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Everything posted by SteveAC10

  1. I'm still not sure who I'm rooting for in this bunch. All of them are clearly talented queens but they all are varying degrees of off putting to me. Asia is polished and inventive, but she's also more than a little preachy and judgemental, and she has dripped with an unflattering combination of condescension and bitterness since the early episodes. Eureka is also polished and inventive, but she is also an accomplished shit-stirrrer who just can't let things be (or shut the f up). Kameron is clearly a well funded bar queen with a fair amount of talent and a giant heart, but has all of the charisma of deli potato salad. Aquaria probably fits the bill more than the others, but strikes me as the love child of Violet Chachki and Sasha Velour. It just might be too soon for a queen of her ilk to grab the prize. It will likely boil down to finally crowning a plus sized queen vs. appeasing the teens that dominate the RPDR social media.
  2. My guess is Ben or Kennedy would have plowed right over it and succeeded just as well as they did with the partners they had. They just do (even though the skill sets are very different). Trixie overthinks everything. When she has time to plan, it works. But she's not really very good on the fly. I was actually rather surprised Shangela was so hamstrung by Chi-Chi's ineptness. She's got better skills than she showed in that sketch.
  3. Sasha's ability to channel Whitney is all the more impressive since it appears to be well outside her typical wheelhouse of Shirley Bassey, 60's era Streisand, Marlene Dietrich, Annie Lennox and New Wave. One of my faves:
  4. Ultimately, beginning with season 3 Ru has given the crown to the smartest girl in the room. This season that would be
  5. Trust me you're not the only one. That is one gorgeous human face. Plus she oozes charm and has real stage presence. I sense top three.
  6. That really boils down to the question: Is Paulie financially prepared (and able) to be a crybaby pee pants? If he needs the Summer's stipends to pay the bills, he ain't going nowhere. That is, of course, unless Sean Cody makes a better offer.
  7. And based on Paulie's behavior in the house this week and the look on Julie's face when he went all Dirty Dancing on her tonight, I would guess that comp will be designed for somebody other than Paulie to win.
  8. She is, but Adora Borealis? Seriously? That's right up there with Apple, Moon Unit and Dweezil on the list of ridiculous celeb spawn names.
  9. They all got hot weather versions. Corey chooses not to wear his. It involves a speedo.
  10. I wouldn't care which one did. I love the fact that two of the early targets are essentially running this game (and quite smartly) three quarters of the way in.
  11. Except Paul is doing all the work. He might shout in the diary room, but I'm starting to think he has this wrapped up.
  12. This is classic live feed. Paulie is one big old mf'ing mess. His meltdown is epic.
  13. I had liked Victor too. I had a death in the family this week so I've missed the feeds. At some point this weekend Dingo put him on ignore (his ultimate dismissal - Pauly achieved the honor when his asshattery with Z surfaced). Now I know why.
  14. Alrighty then! That was some nomination speech, and some convincing acting by the other execs feigning shock. Their post meeting high fives made it obvious they knew exactly what Vic was going to say.
  15. Had Ginger won last season I think Kim would have had a much better chance to win this year this year - but the reality is, while the Instagram queens generate shit tons of buzz, They don't pay the bills for WOW, PEG and the others who make the bucks off of booking the queens. They were not going to do two in a row. Violet might be capable of jaw dropping looks - but she was a bust as a headliner post win. Her tour first got bolstered with past contestants, then cancelled. WOW and PEG were not going to let that happen again.
  16. Hell, Bob would have beat Derrick on a Britney song. Derrick would have given us Britney replicant perfection and Bob would have found something fresh to do with it. On the topic of lip syncs, I'm convinced the reason Kim has never been in the bottom (and she got more than a couple of free passes) is Ru knew there was no way to plausibly award her the win and she wanted her in the final four for obvious reasons. I've seen Kim on stage and she could charitably be described as endearingly (and awkwardly) quirky. She's undeniably capable of arresting looks and oozes nerdy charm, but she is not a performer.
  17. I didn't see it, but if he did it would have been for no good reason. He would have beaten Derrick on a Britney song. He doesn't replicate or inhabit - he interprets. Not a wasted gesture, step or glance.
  18. Ru quit crowning her pets after season 2 (although at least one makes the final 3). Since then she's crowned the smartest queen in the room. The one who knows the references and touchstones of late 20th century gay and drag life - and can think on her feet. Bob fits the bill.
  19. This one was heartbreaking, but correct. Thorgy can't get outside his head, knows he's stuck in his head, and still doesn't escape it. On the other hand....Miles Davis Moody prefers the bottom bunk? Not that there is anything wrong with that, but what a waste of "talent". Seriously, Google it.
  20. That's probably because Constantine, rather surprisingly what with a Tony nod and all, ended up being a pretty successful musical theater performer (insert Simon sneering here). They're usually quick studies and adept at stepping in at the last minute.
  21. As an impersonation, I would whole heartedly agree. Pandy is helped by the fact she strongly resembles Channing and get's the persona hands down. Bob's was more Bob's riff on the absurdity that is Carol Channing. Channing might very well be an Icon, but there has always been an undeniable element of WTF? about her persona. Bob captured that. The almost Palinesque word salad that often came streaming from Channing, even in her heyday. Pandy had a couple of killer, well planned punch lines, Bob had a largely improvised routine that hit all of the right notes, plus CORN (when did I eat corn?.... as the urban legend goes).
  22. Although it's far more overbearing in the workroom than on stage. On the other hand, I'm not really convinced it's not strategy. Like Bianca, I think Bob has a plan. Bianca's was to be the unexpected nurturer. Bob's is to be the genial blowhard who never the less manages to keep the right people off of their game in any given episode. Sometimes fairly aggressively (as with Derrick) and sometime more subtly (as with his pal Thorgy). And sometimes it's someone like Naomi, who is less of an overall threat, but could be dangerous on a particular challenge. Like tonight - I don't think Bob had even a remote intention to do Whoopi, but he saw Naomi just might be able to pull it off and went into action (as well as coming prepared to do so).
  23. For me this episode chugged along as it's alright until Bob Tore the house down with 45 seconds of elderly Carol Channing absurdity punctuated by CORN! And for me the irony of an African-American drag queen barely bothering to disguise his southern African-American vocal cadences while impersonating a celeb who largely denied her African-American ancestry until her dotage just added an unexpected layer to the performance (which I'm sure sailed over the heads of the teen-aged Netherlanders, Filipinos and Brazilians that seemingly dominate the RPDR Reddit) .
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