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Everything posted by BubblingKettle

  1. I was so intrigued by Homeless Boy -- his facial expression was that of a street-tough 5-year-old. His very oversized suit didn't help. His signature was a telltale sign that he's a complete simpleton. His mother had cobwebs where her brains should be, but I have to give her props for her decent wig. Oh Lawd, she should have kept her mouth closed, though. Lady, kick your son off FB, go sign up for ObamaCare, and get yourself to a dentist. Because I have no control over my curiosity, I looked Homeless Boy up on FB. He is now the father of two daughters. And his profile pic was like that of a few of my former students who thought they were tough (but couldn't spell the word tough): posing with pretend money fanned out in his hand. Fool.
  2. At first, I thought that the Princely woman was using "kicked my butt" as a figure of speech. I figured they must have had some sort of a tussle (tussle: a physical kerfuffle)...but then the camera zoomed in on the highlighted words on the police report. Judge Judy read, "kicked her in the buttocks." I have a vivid imagination, but I just can't imagine how this would go down if both people are standing. It just seems like a cartoon move to me. But what do I know...it's obviously a macho move that mimics Cupid's arrow because those two imbeciles ended up married.
  3. Judge Judy was getting such death glares from the couple in today's case -- it was downright suspenseful. I could hardly focus on the case because I was so taken by the woman's hair. The style on top looked exactly like Prince's in Purple Rain...but her outfit was strictly Michael Jackson's in the Beat It video. Her husband looked like he wanted to cut JJ when she accused him of needing a Band-Aid after getting "a boo-boo."
  4. During the case that featured the self-tatted, CeeLo Green-shaped Craigslist landlord, JJ looked straight into the camera and promised to explain something to us later. I admit that I may have zoned out for a minute (sometimes, I mentally check out of the storyline because I'm stuck thinking about how gross the litigants are/staring at their hair, outfits, witnesses/staring at Byrd/etc.), but I don't think JJ got around to explaining the part of the story that she forbade the woman to speak about at the beginning of the case. I inferred that the other info had to do with the woman getting to live in the house in exchange for sexing that troll and cleaning up after him. Maybe I'm wrong? Did she ever get around to telling "the other part of the story," like she said she would?
  5. I dislike the episode in which Amy and Robert get back together and Amy "goes all the way" for the first time. Marie's behavior, as well as the effect it has on her sons, just ruins the whole episode for me. It's none of Marie's business if Amy (in her 30's) chose to sleep with Robert, and the guilt-tripping was just too much. Then, neither Robert nor Raymond told their mother to stand down. I guess my annoyed feelings began earlier in the episode when Robert and Amy were paralyzed with embarrassment when neighbors could see into their bedroom. They were so devastated, Robert ended up moving into Ray's basement. Again with the overabundance of guilt. I know that the Romanos are portrayed as church-going Catholics (and many of us know that song and dance when it comes to guilt trips), but the brothers are in their late 30's, and Marie's reaction to Robert and Amy was as if they were 16-year-olds.
  6. I watch JJ, Judge Mathis, and Divorce Court regularly. Once in a while, I watch People's Court. Like other have said, Judge Mathis enjoys the ego strokes before the case begins. Judge Toler (DC) allows people to tell her that she gives good advice, but that's about it. I can only imagine if someone tried to butter up JJ -- she'd tell them to shut up, and she'd distrust their motives immediately. Judge Mathis loves to out-hood the people on his show. For example, a man in a red suit and matching pimp hat came in with a modified George Jefferson walk (dude was old)...the voiceover said he was a pimp. Well, JM quizzed him--what cities, how many girls, etc. JM was bound and determined to find that this dude was only a "popcorn pimp." And yes, I did have to google the term. JM told him he ain't nothin but a popcorn pimp (in a small town with only one or two girls). On today's show, he worked in the info about his childhood housing projects and the fact that someone intentionally shot him in the ankle. Judge Toler lets the plaintiff and the defendant speak to each other very briefly during some cases; JM nearly brings in a teacart so they can continue their leisurely talk, and JJ shoots flames from her fingertips if they dare to look in one another's direction. "Eyes RIGHT HERE." JT does give wise advice and tries to help people. I even read her book about her mother's anecdotes (it was a short, easy read). Her "courtroom" obviously has a dress code (unlike the other two), which I think is a nice idea. I have to see if there are other court show forums on here...sometimes I have 2 cents about those other shows! :D
  7. Even though the show is heaps of fakery, I just love it. Todd's anecdotes are a riot. Like when Chase presumed he'd lose the curfew upon turning 18: "Uhhh, the only thing open past midnight are legs and the ER. So, NO." Chase is sneaky, and I cannot stand sneaky kids. He's a bit too much. Savannah just seems to be doing teen things, and she lacks the cockiness that Chase has. I hope Grayson doesn't fall victim to being a child on a reality show (usually looks like brattiness + laziness). The eldest sister looks like she could stand to eat something. I was wondering where the older son Kyle was -- I had remembered the drama of Season 1 re: drugs, the baby. So, I googled and found this scathing article. I am not surprised about his claims of Todd being a control freak. The details of the grandbaby's custody are a bit muddy (sounds like Todd paid off some folks). At the end of the article, I thought Kyle's account of the situation could all be true, or it could be that Kyle is a run-of-the-mill addict (not anchored in recovery), and the baby is actually safer with the grandparents. His side, his side, and the truth, as they say. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2609560/You-make-Reality-star-Kyle-Chrisleys-secret-baby-mama-revealed-one-year-old-love-child-thrust-spotlight.html#ixzz3H162ym2A
  8. On one of the episodes that aired here today, JJ told a "witness" to cover her belt buckle because it was sending a glare directly into her eyes. I don't know what the belt buckle looked like...I don't have a DVR, so I couldn't back up the episode, and the woman diligently held her hand over her belt buckle for the rest of the case. I was dying to know if her belt buckle actually had holographic powers, or if the woman somehow pissed off JJ behind the scenes, and this was JJ's way of exacting a punishment. I mean, "your belt buckle is reflecting a glare directly into my eyes"??? What a unique slam.
  9. Tommy Chong = Cool + Adorable. I just love that he was playing air guitar to an Ariana Grande song. Thank you, Tommy, for making that song way more cool with your air guitar. And I wonder if Jordan Belfort (the Wolf of Wall Street) is in the audience tonight -- he was Tommy's cellie!
  10. Mixed in with the relief I felt about Frankie's eviction was confusion-disgust: - The shorts he had on....ugh, why?? So gross. Frankie, leave the shorty-shorts look to Richard Simmons. We can deal with it when it's Richard, not when it's you. - The over-rehearsed farewells before leaving the house. Oh, STFU and GTFO. And keep the glitter in the pocket of your shorty-shorts. - Why was he so out of breath? I mean, the breathlessness was a bit prolonged. I was wondering if they edited out some sort of dance routine he may have done after the glitter toss. - Chenbot's schoolgirl crush. Julie has no BS Meter, I guess. Ew, and holding hands during the taped goodbyes? Made me cringe. - Last, but not least, the positive reaction from the crowd. Other posters are probably right -- the seats were filled with CBS employees and friends. I am a fan of BBUK, and that audience is never shy about ripping a housemate to shreds. They boo, they chant "Get (so-and-so) out!"....sure, you pity the targeted housemate a little...but at least the audience is allowed to give an opinion. Maybe it's different because the British public actually votes to keep or to evict housemates. The reality of authentic audience reactions (with Christine's exit) wasn't appreciated by CBS, I guess. Oh, and on another note....I've seen Cody's modeling pictures. He doesn't look disappointing to me. ;)
  11. You are right, FlyingEgret. I had a moment of senility and forgot that the Bachelor franchise loves to edit and twist details!! If only the Raccoon was in the episode. He could have figured all of this out for Sarah.
  12. I agree that there's no reason to rush these "relationships." But it was fantasy suite night, so everybody knows what that means (wink, wink)....and so did Robert. If he wanted to continue to take things slow and leave his jeans on, then he should have communicated that to Sarah. The expectation of sex is the elephant in the room (er, fantasy suite), so he should have used some common sense and had the balls to have that conversation with Sarah. And he didn't work too hard to change her mind during the dumping, either. I'm no fan of Sarah, but it looks like she might have dodged a non-communicative bullet.
  13. Very cringeworthy scene: Michelle is feeling exceptionally bad for herself because she hasn't latched on to a guy yet. Sarah then gets asked on a date by one of the guys (can't remember his name). Michelle's voiceover says, "I'm the only girl here without a guy on her arm." The camera then pans over to Sarah and her date walking away. Sarah, with ONE ARM. Maybe it's me, but I think the troll-y show editors did that on purpose. I mean, these are the same geniuses behind the raccoon convo.
  14. I think Paola is playing a part....or maybe she's got drugs on board. She's way too hyper, aggressive, and "I want to lick it off you"?? She's what my mother would call "a horndog." The word "like" comes out of her loud mouth way too much. Her gravelly voice and "Whoo-Hoo Girl" persona grated on my nerves within the first few seconds of her intro video. Also, I bet she's older than she says. The fact that she said, "You can all call me Pow Pow" would make me NEVER call her Pow Pow. Frankie's sister Ariana doesn't get much attention from people in my age group (unless they have children who like her, I guess). At first, I thought that he was embellishing details about his sister's level of fame, but previous posters have helped me understand that she does have a following. Frankie has that same eyebrow thing as his sister does...it's not quite 'surprise,' and not quite 'coy'...I have no clue, but it's something. Joey -- too political, comes on way too strong, stop with that hair. Please calm down a bit. Glad that Devin has a job appearing under his name (motorcycle sales). That "I'm a single dad" song (with sad violin accompaniment) is very overplayed on reality tv...thanks, Bachelorette for starting that trend. And bless Devin's heart for giving Donny a fist-bump and "you lookin' good, man" when the houseguests were clad in bathing suits. Donny seems like a Good Ol' Boy, and I was thankful when he agreed to team up with Devin --- that showed me that he may look like Duck Dynasty, but he may not be bigoted like they are...I couldn't take another season of prejudice poison. Nicole seems like a sweet, simple person. Cody is just itching to be part of a Bro Pack, you can just tell. I don't understand exactly why Amber threw the competition...but it wouldn't be the first timeI have mild confusion about BB. So, maybe she'll be a good game-player (even though I didn't catch onto the reasoning).
  15. I could have gone without her sitting on the "futuristic toilet" and explaining (complete with hand motions) the water and air jets.
  16. Thanks for the link to the Black Hole Sue reference. No one has called Carla out on her OJ-drinking. I'm sure someone is going to start realizing that her headache excuse is overused, and Carla would never turn down red wine with regularity.
  17. Maddie is such a drain. And I'm disappointed in Sophie for being such a puppy dog, just trotting alongside Maddie and her nonsense. Maria's texts "from Kirstie" -- bizarre. One minute Fizz and Tyrone are scared to death and locking themselves in the house....the next minute they're fine enough to leave the kids with loopy Maria so they can have a night out.
  18. Oh, and I nearly died the other day watching the scenes with Anna and Phelan! He is a disgusting person, and I was surprised that Anna agreed to all of that. I know she loves Owen...but still. And I was waiting for Phelan to reveal that he had a hidden camera or something. Gross. Still surprised Carla's going through with this pregnancy... And I agree with you about Michelle. She's a nag.
  19. Just like Carla said herself, I cannot imagine her being a mum. I'm surprised she hasn't been heavily complaining about having to stop drinking wine. I do wonder if there will be a miscarriage storyline (SL), as I can't see how the Carla-Peter/Carla-Underworld/Carla-Rob plots will be spiced up with the introduction of an infant. Plus, I have a soft spot for Simon, and he doesn't need to see his sometimes-aloof father fawning over a new step-sibling. And I guess Tina and Peter are definitely over, since Michelle Keegan is leaving Corrie soon. Or, was the pregnancy test a false negative, and she will skip town with Peter's bun in the oven?! Sad to see Stella go, btw.
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