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Wee S

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  1. Dropping in again to bump this up! Really enjoying this years cast - Bobby, Khrishnan, Nigel and Ellie are faves so far. Layton is the ringer of ringers so wont win,but is dancing with male pro Nikita and its great seeing his choreography at it's best. Highlight of the series has to be the pros Barbie dance. I just think the qualities of these pro dances far outweigh dwts; their dances always have the same 'sexy/sensual' vibe whereas strictly incorporates the 10 dances on a weekly basis. Anyway, enjoy:
  2. Genuinely cannot stand Sue Perkins - I find her completely smug and trying to be almost Stephen Fry like with her imsults to Alex. Like, calm down luv. Stop being a try hard. Lucy is hilarious in general, and Susan a new delight. Sam Campbell though in that can task; having a wee lie down so as to not eff it up was the correct thing to do! And when he, Julian and Lucy met up for their team task? Well I lost it at that point! Up The Natural Friends team!
  3. I thought he was just a senate aide in general; there to guide him through the process and somewhat ambivalent to begin with. But as he copped on to the true Strauss throughout the process and about how Strauss been the one behind Oppenheimer's fall due to his jealousy, then he just went full tilt. Rem what Strauss said 'power stays in the shadows' - I took that to show he'd kept his POS-ness well hidden until he couldn't no more because his arrogance wouldn't allow it.
  4. Saw this today in a matinee, in the smallest cinema ever (it had 5 rows!) and apart from the idiot who brought a noisy plastic bag full of snacks, no-one dared breathe or move during the Trinity test scene. Or through most of the movie. As soon as it ended I raced to my car to beat the crowds, but then ended up staying for 15 mins because I couldn't breathe. I was stunned, feeling anger and despair all at once. Then two hours later I was teary-eyed on my sofa. What a tour de force. Murphy acts with such restraint, less is very much more with him; however I swear he smiled more in this than in all 6 series of Peaky Blinders - it was unnerving at times! I did a wee fist-pump when Strauss got rejected by the senate. Emily Blunt was in 'Girl on the Train' mode and I was totally on Kitty's side re: Teller. I feel like I need a few days to digest this and then maybe I'll tackle Barbie. This movie is gonna stick with me for a while.
  5. Absolutely raging about how United have handled the De Gea saga. I'm a longtime fan, so I get that he is past his prime, we needed a new #1 however he served us so well for 12 years. Saved us so many times. He was our last member of our last title-winning team; our longest serving keeper....he deserved a better send-off than a post on social media. Hope he gets his testimonial and does not follow the recent trend of making his way to saudi. Thank you De Gea!
  6. Citeah may have achieved the treble (for now), but you know you're hated when even scouse and munich fans are calling you out over your 115 FFP charges! Never thought I'd see the day the scousers would team up with united fans on an issue. Also Brandon Williams is a wee scamp, trolling Rio F on Instagram- well deserved, with him buzzing over city's win...
  7. And how they laughed at Gary Neville when he said Arsenal would bottle it.... On another note- why does Frank Lampard keep getting so mamy chances at management?? Chelsea would've been better off with Solskjaer as a stop-gap.
  8. Nah, just curtain-twitching Brits at it wanting to see the damage. No sustainable in the long-run and they know it because Lineker is back!
  9. Football coverage in the UK has become insane this week, with football presenters and commentators boycotting highlights show Match of the Day, in solidarity with Gary Lineker being told to "step aside" for upsetting the right-wing govt. Kudos to Lineker for standing his ground against this shower of t*ats, but imagine that one of England's best known and loved footballers (never recieved a yellow or red card in his career) is the guy that brings down the BBC board or nay, govt policy. (Im so glad I left England in 2020!)
  10. Absolutely disgusted with that capitulation today. To make it worse, I was at the pub with my Liverpool supporting cousin. To make it even worser, at the end of the match the pub put on YNWA on the speakers and turned it up loud. Never wanted to die and have the ground swallow me whole, more. The minute *one* united player comes out with 'on to the next one, we go again', I will end them...
  11. Finally! I've been waiting for this topic to pop up! FYI I am 100% faithful. 100%.
  12. You would have won that match if Lampard was still in charge!
  13. Arsenal might just pull it off today. Without the lynchpin of Casemiro, some confidence may be lost. I am hoping not. If there isn't pizza being thrown in the tunnel, is it even a Utd vs Arsenal match?? I miss the old days of Keano squaring up to Veiria....The drama! The intensity! The desire to win!
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