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  1. I can't believe the thing I'm angriest about is Daryl banishing Dwight. I mean the guy isn't exactly eye candy, but his story had me the most engaged. I think it's because the actor doesn't have that many lines, but manages to , you know, actually ACT, with his facial expressions and body language. Though on second thought, getting away from these morons is really a reward. I hope he finds his wife and they survive to find smarter, nicer people somewhere else.
  2. I knew right away that Scarlett was going to give Austin a run for his money. She is smart and fast on the clicker. I'm still not sure if Austin is endearingly quirky or a jackass. He was so happy for Scarlett that I can't really dislike him now. So many of the contestants don't even acknowledge each other at the end. I loved Austin and Scarlett's high five.
  3. Poor Meera must have been thinking, "I dragged this asshole all over a frozen tundra, and NOW someone invents an all terrain wheelchair!"
  4. I'm not sure why Dany is listening to Tyrion-didn't he compromise with the masters the last time he was in charge, and if Dany hadn't returned with her dragons when she did, he and Greyworm and Missy would have been screwed? If I have Dame Diana Rigg telling me to be a dragon, I'm going to listen to her!
  5. I fear for Carol because there doesn't seem to be any purpose to her anymore. Melissa M did some fine work here. Now if she could only get Norman Reedus to wash his hair. It's almost the only thing I can think of when I see him is how disgusting it is. The rest of the show I didn't give a shit about.
  6. I just realized that I get Sundance channel and don't have to wait for this to come on Netflix! Yes I'm a dumbass. I liked the Chloe character the first time we saw her, but now I feel like she is the first character misstep the writers have made so far in this incredible series. She just seems like a retread of characters we have seen many times before.
  7. The episode after Herschel died had Lauren Cohan so upset she was having trouble talking.
  8. This times a million.
  9. I just went into the other room from where this is playing on the TV. I have no interest in this kind of show.
  10. I was hoping that the kiss was only in Naz's imagination-it really made absolutely no sense. When it was shown to be real I decided I didn't care what happened to anybody but Stone and maybe the parents. I really want Stone to be able to find a cure for his asthma so the cat can be released from jail, uh I mean room.
  11. You are right Popples, thanks! For some reason I remembered it as Ned saying Jon was his son.
  12. Maybe Ned felt that it was bad enough to hide Jon's true identity-at least he was treated as sort of a Stark. His brothers and sisters loved him and treated him well (except for Sansa). Robb even made Jon his heir because he loved and trusted him. When Jon is leaving to go to the Wall, Ned says something like "You may not have my name but you will always be my son." I think he grew to think of Jon as his own.
  13. I know I am being dumb but can someone explain something to me. If magic prevents the White walkers from crossing the wall what is the big problem? They have moved the Wildlings (the ones that are left) to the safe side so who exactly is in danger? I must be missing something.
  14. I think Cersei's horrible nature was there all along-remember the story of her twisting baby Tyrion's penis when he was an infant? Jaime stopped her-Tyrion's screams had no effect. Ugh. I left the room when the Mountain was left with Unella. I have trouble watching torture even for characters I despise. I assumed he was going to poke her eyes out or something.
  15. Davos was heartbreaking in that scene where he confronts the red witch. I can only hope that he gets the opportunity to spend some time with Lyanna Mormant. They seemed to have a nice connection. Was Arya thinking about killing Jamie? She was giving him the eye when he was talking to Bronn.
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