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  1. Oh, and this is just me. Who's in with me that Ryan Phillippe isn't really dead? I know! I know! I'm just shocked, but you know, it's happened before.....shrug....#iliveinhope
  2. I was thinking the trooper is Ronald's dad? I mean Ronald has a mom, he's gotta have a dad too, somewhere, and when he called Ronald and told him he screwed up, my first thought was ,is that his son?
  3. They must be running out of characters, Joelle Carter was on Chicago Justice, another spinoff that only lasted the one season
  4. Hey! I loved Winona! 😊 😉
  5. First off. Dick as Nightwing was awesome!! 💃Loved every moment. The fighting was phenomenal. I loved the way he was able to reach Connor. Dick/Nightwing = awesomeness Rachel and Gar... Awww, beautiful.... Loved that Robin came for Donna... Dick was awesome!!!! And wonderful, and beautiful, I can't think of a better actor than Brenton Thwaites.... Now the bad stuff... Donna. Like all she's said and done with being angry and moody about Dick, we're just to pretend it never happened? All is honky dory now? Honestly I'm not even sure I care enough that she's dead. Horrible of me I know.... But she hurt Dick a lot more when she turned her back on him than any of the others did, she was supposedly his best friend! I too feel Mercy needed a better ending. She practically got off scot free. Don't care enough about Hawk and Dove. I absolutely positively hate the actor they have for Bruce Wayne! And with an English (or is it British?) accent to boot! What?!?! Bruce Wayne is American! Why can't Barbara Gordon appear in Titans? We need to give Dick his love interest.... 😍 And what did Kory mean when she said "this is for Lex Luther" did I forget something? Did I mention that Dick Grayson was awesome? 😉👍😍
  6. Good point @Delphi and @DeadlyEuphoric Gar does have enough on him. But I'm willing to bet he is going to be the one. Poor Gar, of all the Titans who was the sweetest one, to have this happen to him.
  7. @BaggythePanther Graves may only be doing her job, but the fact that she takes great joy and pleasure at doing her job makes her a sadistic b**** in my opinion. She may be a great actress, but I can't wait until she gets whats coming for her (in the shape of one big green tiger perhaps) 😬😲
  8. It's all moving way to slow for me! I absolutely can't wait to see Dick in his Nightwing costume! Can I say I don't care enough about Hawk to waste time and episodes on him? 😬 Poor Gar, there is no place in hell that will be bad enough for that Mercy woman! Grrr
  9. Has that lady appeared before? Could you refresh my memory please?
  10. Thou guys are depressing, 😂 I personally thought this episode was a really good one compared to others, I love that the girl who was raped, loved her child\son no matter who the father is, I think there should be more stories about the fact that there are mothers who choose this life, even tho they are victims of rape, that they know this baby is innocent and chose to love it regardless of the circumstances. Although I realize that Chicago PD probably isn't the best place to show this.😉 but this was an awesome episode, I may not quit watching this. Hailey was in fire this week!
  11. Confession here 😬 I did not totally watch the episodes throughly, in the last episode, (which I admittedly skipped thru) I thought Bess's date, the short haired girl that left when her niece had an appendix removal, n the security guard, I honestly thought they said her name was George!?!? 🤔 My bad. 🤷‍♂️
  12. So Bess and George are not cousins, but gay? Really, I have no words, I mean George was always tomboyish in the books, but definitely not gay. Ned, maybe they took the Nick from Nickerson? And he's black, no problem with that, but he's white in the books, If they were going to change things so drastically from the books, they could have put the Hardy boys into the show, and have Nancy hook up with Frank Hardy, it's always been a dream of mine anyways
  13. Does anyone else feel that they chose the wrong man to play Bruce Wayne? Imo they failed I dislike Dawn, but not as much as the hate I have going for Donna right now, with friends like her, who needs enemies? Poor Gar... Are they setting him up to kill Rachel? I hope Jason dumps Rose, literally and figuratively, she has issues, big time, and frankly, Jason doesn't need her or those issues. I love Dick, (and not the way it sounds!) He's absolutely my hero...
  14. Because apparently Natalie can't put two and two together in her own life, only when it involves something crazy in another's. Am I the only one who noticed Phillip had his left hand behind his back when Will barged in? I kept expecting a knife or gun to be drawn against Natalie and Will. (no such luck) groan, at least something exciting would have happened. that's mean of me, but I'm fed up, up to here with those two. At this point I'm liking Phillip more and more... At least he stays in character of being a psycho, Will n Natalie just make me want to puke. I just can't believe Natalie is getting away with what she just pulled. Of course we all knew she would, but still. How unprofessional she is!
  15. I just had a thought, what if this is all a ruse to get Jericho/Slade come out? Everyone pretends to be pissed at Dick, except for poor Gar, who no one tells anything, or is that the whole point, Gar is Jericho.... Ok I have a headache now
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