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Gemini Gipsy

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Everything posted by Gemini Gipsy

  1. I always assumed she would run off with Jimmy/Steve when I heard of her departure from the show, so I was looking for a sign of him and I didn't see anything, but that doesn't mean much with me. I want to go back and check it out now. I cannot blame you for not watching this season, I am hoping I can hang in there for next season but it's looking pretty bleak. They need to do some serious re-figuring if they are going to have a successful season, because there are endless issues beyond ER's departure. Tami is horrid, I am either completely distracted by the way she towers over Lip or rolling my eyes so hard I can see behind me. I can't with that girl. She isn't even entertaining. Still haven't figured out why all of these women can't get enough of Lip, I thought maybe it was his pipe laying skills, but according to the bitchy bean-pole...not so much. Vee and Kevin are (were?) the highlight of the show for me for so many seasons and their stories this season consisted of his sexual stamina and their daycare issues? No thank you. Frank is completely played out. There is nothing else they can possibly do with him. Debbie is not a strong enough character to carry the weight of becoming the Gallagher Matriarch. Not even close. Those are just the top 4 reasons off the top of my head.
  2. Very nice! You know what's crazy is I still have yet to make it to the Atlantic side. You make it to the gulf side a lot? We have a place in Ft Myers. Would have preferred Longboat ot Sarasota but nothing beats florida no matter where you are. :)
  3. I hear you on that one. Not full time yet but going soon. What part?
  4. I know it is an unpopular onion but I agreed with you when I fist watched it now I am 50/50. I was initially very impressed- I thought she was very calm, she immediately announced "man overboard" all though I did not realize it wasn't audible at the time. But still, no one else even tried until the captain started asking, right? She may have said it quietly, but at least she said it. Plus I gave her credit thinking their training could dictate that you are not to jump in after another crew member until you have the ring or some kind of security as not to make a bad situation even more dangerous, then you end up rescuing 2 people, not one. However, I will say this.....why bother with the mic pack? I didn't hear that part when I watched so your post is the first I heard of it, but I am annoyed by it. F*** the mic pack! It's someones LIFE in the balance. In the end- thank the lord for that camera man and his knife! (Ryhlee probably didn't have a knife, she isn't allowed to have sharp things.)
  5. It was driving me nuts why Claire's friend (Kayla?) Was setting off alarm bells everytime she referred to her husband "Dash". Really???? They couldn't think of another name for this man on this show? To those who know what I mean, was this done on purpose?? Sounds like a dogs name if you ask me. Anyhoodles- Ugh. That was a heart wrenching episode for me. But I hope Claire and Dash don't actually go there. Just. No. Honestly, I think we all know whose bed Claire's Danskos are gonna be under. (cough*melendez*cough) Personally I'd rather they not, the chase and flirty (non) seduction is far more entertaining. Trust me, anyone in the medical field- they've all tried it, and anyone who watches Greys Anatomy, they've all witnessed it. What we have not witnessed however is someone keeping it in their pants for more than 5 minutes in a hospital drama (or real life lol) never ends good. Just keep it light flirty and fun!
  6. The horses seemed far beyond exposed and quiteI'll. There was lush coming out if their eyes. I suppose they had done their job by getting creepy dude there and when he said to "tend" to then he in fact meant to out then put it their misery. What dragged them off though? The kankerpuss monsters or what ever SP's character called them? That was quite reminiscent M Knight Shamalans, "The Village".
  7. I'm so glad I was not the only one. They even played the scene twice so it was hard to miss. "I cant believe we did it "..... definitely has some meaning. Right! I feel I need to rewatch. In fact there was one I did not finish, not in purpose, but still....MH might have been the one I didnt finish. The Coven was by far my favorite so I look forward to them incorporating that into this one.
  8. First things first- thank you for such a thought provoking intelligent post. Posters like you put my simpleton thoughts to shame. I'm not the best at finding those Easter Eggs, and I'm equally as terrible at speculation. I'm the type who knew Sierra would end up pregnant and that is where my "genius" ends. Which a 5 year old could have seen coming. I couldnt agree more about Anton. I felt it the whole time, the contradiction, HE was it. If only had I the savvy to state the same opinion with such eloquence. Furthermore- as a trained medical professional myself and from a long line of them....sometimes all of that knowledge flies out of the window when its personal, especially when faced with your own childs mortality/well being. Especailly when you are in an emotional state like Alison was. This is nothing to he ashamed of. Nothing to hang a hat on. That is for sure. In reference to murder vs suicide- I've grappled with this time and time again and I cannot for the life of me decide if she killed herself or not. Even after all I've read when it comes to opinions of peers, critics and even production and casts themselves. Perhaps this is what "they" wanted to achieve. At first I was sure she killed herself, now....not so much. I think this was the intended outcome TBH
  9. Thank you Blink, I wish you the best with your treatment. I truly believe one's will contributes to the end result as much. If not more than treatment (or lack thereof). Helen and Noah ending up together in the end would really bring everything full circle but it's hard to root for them to succeed when Noah has been painted as such an arrogant, emotionally vacant jerk on most occasions. Helen was no peach in the beginning but she has won me over. They both need to be good for each other to make the audience care.
  10. I think Sierra getting knocked up was the sloppiest and most predictable writing to date. Even my husband who does not watch it, but catches a scene here and there, a whole epi now and then saw it coming. I agree it was the best season since the start, and sure as hell a far cry from last season. That almost deterred me completely but I took a chance this season, Glad I did! I hope they have something substantial and interesting that can follow this season. I would think so, otherwise why bother? (then I am reminded of last season and my heart sinks) They can start by killing off that wench of a daughter, Twitney.
  11. I agree. They made it clear his time for choosing treatment has passed and it normally is at this point. Especially when they use the word metastatic and the septic. Guessing all of his organs are shutting down. My BFF just died of MBC a few months ago and this is exactly how it went down it was hard for me to watch. A denial of treatment, not knowing how painful it would be, a moment of regret "should u have had the treatment" they clearly did their research here. I cant tell if Helen's smile at the end was coy, genuine happiness, deviousness? Maybe a mixture of all. None the less powerless. Hoo
  12. Trust. No one wants this twisted Scooby & The Adultry Gang riding around in the Mystery Machine for all of season 5. Hard pass.
  13. Did Jordan really tell Annalise she was his second choice? His backburner if you will? I mean, it's not like they were in a commited relationship or even lose and hey, this is why they are in Paradise, right? But puleeeeeez. There should have been some kind of feelings. Other than weepyness. I feel like she is going to be the new Sarah, I already feel like I am getting "Sarah Vibes from her. Chris is hella creepy. I wouldn't accept anything edible from him. Ever. (Edit: I meant chicken man, not Chris, they're both birds...soooo?) hehe Yuki seems to have a thing for frat boy types from Colorado.
  14. I interpreted it as last time he talked to her it was before she left and he was in a way quoting her. Meaning the last thing he knew she was going to LA.
  15. Right. They often start the half before announcing who's POV it is. I assume this was especially important for element of surprise since for the first time we had a double POV. Based on the fact all POV's are skewed I dont believe when it does or doesn't start proves anything one way or another. JMHO.
  16. Count me in for a lover of the opening song. I'm partial since I am a longtime Fioana Apple fan girl. I do see the lyrics as reflecting Alison's death but it has had many meanings throughout the seasons. Could have started out as the proverbial death of the marriages being one example. You can always find a few different meanings in songs depending on the situation and the listeners POV. Kind of fitting considering the premise of the show.
  17. I just don't see what good can come of these two men, whom she effed over on such an enormous scale, throw their lives away to be come BFF's and get the sad sack of a woman justice. For almost 4 seasons now I've had to watch this woman play the victim, I don't need her to be the literal victim for a 5th.
  18. I really love your insight, your posts have been riveting and have even prompted me to go back and re-watch some scenes. So I will ask you these questions of you don't mind- what do you make of the knocking? it seems she doesn't hear the knocking for a while in version #1, I can't recall if it is the same in version #2 but does this have something to do with the continuous loop referred to? There are several things that the writers made sure were very obvious- the phones on the chargers, the faucet/cut, the weather, the knocking and her wardrobe to name a few. I was having a hard time deciding whether is was brilliant or BS, I am going with Brilliant. Still doesn't mean I want to watch Noah and Cole play Nancy Drew all next season. Please no.
  19. I dont post here often but tonight was a MUST. I'm usually a lurker. ;) I am so frustrated, confused and wondering if this is pure genius or pure bullshit. Please help me friends!!! Typically the episodes are told from 2 different POV's. Does that mean one is fantasy one is real, does it mean she has more mental health problems than we previously thought? Why does she say she found her son dead in scenario 1 and day he died in her arms in scenario 2? Makes me think 2 was her fantasy like she gets off on being the victim and because in that instance it wasnt her fault as much as 1 "sleep it off, kid! See you in the morning. Right now daddy and his flirting ar more important". Then he was "gone and grey"... The dream she had? That was so incredibly telling. He was telling her LET IT GO. Surely she knew this and it would lead to healing...so what happened?, And she is trying to push Ben away in her head or maybe just life itself in general way? I find this hard to believe based on the love she had (has?) for her daughter and obviously Cole. Just as he did for her. And really? Keystone cops hard at work here it seems? Ugh. My first suspect would be Louisa. And several other people and theories would have been prominent, long before suicide. She probably caught on that Viles devein was obviously NOT her. How did she get home from LA? She was clear to fly after that mess? Did that guy even really assault her or is she always the victim? She had a sleepover at Helen's then boom......gone?? Thats weird. Maybe it's an elaborate plan? I will be honest I am NOT an Alison fan, but after Coles Hippy Stint in Cali I was looking forward to the aftermath..... I have so many damn questions. Sloppy writing or genius?? That's the big one if anyone knows. You guys are all so good at sleuthing and speculating I look forward to reading your comments now that I have ranted the first things that came to mind after watching. I'm sure I'll have more! Welp...thanks for sharing. My confusion is at least cut in half. Lol. That was fast. You guys are good! Its kind of a shame. I feel she was an intricate part of the show. and far more interesting this year than in previous ones. I feel like they could have done better so I hope to see some reasoning. I assume the actress will be in upcoming scenes so she technically finished the season. However its seeing sudden. Any reason for this? Is the show even renewed and if so how long?
  20. All of this!!!! ^^^^^^ I thought she was kind and accepting and patient. At least more than she has been this season. I hate her this season! She's lost all likability AFAIC. She knows Walt, she knows what she is getting herself into and it's like she is trying to shame him to whip him into shape. In the end, though, he caves.
  21. I can get past most of the hokey parts and suspend disbelief enough to be entertained so I like this show. However, what I can't do is deal with wishy washy underdeveloped characters. So far all season I've had one question... Why is Paige such a raging bitch all.of a sudden?
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