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  1. Poor Ekko he leaves a life that could've been to go save the life he knows and he loses the woman he loved. But he is the Boy Savior. However since they had Caitlin investigating the pipes and had Jinx's bomb, I'm assuming they didn't find a body and she thinks Jinx faked her death. The question remains is will she tell Vi. She knows Vi will never let go of her sister. Jinx choose to "die" so Vi can let her go and be happy.
  2. For your question I just found out Heimerdinger is his last name, his first name is Cecil. This was my favorite episode too. Getting to see grown up Powder who is happy and healthy. All it took was for Vi to die as a kid. Which sucks, but that forced Powder to be her own protector and honor her sister's memory by taking care of everyone else. We know Power has that in her by her taking care of Isha. 😭 Her and Ekko were adorable together. I saw a lot of people not getting she and her Ekko were already a couple. Milo and Creggor asked if there was trouble in paradise which paradise meaning their relationship. Benzo asked where the little lady was, meaning Ekko's girlfriend. And his let's pretend it's the first time, since it's his first time kissing her and not her first time kissing him.
  3. The others we met were the God or Goddess of Death. Rio is Death. Maybe they work for her? Because people do have different beliefs. So they get to see who they belive in. If she was the only one how would she have time for a relationship. In the comics Death as an entire realm and a palace. This one is wearing a crown. I wonder what Death thought of the snap. She didn't get any bodies, they all turned to dust than came back. She probably felt cheated. I know in the comics Thanos did it to impress her, but how would that impress her? He took away her job.
  4. Agatha told Lilia how she steals power, Jen is bound and Sharon has no power. So she would only be able to steal Alice's power if her con worked as planned. So why did she choose those witches? To me it didn't seem like her heart was in this time until Billy made the road real. Now Jen and Billy are the only 2 to survive the Witch's Road.
  5. Do we think Rio is Nicky's other parent? In the comics Death is a shapeshafter that chooses to present as a woman but can turn into a man. Nicky seemed to know Rio. His my mother needs me at home could've been for Rio not Agatha.
  6. Now I want to see a Marvel short where Death collects the fallen Avengers. I want to see how Nat, Gamora and Tony reacted to her.
  7. Magik. Billy was created with Magik so it makes sense he can put his soul in another body and do the same for his brother. I also think Rio kept saying bodies instead of souls because the souls are not hers, they move on. The bodies are hers since she is The Green Witch.
  8. It looks like Death's skull was mix of practical and CGI. It looked good.
  9. I understood it as Death reaps the souls and gives the bodies back to the Earth. So she needs both to keep the balance. She takes the souls, buries the body if it isn't done by someone else and takes them to afterlife. It looks like she'll take trades though. If you give her a body, she'll let you go. Or maybe she only does that for Agatha and Billy gets to live because Agatha gave her body for his. Death is still in love with her. Agatha told her stop following her and to leave her alone. Death is Agatha's clingy ex. Lol
  10. I do think they have to use their powers on her for her to absorb them. Otherwise why make a con. Just sneak up on witches and take their power. I don't think it was self defense she was counting on them attacking her. She wanted power thats all that mattered. The only heartbreaking thing was knowing her son could die at any moment. I wonder if Rio was visiting Nicky since he quickly went with her like he knew her. It was sweet that she told him to kiss Agatha goodbye first. It also looked like Death was mourning Agatha. Her outfit changed when she was burying her and making the flowers grow. Then Agatha ghosted her.
  11. I wonder what would happen if they walked away instead of attacking her. Would she have let them go? I don't think she could, although some may have and that's why she's a known witch killer.
  12. I think Death can't kill anyone outright. She can cause mayham and wound until you beg to be taken. Then she can take you. I wonder if Billy will have to give another life to keep Tommy around. Death took Agatha in his place. People have been murdering each other since the beginning of time, it's not always natural. In the comics she can give life but she rarely does. She gave Nicky more time because she loves Agatha. But all roads eventually lead to her. They introduced Death's brother Eternity in Thor Love and Thunder. He's life.
  13. The road may have been Billy and Agatha but it did give them all what they wanted in the end. Alice broke her curse, Lilia learned to control her power, Jen got her power back, Billy found Tommy and Agatha got her Coven two.
  14. I think she kept on killing Witches to keep Rio from taking her. She fed her bodies and Rio accepted those terms and that was her special treatment. Rio has it bad for Agatha. She even asked why don't you want me when Agatha started the deliver me from evil spell.
  15. It's interesting that Billy is more like Agatha, while Nicky was more like Wanda being a reluctant Magik user. If Wanda comes back I wonder how she'll feel that her son covened up with the ghost of Agatha. I saw someone mention that reason Agatha died kissing Rio is because she took some of her power so she could use to become a ghost. They had to have kissed in their relationships so taking her power is what killed her. I liked Death being offended when Agatha called her evil. She's just doing her job and we saw she can be gentle like she was with Nicky and Alice. Agatha kept trying to cheat her so she got mad. And Agatha manged to cheat her again by becoming a ghost. It's funny that we have two shows going on now showing us sympathetic villians with Agatha, Penguin and Sofia.
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