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I thought Kyle said in the episode, at the point when he got the wings, that he chose vegetarianism to be ready for Survivor and the lack of food.
Don't get me wrong, I like Kenzie (even though I was rooting for Charlie). BUT, and trust me I have no idea personally, aren't tattoos expensive? I mean, really good ones, like she has, not the dark blurry muddy ones that you can't even tell what it is. So apparently, she's made some money along the way. Oh I know, maybe her employees paid her in tats instead of real money. Tats are pretty (no, not really!) but they're no retirement investment portfolio.
LOL, I see what you did there!
OK, I just have to add that one of my favorite scenes was the three guys sitting around the fire, Liz screams in the background and they all 3 look toward the beach. "What was that?" "Oh, that's just Liz screaming some more". and then back to the fire. Wish I could attach a clip, save it for later when I need a laugh.
I think the yellow dots on Kenzie were paint.
Man, I don't get all the Charlie hate on here. Am I missing something? For that matter, I REALLY don't get the "let's hate on all the men" (what did Venus call them, kings?). It seems like it happens more often and more blatantly that the women form an all-female alliance than the other way around. For some reason, that's acceptable, but the men get graded pretty harshly for any whiff of a comment about the women. I don't know, doesn't that seem a little hypocritical?
I feel like much of the Xander hate comes from a bunch of bitter betty’s who are mad that a guy might win again (oh, the horror 😜). A little introspection might result in acknowledgment that weak attempts to say he’s so awful stems more from that than any legit reason. Then again, I might be biased because I’m a big fan, whether he’s shirtless or not 😊
What an amazing guy! I love him and it would be great if fox, espn, SOMEBODY hired him to talk about ANYTHING! SHUT UP SHAN! Let the man eat in peace, you selfish, hypocritical, bitter betty. She has no ability or interest in viewing things from anyone else’s point of view, so sad. But enough about her! Danny, enjoy the Ponderosa experience, you earned it and played the game with your integrity intact.
Falcons have Len Jackson(?), aka turningtrickssince96, amazing dancer!
I have GOT to remember to kick my leg out in photos, pretty sure that’s what I’m forgetting to do 😂. Still won’t be as cute as this, tho 🥰
Just to be clear, my comment about insider info had nothing to do with comments about Rachel. Which is why, right after posting, I went back and separated the statements.
@Pau84, thank you for answering those questions so well. Just my opinion, but I think people can respect biblical principles without being homophobic. I will respect Rachel’s right to have her beliefs even if they differ from someone else’s. Especially not knowing these ladies personally, in general I take everything “insiders” say with a grain of salt.
Who said Rachel W is considered for point? I don’t think we can go too much by the Queen performance for formation but 🤷🏻♀️
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought the “front and center” comment was related to the picture from training camp (where she’s directly behind the choreographer). I don’t think the comment was alluding to the video.