, but we still don't want to have anything to do with you" - and Meri letting it all sink in.

    I thought the hug was sweet and served two purposes. Meri was turning to leave, probably trying to set the stage for more complaints that no one wants her around, and Christine squashed that by shutting the door and giving her a genuine hug. So Christine was closing the door to say ‘let me be there for you’ and she showed that she does genuinely care by hugging her in a moment where they probably didn’t like each other much.

    Meri is very lucky that this group is as forgiving as they have been. They still try with her even after Meri resisting their efforts. 

    • Love 9
  3. Robyn mentioned that her kids were sick around the time Axel was born so they couldn’t visit the baby. They were also sick during Mykelto’s wedding. Did the birth and wedding happen around the same time in real time?

    • Love 2
  4. Did anyone else catch when Robyn said Maddie asked about Meri during her labor? I think that is why Janelle laid into Meri like she did. She was mad that Meri’s absence was still noticed by Maddie. I think Maddie did actually want the moms there in the end. And I think Kody texting everyone to not come over was really meant for the kids. Not the moms. I also think it was telling Robyn still tried to reach out to Meri...I can tell she wasn’t sure if that was okay because of the distance Meri has created.

    Meri is just awkward and she makes other people around her awkward as a result. If she didn’t want to be in the room during Maddie’s labor, she could have helped make snacks, drinks, lunch, etc. for the group. She could have offered to check on the other kids to make sure they were staying out of trouble. She could have offered to do something. Instead, she awkwardly came in and out during the process, didn’t bother asking the production team what was going on, and then went back to her LLR sales. Her behavior makes everyone uncomfortable so they don’t want her around. Couple that with the fact that she refuses to take accountability for her actions and they are probably thinking they could do without her. She’s a big Negative Nelly and she’s likely exhausting to be around. I love how Meri said her friends like to be around her...yeah, because they see you when you’re happy. The rest of the wives are there the other 80% of the time she’s miserable.

    I think Christine meant well, but she kept trying to sugarcoat things. She should have kept it blunt, but she risked Meri playing victim again. I felt for her in that moment because she practically begging Meri to tell her what she could do to help make Meri happy again.

    The last two episodes have been surprisingly real and raw.

    • Love 19
  5. On 3/6/2018 at 6:26 PM, graefin said:

    Actually, I had the opposite reaction and was surprised there was even a debate. Dark cabinets are considered dated these days and white cabinets are in. Can't comment on the counters, but I thought the cabinets looked good (and yes, they should have been sanded prior to painting).

    I love dark wood cabinets. I am not one for trends so what's 'in' usually doesn't make a difference to me. IMO, it looked so much better before. I thought the after was awful. Either way, it's not my kitchen so I hope Jinger and Jeremy genuinely like it.

    • Love 2
  6. It was nice to see Jinger and Jeremy having a fun time with their friends. Their friends seem like really nice, normal people.

    Kendra's mother looks so young! I really thought she was a cousin and that the grandmother was Kendra's mother. I laughed when Michelle asked Miss Renee to describe the style of one of skirts, and Miss Renee said she calls it a "fun" skirt. Maybe it's because I am used to Randy describing styles with professional design terms on Say Yes to the Dress, but Miss Renee sounds like she doesn't have much of a vocabulary.

    I was a little surprised by Ben admitting that he and Jessa made mistakes while courting. I bet they kissed before the wedding day. So much for the chaperones!

    7 minutes ago, Magoo said:

    I have no idea what he does for a job, but of all the Duggar boys, he seems like the best emotional catch.

    I totally agree with you. When one of the sisters (Joy?) said that he always gives them flowers for Valentine's Day, I realized that Kendra has the best chance of all of the women marrying into the family to have a supportive, loving spouse.

    • Love 12
  7. I thought Jinger's kitchen makeover was hideous. I love wood cabinets and hate white painted cabinets. I thought it completely clashed with the countertops. But of course, Jinger lets Jessa call the shots in her own home. Get a backbone, girl.

    Joy is obviously in the infatuation phase. The 'kiss me, kiss me' sounded like it was coming from a 13 year old. I do like that Joy was open to yodeling though - she doesn't seem to embarrass easily and seems open to new experiences. I definitely think that she thought she had alcohol in the restaurant as she looked very uncomfortable and confused about sparkling water.

    Joe refusing to put his hand on Kendra's hip was bizarre. Like, it's a innocent picture. No one is going to think he is grabbing her boobs in the shot. The fear that has been put in these kids is ridiculous.

    • Love 7
  8. 1 hour ago, dreadfulLeigh said:

    Idk, Christine, if polygamy was so damn great, you wouldn’t have to make a big dill about giving a sister wife guardianship of your kids. You’d think it’d be a given.  

    I was thinking this, too. Reminded me of that episode of Big Love (awesome show!) where the wives fought over who got the kids. Wouldn't the wives already have paperwork stating who would get guardianship of the kids in the event of an emergency? The way Christine acted, they had never shared such information with each other before. Or maybe this was all just a TLC plot to drum up drama.

    • Love 7
  9. 7 minutes ago, SuzyLee said:

    We could probably file this observation under Nitpicking, but Janelle and Meri live in the same cul-de-sac and arrive at therapy in separate vehicles?  They truly despise each other, don’t they?

    Last season (or maybe the one before?), the therapist asked them to drive somewhere in one vehicle and listen to an audiotape. They refused. They ended up saying they'd listen to the audiotape in their separate cars. It was actually quite sad.

    edit: I'm saying audiotape, but it was probably a podcast or something. Lol. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

    • Love 7
  10. On 1/26/2018 at 7:55 AM, MyAimIsTrue said:

    I finally watched the premier episode and while it wasn't the bulldog Tabatha we all know and love I found something about the pizza dad endearing and wanted things to work out for him regardless of which decision was made.  The show was enjoyable and I'll tune in again.

    I really liked the Dad! He was adorable. But my goodness, the constant whining from the wife and the daughter drove me crazy. I don't know how he deals with it all.

    Couldn't stand the son in the Modica's episode. I felt bad for him that he feared coming out to his family, but he was so rude and mouthy. He was just spoiled.

    However, I think Tabatha is better suited for a salon environment. I don't think restaurants are her strength. I loved seeing her in the salon where her background in the beauty industry really shined.

    • Love 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Lovecat said:

    OK, I read all 7 pages, and no one mentioned the overgrown flower girl??  There was Truely and another little one (Robyn's niece), and then there was a girl who looked to be in her late teens.  I mean, OK, sometimes littler girls need a minder going down the aisle (though I think those little girls would have been just fine), but that third girl seemed like an enthusiastic participant in the petal-flinging.

    I am pretty sure that was Tony's sister. I just assumed it was yet another ~quirky~ touch by the bride and groom.

    • Love 1
  12. 12 hours ago, Gothish520 said:

    LOL, it was mentioned upthread a few times. I am willing to give her a pass because she did it for Mykelti, and it took guts for her to go through with it. She fully admits that she was out of her element.

    Although, someone posted a social media comment from Christine where she said she sang two songs and did much better on the one that was not shown. Either she is trying to save face, or TLC insisted on showing the bad song just to give us something to talk about. I want to see footage of that other song!


    If she sang another song, she should at least mention what it was. I am very curious now! I give her credit for doing something I couldn't do though. She seemed very nervous and it's clear she just wanted to get it over with asap.

    • Love 2
  13. 14 minutes ago, nikkichan said:

    I hate that my brain actually went here, but all I could think about when FT was "dancing" and whipping that girl around like a spaz, was how bad their wedding night was likely going to be. Somehow I don't think FT will have his bride's comfort and satisfaction in mind when they do the deed.

    He looks like the type who'd be in disbelief if Mykelti said she'd never had an orgasm with him. He just seems innately selfish.

    • Love 14
  14. 40 minutes ago, Wings said:

    It wasn't real fur. 

    I know that. My point was that Mykelti's fake concern about whether it was real or not was just an attempt to find an excuse not to wear it. Janelle would never buy something that expensive for her.

    • Love 11
  15. 34 minutes ago, littlemommy said:

    I agree the “Tony gives his suit jacket” was pre-planned. Jennelle gave her not one, but TWO, lovely wraps far more appropriate, and Mykelti gave them a serious “nope” eye. She never thought they were real fur—when’s the last time anyone saw a real fur coat? Honestly. Mykelti gave them a stank face because she was NOT going to wear them. She was going to wear Tony’s sweaty suit jacket.

    And didn't Janelle get 'something new'? As budget conscious as she is, Janelle would never buy a brand new real fur wrap for  Mykelti to wear once on her wedding day. Mykelti  just didn't want to wear it and was looking for any excuse.

    • Love 8
  16. 4 hours ago, Ravenna said:


    I get why Kody wanted to protect Robyn’s kids from the cold because they were sick , but it wasn’t ok for Truely freeze her butt off outside either. It’s not like she’s never had a life threatening illness before where she almost died. *cough kidney shutdown *heat stroke* kody’s watch* cough. 


    I think the difference is that neither Robyn nor Kody wanted the kids out. Christine was fine with Truely being out in the cold which really disappointed me. She should have put her foot down with Kody, but she was just as hard headed as Mykelti at that point.

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