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Posts posted by trimthatfat

  1. 8 hours ago, puppytoes said:

    The word “love” is being thrown around too much.  Also is that a real diamond that John gave Rachael’s?

    I was watching with my mom and friends and none of us thought the diamond was real. It’s possible he has a lot of disposable income since he lives with his mom and they seem to do Air B&B on the side, but still. 

    • Love 1
  2. 2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


    What the fuck was she going on about in the cabin - "do you want me to fuck that guy with a yacht???"  I wonder if she thought she had taken off her mic, or maybe the cabin was mic'd - I am guessing she did not realize that the whole world would hear her saying that!  I hope she is mortified.

    I think she was trying to get Conrad to say, “Omg, no, don’t go off with another guy! Let’s try again! I can’t live without you!”.

    • Love 12
  3. 15 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

    One look at Jamie at the last night out and -- damn, was she the secret winner of this season. She's absolutely gorgeous, didn't get involved in any showmance bullshit, didn't have to resort to any raps or general class clownishness. Kinda reminded me of the old school Real World seasons where there would be one or two housemates who were usually in the background of scenes not doing much, were pleasantly forgettable, and then popped up again in the pop culture consciousness doing something decent and legitimate -- your Karamo Browns, Jamie Chungs, etc. No way is Jamie getting cast for another season, but she escaped with maximum dignity, so good on her.

    Jamie is stunning! She also has a great sense of humor. I am kind of glad that no one tried to hit on her on the boat because she could do far better.

    • Love 13
  4. 6 minutes ago, essexjan said:


    It wouldn't be anything on his passport, he would have failed at the ESTA (visa waiver) application stage. The visa waiver program is an online application, renewable every two years. If you answer 'yes' to having any criminal convictions (or to any one of several other questions that might raise red flags around political affiliations, associations with certain countries, etc.), it's an automatic rejection, and you then have to apply to the US Embassy in person for a visa. 


    So, yeah WTF Rachel? The man has a history of seriously violent behaviour that he's tried to spin to make himself the victim in every scenario. The UK has a massive binge drinking problem, with most towns being no-go areas at weekends, and street brawls outside pubs and nightclubs being a factor of British life. I can understand him getting involved in maybe two, three (at most) fights that have started around him and ended up in a huge brawl that he didn't intend to get involved in. But most young men, unless they're particularly stupid or psycho, will soon decide they don't want to be in the way of harm and will walk away from it once they see it all kicking off.

    Jon's scenario - that he's been in 50 or 60 fights, not one of which was his fault, where he was trying to avoid being 'stamped on', or was defending himself or ws protecting the honour of a defenseless woman - simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

    (Snipped for length)

    Thank you for explaining in such detail. I was curious as to why Jon was downplaying the seriousness of his crimes since it sounded like he should be in jail. I feel bad for baby Lucy the most. A parental figure who thinks nothing of solving issues with his fists is frightening. And I call bullshit on his explanation that he only got into fights because he was protecting the honor of women. He has a serious problem for which he either needs serious therapy and/or anger management. 

    • Love 9
  5. 1 hour ago, Deafening Roar said:

    Public Service Announcement: I am in no way on Pol's side... however, the way Karine painted him out to be in front of her parents and the translator is her version of the situation. I am OCD-esque (yes, I made that word up) and it would be maddening to me if I were milling around the apartment thingy they are staying in, cleaning, washing dishes, tidying up her stuffed animals, and all the while she is either knocked out sleeping, whining, or on social media. I'm a woman and I don't necessarily believe in the woman doing everything around the house, but most women, it's just in their make-up to be cleaner and tidier. I keep things clean as I go along so it doesn't become a disaster and harder to clean later. She helped him zero percent and then cries about how he treats her. I'm not so sure I wouldn't treat her equally as bad, sorry not sorry.

    She's lazy and unkempt and acts childish with toys. Although Pol isn't a catch either at least he is somewhat cleaner

    I agree that Karine has a lot to learn about cleanliness. She’s not a child. Leaving shit everywhere is a sign of laziness. 

    However, she has stated that Paul tends to turn away from her when she’s upset and I do think that’s something he could do better. It can feel cruel when a significant other isn’t responsive when one is upset. So while Karine can work on being tidy, Paul can work on better communicating. His first step should be learning Portuguese.

    • Love 6
  6. 1 hour ago, Horrified said:


    I'm sorry, but I have to say something about Karine's look in the talking head interviews.  She has long, lifeless hanks of black hair and there is something on her chin that kind of looks like a wart.  She looks like a witch in those THs...............apologies, apologies, apologies.  I hate myself for commenting on someone's natural look.  Fake physicality (Darcey, Melissa) is totally fair game so I feel like a creep for commenting on Karine.  Its just been eating at me though!!  Sorry Karine!!

    Karine honestly looks sick to me. Like, someone who is just plain exhausted. I don’t know if it’s the stress of life or her relationship that’s taking a toll, but before, she looked much lighter and happier. I hope she’s in a better place now.

    • Love 5
  7. 11 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

    Yeah, Dean seems to have one emotion - furious. I got a vibe that he had had one too many beers, possibly. (And by "one", I mean at least 6.)

    He was definitely drunk. I think he had a few beers before his brother even started making his way to the restaurant. And then he left drinking a beer.

    • Love 6
  8. 8 hours ago, PityFree said:

     They do sell bags of rose petals.  The first time I saw them was when I was a flower girl for a family wedding.  They opened up the bag and put them in a little basket so I could drop Rose petals on the ground in front of the bride.

    Yep! You can get them at craft stores and dollar stores. Many colors as well.

    Ximenia seems lovely and I kind of feel bad that she was the second choice. She seemed really excited to meet Ricky so I think she’ll let it slide that she wasn’t the first choice. I do think she’s crazy to travel that long to see a man she only knows through a dating app though and to stay at his place. I’ve watched too many Lifetime movies, I guess.

    • Love 9
  9. 1 hour ago, kicksave said:

    I just want to say the that I am appalled at the awful and disgusting commentary that I have been reading on Carole's Instagram page today...the vitriol that is being spewed at her from Bethenny supporters is so gross that I think Carole my want to take a step back and suspend her account for awhile. It's creepy and vile what some of these people are saying to her...I just had to get this off my chest. Thanks for indulging my outrage. 


    I’ve seen some comments on Carole’s IG that have actually made me feel physically ill. I don’t know how celebs do it. There’s no way I would allow comments on my page the way some people can be so hateful. I saw one comment wishing death on her and I’m just like, really? Disgusting. It is never this serious. 

    • Love 14
  10. 22 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

    Carole unlike others had the money for nurses and respite care. Many people do not, many people go bankrupt from medical issues. Robin Williams had to help pay for Christopher Reeves because the money ran out. Carole lives in a world that is completely unrelatable to the average person. Remember when  she giggled and asked if she was part of the 1%, she knew very well she is.

    Just because she had money doesn’t mean the emotional toll was nonexistent. I don’t think that’s fair to say at all. Money doesn’t absolve anyone of issues or sadness or frustration. I won’t begrudge anyone for having money for care - death sucks and that’s that really. Caregiver fatigue, even for the wealthy, exists. I’ll agree to disagree because it feels icky to me personally to criticize how any widow deals with her loss.

    • Love 17
  11. 2 hours ago, QuinnM said:

    No one cares but she does nothing all day. She has more free time than someone with children who works for a living. That was Bethenny’s point.  And being part owner of a dozen cats is not a job. 

    Well, I care. I still consider being on this show a job. 

    After watching the extreme toll caretaking took on my loved ones, I cannot begin to criticize how Carole handled Anthony’s death before and after the passing. It’s a rough position to be in with almost no room for a break. Bless her.

    • Love 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Mozelle said:

    Carole's resume (especially next to Bethenny's) is a joke? Bethenny's doing great with her current business, but I don't think Carole's Emmy is anything to sneeze at.

    This. I mean I guess bedazzled jeans are an accomplishment, but I’d take an Emmy over that any day. 

    And it kind of bugs me that the show isn’t considered a “career” in itself. Carole was getting paid to be a television personality - that to me is legit. She’s also knocking on 60 - is it really that weird that she would prefer to wind down and focus on working on the show for the most part? I find it troubling that Carole’s career is being dismissed because it should be more about quality than quantity in my eyes.

    • Love 10
  13. 5 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

    IIRC, Nene dated a still married but separated man years later.  I don't necessarily think Bethenny wanted wife privileges but they were something and possibly going to have future and he and his legal wife were getting divorced and she was dating someone else too.  I think Bethenny was more of a present/future situation but his marriage and Jill were past.   

    Yes, Nene is rumored to have done the same. If true, she should have kept her legs closed, too. Her, Kim, Bethenny - they can all be the intended recipients of that message.

    It’s hard for a wife to be the past when Dennis was still married to her. I’m sure she oversaw the funeral arrangements and will have some hand in his estate. Bethenny may have been the current girlfriend, but the wife’s role as a spouse and mother to his kids shouldn’t be minimized. They clearly had some relationship if they were in regular contact prior to his death.

    • Love 8
  14. 9 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Was that before or after she climbed up on the stripper pole?  lol  

    Lol. After - I think she said it a reunion to Kim Z. Regardless of when Nene said it, I still think Bethenny should have stayed her butt at home. I imagine she wouldn’t have taken it so kindly if a girlfriend showed up to her husband’s funeral...I am thinking an epic meltdown would occur in typical Bethenny fashion. 

    Jill and Dennis remaining married doesn’t really surprise me. There are a lot of older estranged couples who live very separate lives, but can’t be bothered to divorce. Maybe because of the kids, the finances being too muddled, and/or an inability to let go. And they are perfectly okay letting the other take care of their affairs if they pass. It’s very interesting. I don’t think Bethenny would have legally become his wife. 

    • Love 6
  15. 9 hours ago, bagger said:

    We have no idea who her best friend is but we do know who her flavors of the month have been and one only needs to look at Instagram. All heather all the time followed by SWF dressing alike with Bethenny, to becoming a faux fashionista with Tinsley to finally all whatever Samantha romson’s new main squeeze is.

    no besties just 31 flavors

    That’s what her pics with everyone seems like. She’s hardly going to post pictures of she and her friends are scowling at each other.

    I would hardly expect anyone to post scowling pictures with their friends. That would just be strange. She posts herself having fun which is very normal and okay.

    • Love 3
  16. 11 hours ago, Rosiejuliemom said:

    I'm not sure how close they are. I just wish Beth had stepped back for common decency's sake. She was not his wife. She needed to take a backseat, no matter how hard it was for her. Let the family have the funeral. Say your goodbyes at a different time.


    *Again, IF this is true at all*

    I agree.

    If she did want a front row seat, it would have been wise to ensure she was with a single man. Nene famously said, “close your legs to married men”, and I can’t help, but agree. I don’t care if a man isn’t emotionally married. If he’s still married on paper and there’s no sign of a divorce on the horizon, the girlfriend doesn’t get wife privileges. Even if the source is fake, it isn’t unreasonable that a wife wouldn’t want a girlfriend in attendance. I think of funerals as really intimate affairs.

    • Love 12
  17. 2 hours ago, Normades said:

    I think Carole likes to have Tinsley around because she makes Carole feel superior.  Carole stepped in as Tinsley's protector, she showed her the ropes of being a HW, and even found her a Carole-approved boyfriend with money.  In her relationships with B and Heather Carole was definitely the beta.  I think she's enjoying playing the alpha in this relationship.

    I think Carole just enjoys having fun with Tinsley. They spend most of their time on camera laughing and their friendship seems to be equal - no real push and pull of power. I’m sure that will be contested to death, but that any read on it.

    • Love 9
  18. 2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

    Make the talk show host a she instead of a he and I could see it being Wendy Williams and Bethenny.

    Bethenny has the goods on Wendy's husband

    Everyone knows about Wendy’s husband. Lol. Most people who have followed Wendy since her radio days have heard Wendy spill her own dirt.

    Also, on another point, Bethenny being mentioned in an obit would have been unbelievably tacky and messy. He is survived by his legal wife and their kids. I’ve never heard of a girlfriend and wife being mentioned in a deceased’s obit. If Bethenny’s upset, I don’t think she should be...their relationship is forever immortalized in pap pictures and gossip articles so it’s not like no one knows who she was to Dennis.

    • Love 3
  19. 1 hour ago, ShawnaLanne said:

    In my post I never argued that Michael wasn't a racist douche. Because he is and the way he talks about women of color in particular is disgusting.

    The puppet thing has been implied by many as a talking point to Bethenny being defended by Andy or any other person, ever. Sometimes when I post, I bring in other views, much like what I am responding to in the above paragraph that  I had not made any positive or negative opinion about Michael R known in that response. Or implied that I supported him in any way.

    I agree, Carole can post what she wants, when she wants to, and I can find her posts to be declasse, self involved, and clueless.

    Yes, we will clearly have to agree to disagree.


    Yup. You’re free to find her as you find her - I am not here to change anyone’s mind about...well, anything. I respect all opinions. Well, unless they’re ignorant and bigoted. 


    1 hour ago, jaync said:


    Danger indeed! It’s equal parts strange and amusing. Shame this season has been so polarizing that even viewers are getting into it with each other. Can’t we all just get along? ;)

  20. On 8/18/2018 at 9:58 AM, ShawnaLanne said:

    Forget about Michael's opinion though, as noted, every other guest who has come on has backed Bethenny, unless they were sitting next to Carole. It's not because they are puppets of Andy, lol, it's because Carole has been clumsy in her take down efforts.


    I objected to her tweeting about Dennis so quickly. I thought it was in poor taste. But she had to for damage control because she'd just been petty and used her husband and best friends deaths to grief shame Bethenny with her tweet about burying three people in three weeks. That was bad timing. Of course she couldn't know Dennis would die. But then Carole, Mrs. Sensitivity immediately tweeted a picture of her partying with Dorinda and Caroline Stanton from the London franchise, right after. That wasn't bad timing, it was careless. Not because Dennis's loved ones would see it, but it showed how empty her condolences were. I'm so sorry for his loss, but I have partying to do! It showed how insensitive she is.

    Carole "can't post" not because Dennis's loved ones will see it, but because it brings attention to what a cold fish she is and highlights that she believes only her grief matters. None of this would have been an issue if she hadn't used the anniversary of her husband's death to poke at Bethenny. 

    This entire season has been one miscalculation after another from Carole. 

    I didn’t say anyone was a puppet of Andy’s - I don’t even know where that comes from and didn’t mention Andy in my post. Michael is a racist asshole to me, Andy or no Andy, and I’ve felt that way before he voiced his opinion about Bethenny. Anyway, I’ll agree to disagree. I don’t think Carole is mean or cold. I think she should be able to post what she wants when she wants and I feel the same way about Bethenny.

    Also, Heather and Carole are cute! Glad they are still close.

    • Love 6
  21. 15 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

    She does it on every single vacation, and always at the Berkshires. It's her thing.

    She reminds me of a former friend who breaks down during any fun, positive occasion. A birthday dinner, a trip to Disney World, a trip to the beach. I no longer hang out with her because her manic breakdowns were uncomfortable.

    I wondered if Bethenny would attend the funeral and she did. I wonder how his wife felt. Even though they were separated in most respects, they were still legally married and have kids together. Her statement was very sad. Makes the pap strolls with Bethenny look even more tacky than they did before.

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