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The Bachelor Season 22: Spoilers & Speculation
forcorners replied to CindyBee's topic in The Bachelor
So the contestants range in age from 23 to 31. The 23 year old is already a divorcee! -
The Bachelor Season 22: Spoilers & Speculation
forcorners replied to CindyBee's topic in The Bachelor
The cultural ideal, still, in the US and Canada is the image of a beautiful young woman who is a virgin bride in a white dress (white representing virginity) who remains faithful to her husband for a lifetime. There is a difference between what most men will SETTLE for vs. what they actually WANT from a marriage partner. The cultural ideal is NOT a woman: 1. who has had a large number of sexual partners 2. who is in her 30's, 40's or 50's. Maybe not even in her late 20's even 3. who wants to date casually into her 30s and 40s 4. has a child, or even multiple children, but still wants to remarry and have another man raise her children from another father (while the first father pays for their support) 5. from a very different cultural or racial background Yet, it seems as if the bachelor is inverting reality and promoting EVERYTHING that most people DON'T want in a marriage partner. Aside from the women being physically attractive (which is true in most but certainly not all cases). The bachelor it seems, is not as interested in MAXIMIZING viewership by reflecting the values of a culture. Instead the franchise seems to want to DESTROY the cultural values of our country through a "diversity" agenda. -
The Bachelor Season 22: Spoilers & Speculation
forcorners replied to CindyBee's topic in The Bachelor
World standards exist for a reason. Younger women are more physically attractive and deliver healthier babies. Younger women have the energy and health to raise and discipline babies as they become children then teenagers and young adults. (Not to mention that with fewer sexual partners, they are less likely to have contracted an std). The cultural standard of a white dress exists for a reason. The fans of the bachelor franchise have a bizarre attitude. They think that a 25 or 28 year old woman is too "immature" for marriage. This is how out of touch forum members are. Look at the most popular youtube accounts (aside from mainstream media celebrities): they are uniformly in their late teens and early twenties. There are even some kids with millions of subscribers. Ultimately, the franchise can't control who auditions for this "reality" show. However, they could screen for younger women which I think would be massively more appealing to the average viewer. -
The Bachelor Season 22: Spoilers & Speculation
forcorners replied to CindyBee's topic in The Bachelor
That's pretty funny. No doubt the contestant pool for the bachelor franchise is pretty inbred. What? There's nothing remotely implausible about 21-24 year olds looking for marriage. Most women in the world (east europe, latin america, most of asia) get married in their late teens or or early 20's. 25-35 year old single women are beyond the optimal range in most countries. Most women in the world don't wait until they are in the 25 to 35 age range; this is an anomaly by world standards, and only the 'norm' in a couple dozen countries in northeast asia, us, canada and west and north europe. Even the "younger women" (25 or so) seem to have an extensive ahem, "dating history" (meaning they've slept around quite a bit), which quite frankly is not very appealing. Who wants to a marry a woman when you've been the 10th, 15th, or 30th sexual partner for a woman? All of this discussion involves hypotheticals which won't actually come to fruition. The franchise draws what it draws. Airhead men and women who can barely string a sentence together regardless of age. -
The Bachelor Season 22: Spoilers & Speculation
forcorners replied to CindyBee's topic in The Bachelor
The contestants are kinda meh. Don't get me wrong they're all beautiful girls. But none really standout as 'stars' but rather strike one as standard filler or placeholders from season to season. It just seems like a revolving door of girls pretty enough for tv but not quite interesting or smart enough to standout against the competition. I'm also perplexed as to why the contestants always seem so unintelligent. Which is counter intuitive since there's little to indicate that these women would be consistently below average in intelligence. If anything, they should stand out a bit at least a little for their initiative, drive and confidence. Instead, they always come across as immature, catty, and hyper emotional. Another thing that's striking about the cast is that the women are almost always in the 25-35 age bracket. This is not necessarily what men want to see. A lot of young women are traveling or undecided about a career track or living at home between the ages of 21-25: out of college, but not yet on a "career" track. It seems an ideal time to audition for a show like the bachelor when their schedules are more flexible. Or perhaps male attention peaks at that time so the possibility of turning to a reality tv show at that time seems far fetched, almost desperate. Certainly unnecessary. If the desire for fame, an ego boost and maybe a chance to jumpstart their brand are the primary draws, why aren't these factors pulling younger women into the audition line? Isn't the bachelor franchise a little bit more prestigious than the rest? It must be a step above a program like big brother which seems to attract the most bizarre roid monkeys and ratchet tatted chicks available. My suspicion is that the program could attract far more beautiful and intelligent contestants IF IF IF the producers weren't so fucking greedy and actually paid them just a little bit of money. Each season nets close to nine figures in ad revenue with production costs which for all intents and purposes are effectively zero. I sometimes watch tv in the background or ff through an episode later, but it's embarrassing how much worse tv production has gotten over time. It's been nothing pure garbage for at least the last 10-15 years running but I'm amazed that each season of programming continues to get worse even still. There is no bottom to all of this. -
OK so I ff'ed/skimmed through the episode. Wow, Debbie Gibson seems to be channeling Skeletor these days. I find her appearance frightening. The three judge format is throwing me off. This is a weak cast overall. I don't see much reason to watch full episodes.
OK, so Derek is the draw and not Julianne? Obviously the target audience is women for a show like this. I still thought Juli was both gorgeous as well as gracious and magnanimous as a judge if a bit overly generous: a nice counterpoint to CarrieAnne. Too bad she and Lisa are married he he.
I watched very little of the episode. However, if Lindsay is receiving a push I'm assuming it's because Juliann is not with the show this season.
A couple questions: 1. What's the story with Julianne Hough? I'm guessing salary dispute? 2. I suspect some of the dancers sleep with the contestants This must put some of the spouses on edge no?
What's the story with Julianne Hough? I'm guessing salary dispute.
The Bachelor Season 22: Spoilers & Speculation
forcorners replied to CindyBee's topic in The Bachelor
I'm surprised the bachelor isn't more popular with male viewers. Sure the syrupy fake "i'm in it for the romance" bogus storyline is a bit over the top and therefore caters primarily to a female audience, but the first I heard of the show I couldn't help but think of it as a fantasy 'kid in a candy store' type of scenario that most every man would enjoy. I think the only off putting aspect of the entire series is that contestants have to be eliminated each week which sucks. I'd rather keep them all around until the very end! -
What do the contestants make otherwise? Aside from any endorsement deals they can sign as a result of their tv appearances? I read that the leads make $100K and maybe have their wedding paid for. But producers aren't paying each contestant that much. Do they receive any salary from the show itself? Too bad the contestants lack leverage. Each season of the show generates up to $100 mil in ad revenue.
S13.E11: Week 10: The Final Rose / S13.E12: After the Final Rose
forcorners replied to OnceSane's topic in The Bachelorette
This entire season of the bachelorette was a completely lost cause. The entire draw of the franchise is to find and give airtime to the best looking people who will have them. Rachel is not that person. Huge high forehead. Gap between her teeth. Strange, round eyes. The franchise could've chosen at least a dozen girls who were prettier. They chose literally the least appealing girl they could find. I wouldn't be surprised if the franchise took a significant ratings hit as a result. Fans of the program don't watch to support political correctness. We watch because we get emotionally involved in and caught up in the lives of exceptionally beautiful women. Andi was awful, but Desiree Hartsock was a sweetheart and struck me flabbergastingly enough as a genuine girl who was legitimately in search of a husband. And found one. I really hope the franchise does a better job of choosing a bachelorette next time: it shouldn't be difficult given the numbers of women interested. -
Are any of the contestants actually making significant endorsement money? I can't think of any products offhand where I've seen any of the franchise contestants featured.
I'm continually amazed at how beta men are expected to behave these days. 1. the rising octave at the end of each sentence. 2. soft, lispy voices. 3. a total unwillingness to disagree with a woman at all costs 4. endless smiling and gift giving Only during the finale "tell alls" are men even willing to stick up for themselves even in the slightest. Demario for example crying about being victimized but unwilling to call out Corinne for her endless lies.